Libya: Dangerous for Black Men

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    It's actually "abd", which is formally used for submission to God. In some states like Mauritania, abd is colloquially used for black (slave) or more precisely, African. "Saqaliba" is Arabic for slave, just like "slave" in English refers to Slavs, Russians, Czechs, Croats, etc. The equivocation of black and slave is a very recent development. Its just not true that Arabs are fundamentally racist against blacks. The people we call "Arabs" generally aren't Arabs in terms of ethnicity. In many respects they're the very "slaves" from times past whose ancestors were taken as wives and concubines. A Bedouin from Yemen is likely to be as dark as any African.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's a strange feeling to be at once both sad AND happy when reading a negative thread!!:smt110

    Thank you, Tarshi.:prayer::smt050
  3. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Yes I have. I lived in the region for three years, worked with many Africans while I was there and my bf came to visit often.
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    So are Bedouins from the UAE and Oman. Omanis are very dark and their traditional dress is very African in the way it looks. People from Oman that I met were the most amazing, friendly people. I love that place and want to go back there to live.
  5. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member

    "abd" is the singular for "abeed" (which is the plural, meaning slaves). In my own travels to several Arabic countries over the years, I must say that I found their culture to be very racist. Saudi Arabia was perhaps the worst
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  7. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Racist how? Damn near everybody in the Hejaz is brown-dark brown. Now if you were talking places like Cairo I might just agree with you.

    Explain ya' self
  8. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    I know a few Nigerians who visit UAE on the regular. Oddly, they never have these stories of rampant racism.
  9. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member

    It is not about that. People that are BLACK (African) are treated very badly there. By our standards here in the US I know that may sound strange, but it is true. They also treat Bengalis very bad too. I am not speaking about what I heard. I am speaking from what I have seen and experienced from living there.

    Next time you get a chance, ask your Nigerian friends about Arab racism against blacks. I'd be curious to see what they tell you.

    One of the biggest myths going around nowadays is that "colored people" all love each other or something.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Jehosefats doesn't even have to ask the Nigerians....

    All he has to do is approach an A-rab woman(like they do BW all the time)...they'll teach his Black ass a lesson he won't soon

    All "people of color" joining hands to sing Kumbaya is a scenario played out only in the mind of the negro.

    The same negro that can hear a WM whisper nigger on the other side of the Galaxy...can't hear an A-rab or a Mexican yell nigger into a megaphone 3 inches from his empty head.

    Quadaffi in a recent speach in Rome before a room full of white leaders warned them of letting MONKEYS from AFRICA into their Countries.

    Not a WORD from FairyCon...Jesse...Al...or any of the Black that been a White boy saying that...LOOK OUT.
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Lol...all in a days work Andre
  12. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    You might as well save the effort FH. People here ain't trying to hear it. Too many people living in a fantasy world on this forum. I understand why the WW here might want to defend Arabs because those motherfuckers kiss up to them (white people), so they naturally assume that they could never treat anybody else with contempt. However, it always kills me to hear other black people spouting this "we are the world" bullshit when it comes to people who DESPISE Negroes. The anti-black sentiment is real and ubiquitous in the Arab world. I was doing a search on some old articles on the insurgency in Iraq yesterday because of a debate I've been having about the war with a friend, and I ran across this shit:

    As soon as I saw this shit, I thought of some of the responses in this thread. Those Arab motherfuckers were more angry about the fact that there were black soldiers in their country than they were at the white corporatists who decided to run up in their shit and destroy the infrastructure in their country to take over their natural resources.

    I don't understand how some people can function with such a naive outlook on the world. Shit's dangerous for a brother if he's going to walk around assuming that most people got nothing against him when the opposite is true.

    Oh and on a side note, I got to co-sign that shit you wrote about Middle Eastern fools and BW to tenth power. Those motherfuckers LOVE fucking dumb sistas on the low, but if a brother tries to step to one of their broads, he's essentially asking to beaten or killed by an angry mob of her male relatives and friends.
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    When they're not defending A-rabs they're defending Mexican illegals...ironically two the most anti-black races on earth.

    We seem stuck on silly when it comes to racism from non-whites.

    I dont know if it's the cell phone ink...or flouridated water....but negros are dumber now than EVER.

    The Cherokee just kicked out all their Black members...not a PEEP from Farrakahn...Al Sharpton...or Rev Jesse.

    Here is a joke I heard a while back:

    A white guy and a Brother join the same mosque..on the same day...

    One year later..

    The white guy is the Iman and the Brother is the Janitor.
  14. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    See how you included Bengalis? That's the thing: it has almost nothing to do with phenotypes. Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, etc are all treated the same way - with scorn.

    And another thing is the darker indigenous types in places like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Bedouins in Saudi Arabia are treated the same way as Sudanese in the cities of Egypt. Often people who are themselves ostensibly black go out of their way to deride others who look very similar. This has more to do with classism than a culture of racism.

    I have no delusions about color constructs in the Muslim world. I know my history. But when people go around saying Arabs or Arab culture is fundamentally racist against blacks, admittedly, I find it ridiculous, for the simple fact that such a huge proportion of these societies are "black" themselves. All their divisive behavior could be attributed to a rank chauvinism, xenophobia, lineage, class, etc - not a categorical racism against blacks. There's no history there to substantiate a de facto anti-black sentiment.

    The example "abd" or "abeed", for instance, is something both regional and new. When the slaves were mostly of eastern European origin the Arabic word for slave was "Saqaliba" (like virtually everybody else surrounding the Mediterranean), which remains the formal term. When the slaves were then mostly African, colloquially it became "abeed." They didn't associate eastern Europeans with slaves out of racism. Nor would I say this is necessarily the case with blacks. If this were fundamentally a culture of racism against blacks, why do they have such pre-Islamic heroes as Antar the Lion?


    If it were true they were anti-black, how is it the last Imam of Mecca (from the Hawilah clan of Central Arabia) looked like this:



    In reality its far more nuanced than 'Arabs hates blacks'.
  15. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Just your luck, you're talking to a guy who dated a readhaired Arab/Egyptian girl for close to two years, chummy with her family and everything. No honor killings or any crazy shit. Step your game up, playboy.
  16. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Most folks don't know that the Arabs played a HUGE part in the slave trade.
  17. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Right, both the Black Sea and trans-Saharan slave trades. They had very little involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. That was mostly between Africans and Europeans.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I can show you pictures of a black president and many wealthy Black Americans.....but.........does that mean Whites are not racist????

    C'mon now...

    You NEED to read Arab writer ADMITTING they are "racist to the bones":

  19. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    Sounds like confirmation bias. Ain't you sick of the woe is me? Its wrong to say just African foreigners or black indigenes are the only ones mistreated in the Arab world.
  20. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Must not be a problem when you hardly see this mentioned in the media. The arabs can slaughter blacks in the Sudan by the millions, and deny blacks humanitarian aid in Somalia due to the famine and not a mention by this nation's black leadership. Wait tell the rise of the new extreme racism in the radicalize Arab World take root after they get rid of the Jews. The next they will get rid of is the "inferior blacks" (in their minds). Where is Farrakan to speak out on this racism in the Arab World? Blacks in this country had better wake up to the dangers on the horizon from the rise of new racism be it in the Arab World and what will come out of Latin America as this nation's demographic change. As white racism is pushed to the background, other new forms of racism will take it's place. Dayum, the whole world is indeed racists. Tell that to the many who have closed minds.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011

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