Tough story. I was avoiding reading it because, I knew it woud be sad, hearing of a fellow sailor going down. I have two cats but, I've also heard dogs were more loyal. If I had a bigger yard, I'd probably get a dog also.
I saw a follow up to this story. The dog was willed to a friend of the fallen SEAL, also a SEAL, who cared for the pup when his owner was away. So pup has a new loving home with a guy he knows well, and I think that's the best outcome we could have hoped for.
^^^^^^^ Awwwwwww he will be very loved I am sure. If the guy willed him to someone, he knew he would love him :smt038
I like to think of myself as a pretty tough guy, but dayum this story brought a tear to my eye. Micheal Vick, this is why so many people still hate your guts. I have more feelings for an animal than for people.