Racism and sexism: how are they different?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Nerdy Girl, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Can you classify what you mean by better.

    Can you list details of what gives you this perception.

    Its not pandering its Reality 101, how many black men do you know are oppressing white women and holding them back socially and stand to gain from it and where is this happening.
  2. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Indians and Chinese in general have a tendency to not want to work for white employers anyway.

    Why can't BM start their OWN employment...no matter how small it may be. Eevn Coca~Cola start from a push-cart.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    leave it alone man

    this is the same type of ignorance that says discrimination is over, because our president is black

    dont mind the articles that say blacks with high-level degrees are getting shafted to make room for their white counterparts in the recession

    and the whole police shooting unarmed brothas...that doesn't happen either

    and this stuff with politicians referring to obama as a tar-baby and fried chicken at golf parties to please people like tiger woods...all myths
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'll let the historian field that one because that's a really long answer
  5. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Why do you need such exceptance from white people in general anyway? 90% have no real control over you life in general...do we???
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's just sad as fuck but so true.
  7. Nerdy Girl

    Nerdy Girl New Member

    I haven't seen anyone on this forum say anything remotely like any of this, and I think you'd be hardpressed to find anyone here who even silently believes it, aside from the racist site infiltrators.
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The 90% is not the issue, it is the 10% that is. Think about it.

    I'm not for the whole woe is me angle, but I am also not going to act like there aren't some sick, bigoted folks in this world, that draw assumptions based solely on skin color and not much else.
  9. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    The societal beauty standard is surely harder to deal with as a black woman compared to a BM. I mean come on. Were on a site soley for the relationships between BM/WW. Many BW do not have this.....escape.

    I thought you meant WW couldn't understant the concepts of racism.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    no one is talking about YOU


    their is more to life than nerdy girl

  11. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Thats what I'm talking about. You still have this constant need foe the "white mans" apporval.

    These politicians may refer to Obama as this and that, put he is still the President. To which they will NEVER achieve.
    In regards to the high-level degrees. Like I said before many South/Eat Asians do not aim to work for whites. Many have their own business. Some are small, but at least they're indpentant.

    Also, you have to admit, many black people out there are giving reason to this treatment. Why does black on black crime even happen?
  12. Nerdy Girl

    Nerdy Girl New Member

    Well, that's debatable. ;)

    But if you read more closely, I didn't say that I alone don't believe/say it... I said that I don't think anyone here on this forum believes or says it. Well, maybe paniro. (Sorry, paniro.)

    I think that people here are interested in having a real conversation beyond the easy dismissals.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is very subjective though, some men be they black, white love black women.

    Actually there are sites out there that have black women for Asian men, white men, etc. They aren't helpless.

    There are tons of negative images of black men, turn on an American television crime or news show and you will see it featured prominently.

    As a black man i would prefer we be known for intelligence, upward mobility, refinement and confidence in our construct.

    Besides are men really looked at for our beauty, thousands of years of human society speaks differently. It takes much more to be a man than your physical appeal.

    On your second point, ah, okay, nah I meant the historical relationship between white men and white women when it comes to equal rights.
  14. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Yes, I understand, but so what. You keep wanting appoval from white men. Is a black man when to school, did well. When to university and did even better. Set out to become SELF-employed and did so. Who is to truely stand in his way? Some why guy that asks him does he like rap or whats his favourite basket ball team?

    While being hear. I sometimes come across pages about black men asking how to attract white women or how to get the white women you want. This white man blaming is why many white women shy away.

    What white woman really wants to date a man full of exuses? If we were dating (heaven forbid....only joking:smt008) would it be okay to tell contsant tales of BW this, BW that.....NO it would not.

    That 10% also wants to hold back the poor whites, the middle-class whites, the East/South Asians.

    Stop falling for the trap.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    unless they like having penis shoved into their ass, i dont think any bm would want to date you either

    besides, who wants a woman that doesn't want to try to understand what they're going through as a bm in america? this is why bm are encouraged to stay with bw or another minority, because the plight is shared and we'd have a like-minded source of comfort.

    fortunately for us, there are ww that aren't like you, and are aware of what goes on, and are there for their men just as we are there for them, and any kids we may have down the road.

    take that blind eye shit and keep it with ur wm

    k thnx
  16. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    This one is becoming more suspect with each posting now???
  17. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    LOL. That's not just in the South, and not just with white people. Your fellow blacks don't take kindly to too much book learnin' neither.
  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I think you miss the point, I am not speaking about social experiences, but issues that relate to those things that havs a tangible impact on one's quality of life (employment, quality of the community, educational system for black children in the inner city, etc)

    As a black man I cannot naively sit here and behave like none of these things are tangible factors in the lives of many blacks, even if not myself.

    I have heard the individual story of the innocent black man who was jailed, because they were looking for a black perp.

    I'm the first to tell a black person to lift their chin up and get on with it, but I don't assume there isn't real life b.s. out and about that has to be dealt with.

    P.S. you got the wrong brotha, maybe you are speaking in generalities but I don't need approval from any white person, don't know how you got that idea.
  20. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    COME ON!!!! There is a reason why Naomi Campbell has been the ONLY black supermodel for the past 25 years. White women are CONSTANTLY being replaced. A forever running conveyor belt of the newsest Megan Fox right of the press.

    Think about it. You would RATHER a white wife over a black wife. That in itself says something surely???

    They're not are frequented as this. Plus, even if a BW is with a WM. She is not seen as true beauty, but a down-grade.

    Hiedi Klum and Seal get more attention than Robert De Niro and his wife. Whether it the attention is good or bad.

    That only happens because some BM CHOOSE to act that way. Look at the riots in England, many, not all, but many were black. Why do it in the first place?? All the attention was on Norway/EDL/Islam berfore. Yet these young black boys and men CHOOSE to loot. Sometimes you bring it appone yourselves.

    Talk is cheap.

    You say that as if it were a problem. A BM can become rich and marry a supermodel. Not even that. I see plenty of average looking, average earning, average educated black men with blonde 6/7/8 out of 10 white wives and their mixed children walking down the street. On average, BW do not have THAT 'freedom'.

    Also, women (regardless of race) cannot become good looking any way shape or form if we're not already born that way.

    I see your point.

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