Ain't you sick of pretending only white folks are racist against against Blacks? Just because Black people aren't the only ones mistreated in the A-rab world DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.:smt039
[Editor’s note: Sudanese president, Omar al-Bashir granted an exclusive interview to workshop attendees at Saviours’ Day 2007 at Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI, in a live-interactive satellite video conference February 23 with members of the Nation of Islam and reporters. He addressed several issues including the present stand off concerning the UN peace-keeping forces. This coverage is reprinted from Vol. 26, No. 22 of The Final Call newspaper.] "Talk of Arabs killing Blacks is a lie,” said Pres. Bashir in what may have been the first inter-active video conference between an African head of state with a Black group in this country. “The government of Sudan is a government of Blacks, with all different ethnic backgrounds,” he continued. “We’re all Africans. We’re all Black." People need to realize converting to Islam doesn't make one Arab, no matter how frequently or passionately the claimants claim - the Arab language and culture encompasses a rather specific ethnicity.
How you could construe anything I've said as 'only whites are racist against blacks' is puzzling. Must have something to do with your perpetual victimology.
In Libya converting to Islam means nothing to those rebels,they see your skin and that's it you're dirt. No doubt they throw away their Korans since they think its tainted. Farahkhan will not save single member of his group since they hanged with Khadafy. He will make them martyrs.
I was googling information about the HOuse of Saud sex trade and lookie what I found: SMH
Axum,I will not be surprised if the Saudis dips in deep chocolate since they do things with impunity there.
Yep, Prince Bandar's mother was a Sudanese sex slave..... But what really irks me is that their are 16 African nations that are recognizing the NTC as the official government while at the same time the rebels are busy ethnically cleansing all Black Africans who have lived Libya BEFORE the Arabs step foot. Thank goodness Zuma and the AU are not recognizing the NTC at the moment. They forget that Gaddafi was using his money by keeping the Sahel and other African nations from a civil war. I have also looked at pictures of the rebels and I have yet to see ONE dark-skinned Libyan amongst them, from the top to the bottom. In Gaddafi's government their WERE darker-skinned officials who would be called "Black" in the West in positions of power. In Gaddafi's Libya he did favored blacks to a degree by opening up the borders to allow migrant workers to live in Libya, but the racist Arabs rejected and lynched them. Gaddafi also wanted consolidarity between blacks and Arabs but the Arabs were not listening. He praised Obama by calling him a "African brother" and Africa should welcome seee how that turned out. More and more Obama is looking more like a stooge by his handlers by launching missiles in Libya but doing NOTHING for the people of Cote d'Ivoire. The UN stepped in, AFTER the death toll was nearly 500. Can Black people EVER catch a break!?
Quadaffi told a room full or white leaders in rome that they should stop letting monkeys from Africa into their countries.
Dude its true, I rarely if ever have seen either racial or national pride in regards to blacks. Outside forces just won't let it happen
Non Black people around the world are killing one another in civil wars and thoughtless ghetto crime. Look at mexico for example...or Russia... Do they "hate one another"........???????????????????????? Do the people that blow themselves up and take innocent members of their own race hate themselves???? There is NOTHING in the Black ghetto that isn't happening in non-Black ghettos..