We remember that IBM computer program called watson from the game show Jeopardy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12rNbGf2Wwo&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rya9qaUJfeY&feature=relmfu Now they are on the verge of taken it a step further from the Watson Computer program, they created a computer chip that can mimic the human brain, most likely in the future they may intergate this to the Watson system. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jol-9mB9ZU&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEap2JXGB-o&feature=player_embedded The above videos is about the new chip^^
This simply amazing. Just imagine the kinds of applications that can be developed out of this technology. Just like the invention of the microprocessor has lead to numerous innovation from cell phones to the Internet, imagine what intelligent machine technology will do for us in manufacturing, space monitoring, and missile defense. If the chinese do not beat us out first. Thanks bro for this information. I will use this in my Industrial Technology Degree work on six sigma designs for an organization using machine intelligence in human behavior readings.
Come on bro. The Terminator (first two of the series) are my favorites. Machine intelligence is coming. You cannot stop it. It's like two people attracted to each other to fuck. You cannot stop it. Do not be a Luddite or you will be left behind. The jobs of the future demand it. Be smart and embrace machine intelligence.