lol just being a woman is more than enough sex appeal for alot of men at work no matter how "presentable" she is.
It's a damned stupid thing to use sex appeal at work. These days, it's likely to get you an appointment with Human Resources and a serious black mark on your record. It's no more acceptable than sexually harassing a co-worker, and in fact can be seen that way by some. It is totally unprofessional Work isn't a singles bar, and it shouldn't be treated that way. Of course men and women are going to find one another attractive, but you take it right outside the business. And you do not, regardless of temptation, flirt with anyone in your direct line of report, above or below you, or anyone you work with directly. Lessons from 20+ years spent in corporate America. (BTW, note that meeting the "beauty standard" to make yourself socially acceptable - fancy hair, hose, designer suits, make up, jewelry, etc. also represents a "penalty" that women have to pay out of their already less than equal salaries. I'm not arguing against those things, I'm just noting their impact on women's budgets. Even drycleaning a woman's button down shirt costs more than dry cleaning a men's button down shirt. Pleated skirts have a per pleat cost on top of the normal dry cleaning cost, which is higher for a woman's suit than a man's)