You have officially made a black man blush. Although i'm not feeling particularly attractive at the moment, I would consider taking a picture and posting it..if at least 2 or more of you will do the same
I throughly enjoy making black men blush & I must say I'm rather good at it. I'll take a pic today & post it up - there's a pic of me, taken last week, in the proof picture thread. Since you're asking so nicely I'm certain some of the other ladies will happily oblige
No ma'am..last week is not now in the moment. If you want me to take a pic right now looking as rough as I am, you must be subject to do the same (Not implying that you are looking rough mind you). :smt045
It looks like you are holding back a wonderful smile..where are the teeth? To be blessed with one makes it obligatory for you to share it. Gimme a second, I will take one..I apologize in advance for the roughness
you're sweet & very kind...apologies are totally unnecessary; many of us ladies never mind when a man is a little rough looking, especially when he's so cute