I'll be offline tomorrow and I'm about to leave tonight so I can't go too far in detail into this, but the Department of Labor released their jobs report this morning, showing that we've added no new net jobs for the month. This is bad news for people who are looking for temporary work, graduate students, or people who are currently unemployed. At this point, do you think we should keep Obama in office in 2012, or vote for an unknown Independent candidate. Don't consider Republicans or the Tea Party what so ever. Edit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/02/obama-jobs-speech_n_947181.html Giving some recognition to Craig Maltby, from Des Moines, Iowa. http://community.nytimes.com/commen...ed-states-showed-no-job-growth-in-august.html
What can he do now? Will throwing a bone at the conservatives like tax reform, getting rid of more regulations that hinder private business growth help him or will more spending of federal dollars in stimulus projects be the answer?
IMO, both parties, corporate America, and at its very essence, greed share blame for the current and foreseeable future state of America's economic/employment situation. Right, wrong, or indifferent, America has morphed into the virtual shark... something you dread as a diver, surfer, or swimmer, something you love, as a supplier to the connoisseurs of a certain soup, and something you're concerned about, if you're into conservationism and the balance of nature. I find it comical and somewhat unbelievable that Obama can be singled out and blamed as the culprit for policies and programs that have been years in the making. All of the rhetoric coming out of the Republican and (if you want to consider them a separate entity)Tea Parties, suggesting that Obama had/has a magic wand to do/undo legislation enacted under Reagan, and two weeds, er um, Bushes to create jobs while simultaneously calling for smaller government, the largest employer of American citizens. And we have quickly forgotten that the Clinton administration erased a national deficit only to see that surplus erased during Bush Jr's tenure or was that another paper tiger? Obama promised a "Change" that he could not deliver. IMO, America's foundation and founding have nothing to do with the facades of "freedoms" as common citizens perceive them or change as common citizens want them, but more/most the protection of business interests. The "outs" and "offs" are in - outsourcing and offshore leading the list of erosion of the American Dream. Courts protect Walmart and its ilk. Am I the only person to find it odd that even in our current misery, banks, utilities, investment entities, and major corporations, etc are still posting massive profits and that current rhetoric from those opposed to "change" seek to further protect those already privileged entities? Under the banner of Terrorism, civil liberties have eroded, and America grumbled a little but for the most part accepted their "new" limitations accepting the fear from and protection of the masses from fanatics, and America remained/remains silent as strip searches and profiling became a norm. For fear of becoming "Socialists", new health care legislation has been continuously been attacked... Unions have had their influence eroded legislatively and manufacturers have taken their operations out of the America. And common America grumbles... Corporate mergers result in profits for the buyer, seller and investor, but result in lost jobs and higher prices for at the bottom of consumer food chain. Oil companies continue to post record profits and take advantage of every excuse to raise prices. If the wind blows in Libya, there's am immediate increase at American pumps, even while the the wind had no effect... Banks have found new ways to extract money from clients, with new fees that skirt new regulations, and we won't even talk about how much real estate they've repossessed in the mortgage mess. And nobody seems to notice how much in taxes America's top grossing 100 companies paid or didn't pay... Current employment projections, depending on who you believe, say things won't get better before 2017, and that's just an educated guess... And America still remains silent, while clinging to the "Dream"... We blame each other, immigrants, minorities, the young, the elderly, the system, and Obama... So much for change...
This country is filled with nothing but gutless pathetic whining pussies that will do nothing even when they start snatching people from their homes. I guarantee this will become another Nazi Germany. We are slow and don't want to learn lessons. So like my grandmother use to say "If you don't listen your ass will feel" America is done. It's time to jump ship if you can and bow down to the corporate masters. I use to think we could revolt and take our country back but there is no WE in this country. Everyone is still divided by race religion and other immature bs. We will keep fighting amongst ourselves(truthfully put the blame on right wing white people since they forever love drawing a line in the sand) while we get fucked. EVERYBODY LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN. GET THE FUCK OUT AMERICA IS DONE.
Well said, I don't have much else to say. I'm hoping that I can have a sustainable standard of living by the time I'm actually an "adult" and have the ability to pay my bills, have a life, etc. I believe with some Republicans (more are probably motivated by race), the resentment against Obama is not necessarily about his racial identity. Bill Clinton had to deal with resistance from them when the economy was poor in the 1990s. I remember that half-way into his term, the GOP took control of the House, but the economy still improved well enough during his tenure. With Obama, the issue is the same, but the path to a recovery is more complicated. And Andrae, it's not just America that's in a mess because other industrialized countries aren't faring well. So leaving isn't necessarily going to solve the problem, which is the global economy and not just America. Here's a comment that someone wrote which uplifts Obama: http://www.reuters.com/article/comments/idUSTRE77U40T20110901