DEBATE-Is it okay to hang out with your ex when you are in a relationship?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    So, in an attempt to be good since my break-up, I have been staying in and having my friends over instead of tearing up Boston. :D. The other night my best friend, who also is newly single, and I were watching TV and happened upon Basketball Wives, we decided to watch as Chad Ochocinco was on there. Here is the sceanario:

    Chad is engaged to Evelyn(who I hate), but had lunch with some woman he was previously involved with. Evelyn "happened" to drive by and see the dining duo. She questions Chad on what he was doing and who he was with. He tells the truth. She says that he is engaged and should cut off ties with other women. He says no he should not have to that because he isn't doing anything wrong. In her oh so classy way, Evelyn states, "Bitches don't care".

    My friend thought Chad was right. I thought Evelyn was right, but NOT for the reason she said. If feel that it is disrespectful to hang out with your exs when you are involved with someone else because you should respect your current partner. The exception being if you share kids with an ex. Thoughts?
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I thought you said you were done fuckin' up.

    It's ideas like this thread that will keep you fuckin' up.
  3. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Well, I think if Chad is going to do that he should invite Evelyn or it looks suspect. ;)
  4. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Yeah....I'm a bit bored :D
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  6. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    As I've said before, the difference between a partner who cheats and one who doesn't is not opportunity, it's honor.

    I have several exes that I still love dearly as people - but I have zero romantic/sexual interest in them. One of them has a girlfriend who is totally freaked out by him even emailing me - I'm 2000 miles away, and as I told her ages ago, if I were still interested in him, I'd not have moved out here (we ended the relationship when I moved, though he's been out here a couple of times since).

    One of the other guys I'm still quite close to is married to a woman who used to be horrendously jealous even of his female coworkers. That's why they broke up while they were dating - her jealousy. He and I hung together for about a year and a half, knowing it wasn't going to be a permanent thing, but really loving each other as people. Eventually, they got back together, and in the meantime, she'd grown the fuck up, gotten some therapy, and gotten over her jealousy. She and I became friends. At their wedding, she took the time to pull me aside and tell me she was sorry she had ever wasted time and energy being jealous of me, and that she was glad I was in her husband's life. I cried. She's a doll, and she totally gets that what her husband and I have is *nothing* like what they have, it's a completely different animal. I'm really glad, because I adore him as a person. And I'm thrilled he's married to a terrific woman who is secure enough in herself to trust her husband, herself, and their connection. I have come to love them both, and I'm glad they are both in my life.
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I thought you said you were done fuckin' up.

    It's ideas like this thread that will keep you fuckin' up.

    I am done fucking up. I said that is it NOT okay to hang with an ex. The excpetion being if you have kids and are forced to see the person. In my opinion, you are subtly telling your current partner you still feeling someothing for the ex and that is NOT OKAY.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I think in life and relationships when you are about to have to say to yourself what if this were turned around how would it feel if it were done to me? If you would be ok with someone doing to you what you are about to do to them.........then go for it. :smt102
  9. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I get what you are saying Pixie. I just would not do it because I respect my partner's feelings too much. And what do I have to say to an ex? I have other friends KWIM?
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    In this case, his partner's feelings are fine, she's come to value having me in her life too. In the case of the other guy, I respect his girl's wishes and we keep our distance when they're dating (off again, on again with them). I miss his friendship, I spent longer with him than any other man, I think, and he knows me well. But it's *his* issue to work out with her, not mine.

    I wouldn't get seriously involved with a man who felt he could not trust me - I have never been unfaithful to anyone, and I'd take a suggestion that I would as an insult to my honor. Different strokes.
  11. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    cut off all ties with
    cutting off ties; Hob knobbin' and shit with a woman you used to fuck.........yes
  12. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I think it's major disrespect to the finance. If your not ready to put the past behind you and move on with your future then you need leave the future and keep living in your past.
  13. pele

    pele New Member

    Of course it is - in my books. I'm not the jealous type though and don't find jealousy endearing in my partner either.
  14. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member


    It's only the ex's that should be cut off. I, personally, think it's disrespectful to still socialise with your ex's when you're in a new relationship. I wouldn't do it to my man and I don't want him to do it to me. There's too much history and emotion involved when dealing with ex's. It's dangerous territory and best avoided, IMO.
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    and goes both ways I might add before someone asks:)
  16. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    i think it is wrong.. it is ok to talk when you see each other just because to happen to meet, and be nice and even have a laugh .... but make a date to hang out together no

    now if you have kids together that is another story
  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I'm giggling a bit because the one ex I would *never* want to speak with is my son's dad. Thankfully, I haven't had to do so in over 5 years.
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I agree. With that type of history, it's best to leave any relationship with that person in the past where it belongs. I don't think it's wise to hang out with someone & be "just friends" when that's not what you were in the first place.

    I agree with Sin...if you're in a new relationship, it's disrespectful to your new partner. I wouldn't do it to him & I wouldn't want it done to me.

    If I ran into that person someplace like the grocery store or something, I might speak but that would be the extent of any interaction with him.

    When you have kids with someone & you have to deal with him/her, it's important to get along, but strict boundaries need to be set...any interaction with him/her should only be about the children IMO.
  19. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    let's jaisee this.

    agreed, i think it extends past the "new relationship" bit as well though.


    as i've stated numerous times in the past here, my ex & i get along & i deliberately grin and bear some of his crap just so i can keep the peace. We only ever speak to discuss the children and only ever get together socially when the children are involved (bbq's, birthdays, christmas)
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This is definitely the best approach IMO. :smt023

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