I'm just poking the bears. Someone pointed out the lady who is with Flo Rida. I mean no one will say Flo has millions.........she is only there for the money, because she is European. :smt079
They did point out the fact that he's wealthy, young, and is still having to reach all the way to Europe because he couldn't find a gold digger closer to home.
I'm surprised it lasted.I thought she would have left him after being fired from NBC and his wife taking most of his money .It looks like no NFL team will pick him up and shes still hanging in there
I TOTALLY agree with you. For all we know, his wife could have gotten pregnant by another man. Laryn Hill did that recently, got pregnant when she was with this one rapper. He left her while she was pregnant and everyone pointed the finger at him. She eventually admitted that her ex wasn't the father.
yeah, Im sure everyone stated "well he should have stayed with her anyway..that is what a real man do."
Most women don't walk away from a marriage while they're pregnant. I cannot imagine a lonelier feeling in the world that having your husband leave you for another woman while you're pregnant.
Whatever. Not sure what the going rate is for a 24 year old blonde wife in New York City, but can't imagine it to be less than six figures a year. Good luck.
I certainly don't think that anyone should suffer abuse at the hands of another. In this case, it seems that he was a victim of his whims, but we really don't know the full story. It does appear that he has born the weight of his decisions of several fronts, a costly divorce settlement, the loss of a media career and perhaps the inability to earn an income at football. IMO, I'm not in the position to wish him less happiness in life because of his mistake. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Of course that's what you took from the post lol. I meant women never being outed for cheating. We know that they do.
LOL, I thought of you when I read his post earlier... That language is right up your alley, no? Meh, maybe Mikey is right..some peeps get a PIP (pass in posts).
Oc c'mon Andrae, you can't be serious. They get outed all the damn time. Do you not read the gossip rags??!
Glad someone else sees that and its not just crazy drae complainig lol. quick question. As a woman would you suggest a man talk to other men on how to get the woman he wants or other women? And you can only pick one.
But its never paraded as this big betrayal like I see with the men. I'm sure female readership fuels it too. Men generally don't care enough to make it a big deal I guess.
Oh wow, that's a toughie. If I had only one choice...I'd say other men. But only if the guy is good at his game, pulling the chicks, then definitely that guy is the go-to man. I say this as well, because men study women...and well, women are too busy studying men. I think if I wanted to catch a guy, I'm not asking the least expert at doing it...I'm going to ask my fellow ladies...right?
And..........Jada Pinkett ..........Britney Spears..........J Lo.........Tori Spelling. DK needs a Dr to check out his selective memory problems. Oh whoa is us men we are picked on so. :smt022