Free DSK! LOL Turns out the maid couldn't keep her story straight. The super-feminists on here can chime in about how she cried wolf and cheapens things for real rape victims anytime now.
Absolutely shameful, but she is still following through with a civil lawsuit, hmmm. Makes you wonder what her angle was from the get go. Now I see why some of you dudes are weary around these subject matters, I give women who allege sexual misconduct the benefit of the doubt. These kind of stories however makes you shake your head about what were her motives if her story was so wholly inconsistent yet she is still seeking financial compensation. For what exactly.
This is bs. Women NEVER falsly accuse rape. Men are evil and just want oppress them. Shit the minute I wake up my first thought is damn who woman can I mess with today. Smdh what a cunt. I seriously hope she gets brought up on charges. Are their charges for falsly accusing rape and ruining someones reputation
Memo to the depraved: If you wanna get away with rape, be RICH and rape a 'ho with questionable immigration status. DSK has a history for this kind of behavior, as evidenced by several French women who came forward after he was arrested and stated he had sexually assaulted them as well. IF you're a near billionaire, the 'law' is tool to be manipulated in your favor. Growing up in D.C. metro area, I can't tell you how many cases I've read and heard about where dudes living in the DMV with diplomatic immunity were rolling like straight up gangstas and NEVER were held accountable for rape/theft/vehicular homicide. IMO he fucced with that chick and it wasn't consensual. But in order to nail a guy like DSK in court on a rape charge, your client damn near has to be Mother Mary. It's all about credibility, and she didn't have enough of it. Makes you wonder how a sociopath like Casey Anthony whose attorneys admitted was a pathological liar(!!) was seen as credible about anything by a sane jury.
Well, if it was me, I would tell you. Although, I was tempted to neg rep you for this, because lately you've been an absolute dickhead to everyone with a vagina. All right, DK. Cut it out...that asshole has a history of doing this stuff. I bet he raped fact, I'd probably put my life on it, because he had such a history of being a rapist asshole.
Or it's very possible those other women were telling the truth but this one was lying or they could all be lying to build a joint civil case. When it comes to money people are willing to kill so what's the ruination of one man to them. I subscribe to the idea of an automatic victim. Being woman does not make you automatically right but what do I know I'm just some hateful man
Slow down victim there are a lot of women out there who would cry rape to get money. Would you deny that?
We're not talking about them right now, we're talking about Strauss-Kahn and this maid in NYC. In fact, I'd put your mother's life on the chance that he raped her- that's how fucking serious I am when I tell you, I will bet he raped her.
DB that was line and you definitely crossed it. Don't ever joke about my mother's life again if you ever want to call me friend again. You're on ignore for awhile.
It wasn't a joke, DK. It was the truth. I'm sorry you have issues accepting the seriousness of a situation like rape. And furthermore, I didn't say anything about her dying, I was trying to impress upon you the gravity of the situation. So, I'm sorry I offended you, because that wasn't my intention, but I was trying to get you to understand that. I would stake the lives of every single person I know on the fact that this guy raped this woman- that's how much I believe he's an evil, raping, sonofabitch.
Then bet your own mother's life don't you dare talk about mine. You more than most on here have an idea on close I am with my mother it's not funny and it's not a fuckinv joke to me if she died. Talk about insensitive. Smdh
I just did, if you read. I bet on the lives of every single person I KNOW. So, I'm sorry. Strauss-Kahn should burn in hell, and I think that maid should be able to cut off his dick so he has to pee out of a straw for the remainder of his life. He, Ben Rothesburger, Thomas Henderson, Michael Irvin, Kobe Bryant, Dave Meggett, Lawrence Phillips...oh, and a few others.
Never called SA a bw or wm but she was suspect and proved it post after post and as far as Jennyart is concerned if you don't see that person is suspect then you are dumber than you look. I don't know what you think my agenda is but once you figure it out let me know
LOL, damn. I'm a firm believer in equal rights, no means no and all of that, I don't play with any nonsensical behaviors, man or woman. Stories like these do have to leave you wondering why she doesn't have a straight story to present and they were so unsure of it that they said the case was that weak.
Moreover does one wonder i.e. if that was a brotha in the court room and a white female accuser Would he be packing his bags for Sing Sing upstate. I don't know where the truth lies in this story, but it is remarkable how easily this case fell apart.
No, you've been a "feminist" bitch to everyone with a penis. Now to go cry to Webmaster that you called me a dickhead.