Racism and sexism: how are they different?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Nerdy Girl, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dime store psychology anyone? lol
    I'm not pathological just impassioned. I don't back down if I think I am right but am more than happy to concede when I am wrong. I have done it numerous times on here. I've done it with both of you so I don't get where this idea of me going off the deep end comes from lol.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Do you ever think that what you are impassioned about might not be all that big of a deal to others? And once you do realize it, you might, just might go a little overboard in trying to get them to be the same way? Just a thought......
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Damn you're seething! You need to take a chill pill old timer, I was just jokin around with ya.;)
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ra you're invested in seeing me a particular way and that's cool fam but when someone makes a statement I don't agree with I'll debate them. Trix and DB often go overboard on their feminist ideals but no one calls them troubled because they are impassioned about what they talk about. I don't agree and a lot of times I just let them speak amongst themselves. I don't see why I get singled out. Like I tell anyone who has a problem with the way I carry myself on here just put me on ignore. It cost you nothing to pay me no mind. No hard feelings, we'll all live to see another day.
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Son, are you from the suburbs or something? Because if you really think I took or take you seriously in any way, then you need to get out and see the world some. :rolleyes:
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I am so what's your point exactly?
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dre, I don't have a problem with you son, but you take shit on this forum waaay to seriously. People single you out because you tend to go overboard way more than others. We are not saying to you you can't have your POV, but son, please don't take shit that is said to or about so personal. If what some says is not true just shake that shit off. You always try to play "logical" but you have just admitted you are impassioned. It all good, son. It's not that serious chill. That's why I don't get into high minded topics too often or at all. It's not worth the drama & stress on the internet. I deal with that daily in real life & just come here to chill. Again just me, but not saying you are not allowed your opinion, just dude don't take this shit seriously as you do.
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Okay, let's get this thread a bit back on track. I have a story for you all. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that big of a deal, but when you add up all of these little instances, it becomes apparent that we still live in a male-dominated society.

    I work for a manufacturing company. Mostly men work there. I've never had a direct problem with the men. They're all well-behaved in front of the women.

    Anyway, long story short, we have a water cooler in our cafeteria. It was directly next to a table that had a couple of community computers on it. It's usually not a big deal, until the warehouse guys come in on their breaks and one uses the computer and the others sit at the table directly behind the computers looking at the computers.

    Anyway, if you want to get water, then you have to basically shove your ass in these guys' faces when they're sitting there. Not something I'm particularly comfortable doing. And I'm not the only one. Even guys feel weird doing it. So, I finally talked to the Facilities Manager about it: older guy who loves to joke around all the time.

    He moved it for me to a less conspicuous place and made sure that none of the guys made comments, etc before making fun of me for my request. He was pretty bad about it for the rest of the day. Laughing when he saw me, etc.

    It's just stuff like this that just lets you all know that women still aren't totally respected in the workplace.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    That you & he if he is from the suburbs, take shit that shouldn't be looked at that seriously too serious. He obviously thinks I take him & his little jabs seriously. Ego much?
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But what does being from the suburbs have to do with? I work damn hard to stay here brotha.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Remember how you where trying to say I was the one that was uptight? Well here you are being uptight right now. The point I was making again in detail and not making a dig or anything with this: I live in the suburbs myself, but grew up in "the hood", so some of the things that most people who have lived here in the suburbs get uptight about or look at more seriously, I & most people I know who have not lived in the suburbs most of our life don't get uptight about or take some things seriously. Different outlook on how one sees things & deals with things. just a general statement. If not true in your case or Iggy's then fine. No harm done unless you generally think I was being insulting. And if so my apologies. Understand?
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fam apology accepted but you come from the place where life is so cheap mothafukas snatch someone's life for stepping on sneakers and looking at you the wrong way. Talk about taking shit overboard and too seriously lol.
    Just saying...

    Btw the burbs is where are all the white women are at ya dig :smt114
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Fake ass suburban mothafuckas

    only thing poppin around here are USA polo (not even Ralph Lauren) collars
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Exactly why I got out & why I when possible encourage others I know here & back where I grew up with potential to get out of that environment & make a mark.

    Yeah. The white women are here. :cool:
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    At white girls!!!! Holla
    Not to mention no loud music
    Clean streets and most importantly NO NIGGAS
    I've said it once and I'll say it forever fuck the hood
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    People in the hood don't take things seriously?!?!? Bwhahaha is that why the crime rates/murder rates are so high there?:smt042
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    How old are you? Seriously? You act like you're in junior high school with this shit.

    When you grow up in a bad neighborhood aka "the Hood" and see & experience stupid shit on a daily, once you move from the hood into a suburban neighborhood you don't look at certain things a certain way or take certains things too seriously like you would if you had grown up in the suburbs. This is how I KNOW you have to be a black guy who grew up & lived in the suburbs. Your attitude & focus on certain things is exactly the same as most of the high school aged white dudes that live around my way. It's also why some people, myself included, have gone out of our way and said you were "white". Notice that you are the only lame ass going out of his way to attempt to take shots at me over what exactly? That's classic lame ass suburban white dude tactics. Just saying.

    And "No", I don't think you're white before you stupidly try to make something of that. SMDH.
  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Huh? JR High school shit? DUde, I was once again jokin around with ya gramps.:smt042

    I thought it was funny that you were trying to take a dig at suburban folks by calling them uptight, so I came back at you and took a dig at folks from the hood and their high crime rates.
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Okay? :confused: Since I don't live in the hood, I don't get how it was even a dig or even funny. Clearly only someone who had the good fortune to not be raised in a low income environment would find humor in that somehow. As I pointed out, this is why you get called "white" by some here because for some of us this is exactly the kind of attitude that most privileged white people have towards black people and minorities in general.

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