Black Comedian Kicked Off Flight Over Not Making Room For White Lady

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  2. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Fucked up incident but this wasn't a racial situation.
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I can't fucking stand flight attendants

    United Air Cabin Crew Thinks Books About
    Old Airplanes Signify A Security Threat


    Vance Gilbert
    Last week, folk singer and aviation enthusiast Vance Gilbert thought he'd pass the time on his United Airlines flight from Boston to Washington, DC, by perusing some books about old aircraft. This was apparently enough to set off alarm bells among the flight crew, who had the plane return to the gate where Gilbert was met by the authorities.

    From a copy of the letter Gilbert sent to United, the ACLU and posted on his website:

    After the doors were closed the flight attendant came down the aisle checking security buckling, bag clearance etc., and asked if she could put my fanny pack above me in the overhead bin. I replied to her that I'd be fine just stuffing it next to my back-pack under seat in front of me as it contained my wallet etc and that I'd rather have it near. She seemed fine with that resolution... All that was done without consternation or belligerence, and I thought nothing of it.

    Now, I am a musician by trade and an amateur aviation historian, studying mostly European transport aircraft between WW 1 and WW 2, and some after. I was on my way to two different music festivals. When I travel I delve into reading about this era of aviation. I had taken out and was reading a book of Polish Aircraft circa 1946 and I was also looking at views of an Italian aircraft from 1921.

    I think you see where this is going...

    The plane went all the way out to the take-off point, in the queue for take-off. All the while I noticed a lot of phone pinging back and forth between the flight attendants. The young woman flight attendant was also crouched next to and conversing seriously to a dead-heading pilot about 4 seats up on the other side. The plane then proceeded to turn around and head all the way back to the gate. Once at the gate, the jet bridge was positioned. The Captain announced, "We have a minor issue, and we will continue our departure once it's resolved." He left the aircraft.

    After about 5-10 minutes, 2 Mass State Policemen, 1 or 2 TSA Agents... come down the aisle and motion me to get off of the plane. I do not remember if they called me by name. We stepped out into the breezeway where one of the State policemen asked how I was doing that day.

    I replied, "Sir, I think you're going to tell me I could be doing much better..."

    Policeman: "Did you have a problem with your bag earlier?"

    Me: "No sir, not at all. The flight attendant wanted it secured elsewhere other than behind my feet, and I opted to put it under the seat in front of me. It's my wallet, even though there's only 30 bucks in it..."

    Policeman: "Sir, were you looking at a book of airplanes?"

    Me: "Yes sir I was. I'm a musician for money, but for fun I study old aircraft and build models of them, and the book I was reading was of Polish Aircraft from 1946."

    Policeman: "Would you please go get that book so that i can see it?"

    I go back onto the plane — all eyes are on me like I was a common criminal. Total humiliation part 2.

    After a couple of minutes he says, "Why, this is all Snoopy Red Baron stuff..."

    Me: "Yes sir, actually the triplane you see is Italian, from 1921 a little after World War 1...."

    Policeman: "No problem here then, you can go on back on to the plane, sorry to inconvenience you....and have a nice flight."

    We were now at least, after re-queuing, over an hour late. No one looked me in the eye, flight attendants, passengers. I missed my next connection, and had to cancel that portion of the flight... rent a car ($270) plus fuel ($30) to my work (lost 1/2 wages = $100), and I was afraid to read for the next two flights...

    What's my take-away from this experience as a taxpayer, United Airlines patron, Black Man, teacher, mentor, American? I was brokenhearted and speechless as I overheard my friend's wife try to explain to her kids what happened and what he and I were talking about over dinner. They never did get why.
  4. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    How would you know -- were you there???

    The Kid Rasta
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    were you? ;)
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Dude was being an asshole IMO.

    A late arriving passenger needs a place to store her oversized bag and 'genius Negro' thinks it's a personal affront to ask him to remove his single HAT and computer bag from his overhead storage to accommodate this other passenger.

    What did he think the flight attendant was going to do, throw his hat and computer bag in the aisle??

    People act ignorant and are surprised when people check them on it.

    I've gotten out of my assigned seat on an airline and switched with passengers so that a mother and child or a couple could sit closer together.

    This dickhead tried to lodge a formal complaint against the flight attendant because he thought they were 'giving him dirty looks'???


    Rosa Parks my ass.:roll:
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is going to get on her soapbox for just a minute concerning the overhead bin...the damn bin is for luggage...not a place to lay your coat out or a bunch of small bags that obviously fit under the damn seat in front of you...smdh

    every person getting on a plane these days should do so with a positive attitude...don't drag everything but the kitchen sink on the damn plane...respect the rules...

    being confrontational on an airplane is unacceptable on all levels

    if you have a complaint deal with it at the end of your flight at customer service...when delivering that complaint do so with intelligence or you may be written off as being an asshole/bitch...
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    What stands out to me if that he said he was in seat 12F, so near the front of the plane. They probably started opening the forward bins trying to fit in the last person's stuff. They aren't going to start in the back for sure, that would be ignorant. They probably saw the hat and that would be the most movable thing in there vs the carryon luggage pieces. They didn't throw his stuff away right?? They asked to move it.

    Everyone who is a paying customer has a right to stow up to the allowed amount. That means people need to be agreeable to some inconvenience so everyone who pays will fit. Even the last one to board should be allowed to store their luggage the same as the premier customers such as him, that boarded first.

    I think he's out of line.....just my opinion based on what we know.
  9. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I agree with you both. The flight attendent didn't actually make him move his bag & hat. Yeah, she may have been upset but, by not letting it go and, calling to see the head flight attendent he made it worse and, opened things up for her to get back at him, if that's what she was doing.
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Exactly. Even by his own blog account of the incident I failed to find something specifically racist or related to his being a comedian, both of which are mentioned in the title of this thread.

    Andreboba - I agree with you too!
  11. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Man Kicked Off Flight Over Not Making Room For Woman

    Man Kicked Off Flight Over Not Making Room For Woman

  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    kid rasta race baiting agenda as always
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I fly a lot, a lot.
    Most of the time, they specifically ask you to save the over head space for roll-aboards and hold off to put up hats, coats etc until the larger items are stowed and put smaller items such as computer bags under the seat in front of them. Rarely if ever is it not mentioned on full flights.

    Having that said, if someone is late, and there is not over head space, they usually just demand that this person gate check their bag. They don't have time to go find space and rearrange. Unless they know the passenger, they wont take time to find your late ass a spot.

    I think this was a case of favoritism because the stewardess knew the person, not about color. I see that type of stuff frequently on planes - its clear they know the person and someone that has stowed hats/coats and handbags etc get asked to move their stuff to under the seat in front of them.
  14. Joseph00

    Joseph00 New Member

    Agreed. I also find it really disrespectful to compare himself to Rosa Parks.
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    This mofo compared himself to Rosa Parks?!?!:smt043
  16. dafty pukk

    dafty pukk New Member


    The obvious difference being that the OP never made ANY attempt to label the incident racist or otherwise, the person he responded to did.

    The OP merely relayed the title of the article and a link to it.

    To be quite honest, we don't know the OP's position yet, since the OP hasn't made it known, less we be presumptuous and assume he agrees with the comedians contention. Which wouldn't be fair.

    Emphatically stating that it WASN'T a racial incident however, does beg the question of whether or not the person making that statement witnessed the event or has any more information than the rest of us do.

    It's a fair question for the OP to ask.

    - Daft
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    "Black" Comedian Kicked Off Flight Over Not Making Room For "White" Lady

    the headline by the OP gave away his intent:smt017the lights are on but nobody is home
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Dude, really...
    You don't think we are familiar w his posts? This board is not that big. His M.O. is well know around here, our assumption was obviously not based solely on this post, even if it is clear based on how he write the title.

    Your brand new and think you are a better judge of the OP that people that been around and seen his posts??? That is just odd.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Do you realize how foolish (a.k.a daft) you sound in this post?

    It's obvious the OP sees it as a racial incident, otherwise he wouldn't have titled the thread the way he did.

    It's silly for you to lecture folks who've been here long enough to know who's who & what's what considering you've only been here for a minute. :rolleyes:
  20. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    And it's a fair question for me to ask in turn, seeing that none of us were present for said incident, and the majority of us clearly saw it in a different light than the comedian and the OP.

    Maybe, before you go questioning some of us, you take a minute to familiarize yourself with the board and the people here, as has already been suggested by some of the other veteran posters.


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