Figured I would say hello. I randomly stumbled across this site, browsed through a few threads and for the most part like what i've read. Needless to say, I LOVE me some beautiful white women . Looking forward to connecting with those of like mind, and engaging in stimulating conversation. Everyone be easy and take care. One love
Welcome bro! Thanks for serving! What service branch are you in? Since you are deployed to Okinawa, I would guess USMC or Navy.
I appreciate that my dude. I am in the Navy, though after deploying to an Air Force base..I realize I should have joined the damn Air Force. SMH
I'll run alright..right into the arms of one of these beautiful white women I appreciate the hospitality.
I love your positive vibe SKPI! Keep it up please. It is a vipers den around these here parts lately! :smt026
Hmmm. Rather unfortunate that it has been such lately. As far as i'm concerned, this should be sacred ground. The name of the website/forum is pretty self explanatory. Isn't this White Women, Black men .com? I can and will keep it up Vanilla Hello mama..with your goodlookin self :heart:..think I just got my first crush on the forum lol