Why are the BM here so sensitive & WW so...weak?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by JennyArt, Aug 21, 2011.

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  1. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    I make a few statements here. Back them up with some strong reasoning and all I get is "You're a man" or "trolls aren't" welcome".

    The women here seem to placate to it aswell. Many do not have the mental aptitude to see another side to a discussions and just roll over to have their bellies tickled.

    All that tells me is that black men here (except for GQ) CANNOT handle a woman with a brain and wants a dummy to believe all his bs with glee.

    WOW!!!!!!! is this the world I'm living in????
  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Umm...I have no idea who you are.........so let me take a look at what you have said in the past before I comment. (This should be fun)
  3. lottie

    lottie New Member

    I haven't been here that long but see a number of strengths in many people on here, including those who have the ability to have a mature discussion and those also who have the ability to admit when wrong or agree to disagree.

    That said...

    If you don't like it on the forums then you know what to do...

    Or do I have to spell it out to you?
  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Alex, I will take a dummy that believe in all my bs with glee for $200, lol.

    Is that Amy Fisher the face shooter in the avi?
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Lottie, you should spell it out for her.
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I do agree with the OP that there are some sensitive people that post here.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Don't feed the trolls playboy
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Ok...great. Here is the problem.

    usually when you come upon a group of people that you don't know you approach them with a bit of apprehension. You want to get the know the group and you the group to get to know you. You didn't seem to follow that simple formula. You came in with an agenda, a specific purpose. And it would seem that purpose is to "stir the pot"

    add to that. I"ve spend sometime in London and have a few friends from the UK. For you to supposedly be from there, you do seem use the specific lexicon of the United States.

    You aren't the first to attempt it on this board, you won't be the last. That si why people don't talk you, or what you say seriously. You haven't said anything that would lead one to believe you are somehow SMART; above average intelligence. (on the contrary), next time pic a better moniker than a black haired woman from the UK, that uses the words and general dialectal usage of an American...


    ...just saying.
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I second this.

    I don't see the women here weak, many of the regulars have been posting here for years so of course they aren't going to post in the same old tired rehashed topics.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I gotta give to this Jenny or Tranny fella tho, she is holding her own. Even Dre the top argumentative NYer can't hold him back, that says a lot, lol
  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you must not have gotten the memo...there is a man running this place so if women speak out or has an opinion other than what everyone else thinks here then you are likely to get yourself banned...or they will take points away from you and hit you with a few silly infractions that you hurt someone's feelers...lippy used to be a take no prisoners poster but now i have to be a good little girl and spread rainbows and kittens;)
  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Yep Lippy, used to go hard in the paint.
  13. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    All of this seemed obvious to a number of people, lol. Just saying...
  14. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Only GQ can hold a debate. The rest just get all......delicate.
  15. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    FINAILY....Dark Knight being one. I out smart him and a woman should NEVER do that! Therefore I'm a man and a troll. WOW!!!!
  16. lottie

    lottie New Member

    If you feel that only one person can have a debate, it begs the question as to why you are still here
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Oh man you are going to bore me pretty easily. Ya know what would be halarious? If I could see the real YOU.

    lol.....but oh well. You won't be the first, you won't be the last...and you will give up the facade pretty quickly.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dark Knight


    whatevey the fuck your name is, stand up, NY rise up. You're not gonna take that now are ya?
  19. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    This place is behaving strangely today.
  20. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    First of all. I don't care about all that jazz. I post some pictures and view my points. That is all. In regard to London Lexicon. How do you know I wasn't raised in Newscastle but moved to London? Also, I do not know what a Londoner is suppose to type. I do not type or write the same way I speak. That wouldn't make sense.

    All I have done is played devil's advocate and MANY 'men' here run around screaming fouls play.
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