The Negative Thread

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by vanilla2chai, Aug 25, 2011.

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  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    But he's good looking...that's generally an equalizer. So why do guys often lament that "all the good guys/nice guys finish last?" :eek:
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Well, well, how does a woman get past the illusion!
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I do try to keep a sense of humor about life. I'm completely irreverent. :smt026:smt026
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    In the F community - that word people don't like to hear, we have a running Nice Guy trademark reference. Usually means some dude who thinks he deserves a cookie for behaving like a decent human being towards women. If being "nice" and I use the quotation marks deliberately, doesn't result in women falling at his feet and offering up pussy, they make the assumption that women are all just bitchez after money and status.

    What it really turns out to be is that they *are not* nice guys, they are guys who think not being an utter douchebag means they should get all the top ranked women in the world, and that fake niceness is their own PU line. Tends not to work, because they've missed the point.
  5. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Let's say that I'm in the southwest. However, getting past the illusion is right in front of you. :D
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    recognize steel then mothafucka :eek:

    that song was about to bump that jawn tonight..thanks for the reminder NYC
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Didn't you tell me I cqnt tell you what women want so how can you tell me what men want? And truthfully men don't generally care about a woman's income since
    1. We aren't raised with the social conception that a womans salary will contribute to our lives. We are taught throw social cues that men take care of ourselves and rarely ask for help.

    2. Men are generally visual and notice your looks way before you're education and/or paycheck.

    Other men have posted this before on here(you guys love to use that line)

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Negro I got the shit you hold with two hands homie ya dig lol
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U kidding? In this day on age. Most men expect their wives to work and contribute. and rightfully so. If you mean in dating, sure but you should not as a man, contribute to a woman's life either. If you find a woman that expects that from you. RUN!
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They keep acting like all that shit is irrelevant when most of them would be wetter than a water fall after a rainstorm if a great looking successful guy with a good personality apporached them.

    I am really beginning to see more of what's going on here
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Trust me I agree but its never part of my selection process. At this point just be attractive intelligent and give me space. That's all I need and I'm golden. No emotional or financial support just have some laughs with me and i'll take care of the rest. Basically don't be an achor and you'll have a man that adores you and makes you a priority.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well Bookie and I were having a different discussion in that particular post.

    As for the original discussion, Andrae asked if wealth was an attractive quality. He didn't ask if it was the only one.

    But the responses were very clear...which was that the money a man makes does not factor in any shape or form in helping to decide on a relationship.

    In the sole example that was used where it might factor in (and later used to represent all the women in the forums thinking), it didn't even register in the "Top 10 Things I Want in a Mate". The top ten! I mean I have to ask - exactly how many other qualities are more important- does having a great income really fall below "#10: wears matching socks" lol?? I'm kinda sensing a bit of PC on it, that's all.
    Because it makes me wonder if two similarly, nice-personalitied men were genuinely wooing you, and one dined you at the local chinese takeout each night and rode you home on the bus while the other dined you at Le Bec Fin and drove you to your doorstep in a car each night, who would you gravitate towards?

    I do understand your point when you cite the proof is in the numbers of women who marry average-incomed men, but as Saty pointed out; "by sheer numbers alone most men and women are not wealthy". So just by economic dating pool choices, most women WILL end up meeting and marrying average-incomed men, even if their prefer it to be otherwise, no?

    I personally don't mind either way if a guy I like is wealthy or not, but I would never, ever knock a man's wealthiness down to be a negative..c'mon now. If he was wealthy, it would surely add to our life, not negate it OR our relationship, nor would I run from it based on a belief that he must be an asshole because he's well off.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    :smt081 @ 'F' community!
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I know you did.. but as it wasn't a part of the original issue, so I was just going back to that. And Drae did not ask if it was -he stated it was - and he has continued to do so - stack papers to get the girl you want....

    On the whole point of Saty's post and your last statement- that is my whole point and what I have been arguing all along - and that, is substantial in regards to what Drae is stating.

    Statistics prove him wrong in his "must stack papers".
    He even said that this is what he has to deal with dating and actually said it was the norm.
    Have you missed all those gazillion posts he has made on that subject.

    Right now I think he goes back and fort with that whole "stacking papers to get the girl you want" just look above on his latest post. That is the whole premise on my argument.
    Most women don't need you to stack papers to get her. They exist everywhere but it is not the average woman.

    Knocking wealth down to a negative?? where, I don't even recall that being a part of this discussion and it certainly has not had anything to do with mine.

    Right now, he has completely muddled the discussion and I don't know where his goal post is anymore. At this point, at least 4 people that has followed this discussion has mention that so I am not the only one.

    I think for the most part we are in agreement though.

    My only, and I state that again, only, mission if you will, in this is to clarify that the average woman don't need you to "stack the papers" to get her. That is all. Not about the personality traits of wealthy men, or the significance of stable economy in a relationship. I'm talking regular people in regular relationships and regular dating scenes with regular expectations.
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Ok, that response don't make sense in reference to my post. btw, why would you not havegive emotional support - I think that is the basis of any relationship. Oh edit - unless its a sexually based relationship.

    I think attractive, intelligent and giving you space is perfect. The rest will fall into place.
  16. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    A girl goes to sleep and wakes up and BOOM this thread has grown overnight!!!!!
  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Southwest. Colorado is the Southwest. :p
  18. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I'm not telling you what all men want. I'd be stunned to discover that a woman's income doesn't play into things in the same way in this economy. Two incomes are needed for a middle class lifestyle.

    Men may notice looks first - guess what? So do women. If you're standing in a bar or walking down the street, I have no clue how much money you make - but I sure as hell notice if you're hot.
  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    No one's saying "ewwww I would never date a successful man." They're saying that money isn't what they're looking for, it's personality.

    It's like...if a woman with a great personality, who was sexually attractive to you also happened to be a neurosurgeon with a successful practice, that would be a bonus, not the main thing.
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Don't worry Nerdy, we will persist. Hopefully you'll reconsider and post, or just lurk here to see what's going on.

    You also forgot to mention Goodlove, he's part of the BHMWHC too. He said that Inner Beauty was nasty or something in a thread about Kate Gosselin dating.
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