Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

  2. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'll join in..!

    Fuck you to the co-worker who used to be super friendly to me, who won't even say hello when we pass each other in the corridor anymore, all because you're so damn salty that I got promoted instead of you! You make me feel bad about being AWESOME and I shouldn't have to! :p :p :p

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Fuck you ex-wife for telling people how bad i am for not attending your daughter's funeral, i don't give a shit about you or your daughter. Our break up was not the nicest and we have been civil to each other for the sake of our children so why the fuck should i be made to feel bad for not attending your daughter's funeral she ain't my fucking child so fuck you.:cool:
  4. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member





    feel free guys lol, i got mine somewhere about
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    ::::rolls eyes:::: seriously FUCK ALL YOU BRIDEZILLAS....!!!! finding them more amusing today though & finding myself laughing at them and their over the top demands. i would also like to add in a nice big FUCK YOU to the overbearing mothers who are organising their children's christenings/baptisms...FUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOUUUUUUU...!!!

    man some people need to get a life
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    FUCK YOU August. FUCK YOU!!

    I hate this month. Absolutely frigging hate it. It's been one person being a bitch to me after another. Did I miss the memo where the month of August was "Pick on Bookie Month"? I mean, really, WTF? Between my mother, my coworker, my friend, it's been one piece of shit comment to me after another.

    I hope to God this month gets better. It has SUCKED so far!

    This month has really made me want to crawl into a corner somewhere and wish that people would just leave me alone. :(
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    ((((HUGS)))))))))) bookie
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I love you Bookie.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i hear you joanie...july/august has had their way with me as well...!!! huge hugs & kisses to you mrs. september is just around the corner :smt058
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Fuck you to August.

    And a big fuck you to my body.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you lovely people. I love you all!!

    And I didn't even mention the health issues that won't go away that decided to spring up this past month.

    August is a HORRID month. I hope you feel better. HUGS to you, sweet Pixie!!
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thanks, Bookie. You too. This potential problem was a bit of a surprise, and I haven't made the necessary "course correction" to fix things yet.
  13. lottie

    lottie New Member

    I hope things get better for you guys :)

    Another month soon :))

    This is my fuck you, and I think I got some people a bit scared too lol, but they deserved it!!

    Fuck you to the neighbours who decided they would have 36 hour nightclub in their back yard. It was constant boom boom boom through all last night from 4pm and has just about stopped. I didnt sleep a wink and neither did my other neighbours, who may I add have young children. It was sooo loud you could hear the music 2 streets away!

    About an hour ago I finally got so fed up, and after chatting to my other neighbours (who were also really fed up), I marched over. They were still a tad drunk and there were about 10 or so people still there, but I thought sod that for a game of soldiers, and told them how disrespectful they were being and to shut the fuck up.

    Now I'm stripping wallpaper and although I have 2 layers which are being stubborn and love the wall too much; it's very theraputic!
  14. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I want to say FUCK YOU to those black men who give WW/BM IR a bad image. One in particular and James you might know who this is. I'm the brother with the blond you envy. You do not have the fucking guts to come on to this site you mutha******. You beat that wife of yours like she was a fucking dog. She put everything into you, she helped you and she still love your no good ass. Yet what you do you beat her. Perhaps me and the boys need to beat your no good ass.
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    This month has sucked & I hope things improve for you soon, Bookie & Pixie. Lots of hugs & positive thoughts to you both. :smt056

    Fuck you to jealousy & all of the ugliness that comes with it. I've been dealing with a person who's been my friend for years who's been acting like a jealous bitch lately, & it makes no sense to me. She's NEVER acted like this before & it baffles me. There's a guy friend of ours she likes (& it's obvious to me that he likes her too), & she got mad at me a few weeks ago because he gave me a compliment. It also seems to bother her when we all get together that he & I enjoy conversation with each other. I see him as a friend, but she acts like there's more to it than that. I have no romantic interest in him & he has none in me, so I don't get what her problem is. She's been making catty comments to & about me, she's always trying to one-up me on everything, she gives me backhanded compliments, & has gotten really rude & hateful.

    Another friend suggested that maybe she's not picking up the vibe from this man that he's interested in her & took his compliment to me to mean he was interested in me. She's always been shy, but I've never known her to be that insecure. It's like we're still in junior high & she thinks I stole her boyfriend. The whole situation is weird & it upsets me. I love her, but I refuse to put up with this crap.

    Another sad thing about it is that her recent behavior is making this man very uncomfortable & he seems to be keeping some distance lately. I'm sure that's the last thing she wants to happen. Even though I'm sick of her bullshit, I still want her to be happy. I hope she gets a grip on reality soon, before she misses out on a good guy & loses a good friend. I'm just keeping my distance & giving her all the space she needs. I don't have the time or the energy for any of it.

    Jealousy makes absolutely no sense to me; it's like a sickness.
  16. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    The bolded part makes me confused...why the hell is it YOUR fault he gave you a compliment? Are you somehow secretly controlling his brain??

    Jealousy is a losing game all around.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It confuses the hell out of me too, Pixie. From the way she reacted, that must be what I'm doing, lol. Like I said, the whole situation baffles me. I dealt with something similar in 8th grade, but as an adult I'd have never thought I'd have to deal with this silliness.

    I agree. Jealousy serves no purpose except to bring misery.
  18. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Jealousy raises our competitive impulses, which can blur the line between friend and opponent. I would urge your guy friend to ask her out, so she can get over herself.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    That's a good idea. Thanks, Saty, I appreciate the suggestion. :smt023
  20. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I would probably you realize how much ____ likes you? then she will face it and realize you are friend and not after him. Some people need it spelled out. She must be missing his signs.
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