Billionaire Warren Buffett says stop coddling the super-rich

Discussion in 'In the News' started by botoan, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    dark knight is the sweetest booty in here

    why u think he keeps changing his name
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    That's right, they may not be able to pay that. I don't know where your numbers are coming from, btw, the tax laws or your hat. What are their medical expenses? How high is housing where they live? Do they need two cars to get two people to work? What does their child care cost (hell, mine was 800 a month 20 years ago)?

    And someone making 500K can't afford to save up an extra TWO percent? Is that what you're getting at?
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    But I didnt say super-rich. I said richer than the majority of Americans, which is damned true.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I have to spread the rep before I can give you more. Eloquently stated, sir.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What exactly are you trying to say sir? Who have you been talking to? lol
    Slow down pretty no need to get mad :D
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    250 K is not mufukin' rich. I have known and seen fuckers who threw that kind of money just in one night in Vegas. 250 K is not a lot of money, especially if you worked your ass off for it. You wanna tax ppl, then tax the hell out of entertainers who make 30 million per picture, 1 million per game, major corporations who mass hundrends of millions a month. The fuck are entertainers, owners of team or hollyweird studios do to deserve that kind of money? They don't save lives, don't educate the future generation, do invent anything valuable to advance our society.....they are not doing anything valuable for society except entertaining.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Quit wasting your breath babe. He doesn't want to get it. Paniro is intelligent enough to understand the difference between being taxed at 500k and 50k he's just one of those people who sees poor people using welfare to supplement their income so they can buy shit like xboxes and Jordans and thinks wow these pieces of shit are getting over but refuses to see how the 200k and over crowd are getting over maybe because their wealth isn't as visable. He thinks the 500 dollars 1 million families skate on compares to the billions corporations and the wealthy skate on. The save or reinvest that money else where so people like him don't SEE it so they just don't get it. They hear bullshit talking points like entitlement programs and want to snatch away teacher pensions because those people are getting over but they will never have the same passion against those buying million dollar cars and not paying ANY taxes. Its fucking sickening.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    pay your taxes and fallback, youngin :p
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Lets make it simple.

    50k a year x .0715 for SS is $3575. Let's round it to 3600.

    So, with no other taxes taken out we have a take home of 46,400.

    Lets be stingy and say they have crappy day care for two kids x 12 months. Thats $20,400, and I'm being stingy and saying 850 per kid (when 20 years ago I paid 800)

    So now you have $26,000 left. Medical insurance? Let's say you've got a great plan through your employer and only pay $400/month for your family. That's another $4800, so you are down to $21,200.

    You have not yet clothed, housed or fed your family, nor have you provided transportation back and forth to work. Let's say you manage to find an apartment for $1000/month (DK, stop giggling, I'm pretending this is not NY or Boston). Subtract that from your 21,600 and you are now down to $9600.

    Lets' call it $400/month for food (ha! I guess they live on Ramen noodles)

    That's another 4800, so your 9600 is now down to $4800. Lets say you live where there is good public transportation, so neither partner needs a car, though shopping and schlepping kids around without one is a bit problematical. So lets say your transit pass is $100/month for each partner.

    You are now down to $2400. You do not yet have electricity, heat, a telephone, or any medical expenses. Whoopsie. Let's say ONE of your kids has asthma, requiring a copay of $60/month for meds (thats what mine is), 4 doctor visits a year at copay of $30 per. That's another $840, bringing you down to $1560. Of course, you are being responsible about contraception (unless you think poor people just should refrain from sex entirely because the poor shouldnt have fun), so your wife's copay for her contraceptive is $50/month. Ok, now you are down to a grand total of $960 for the year. have no electricity, you are naked because you have no clothes, you have no phone for emergencies, and you have no heat. God forbid one of the kids breaks a leg, because you just won't be able to do anything about it.

    Now where is that extra $500 coming from?
  11. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Yes, it is. I just broke down the income of a 50k family of 4 for him, but I'm doubting that's going to wake him up. Too bad, I did a nice job. ;-)
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    250k ain't rich? Are you serious? Everything is relative so in the context of what it takes to live a decent lifestyle in the US I'd say as a single person living in NY 60k affords you a pretty damn good lifestyle. I know from experience. I had a pretty decent place in the suburbs with a nice car and had a lot left over to save and to vacation. Could I buy a 7 series beamer? No but I could afford a shit load other luxuries now if I was making even 120 I would have been ballin kid. Bottle service every time I went to the club no problem. Nicer clothes, nicer car, nicer everything. So sorry I won't shed a tear for a dude that has to pay an extra 7500 dollars a year. It won't effect them unless they are living far beyond their means. The 7500 dollar sacrafice helps everyone even them if they lose their jobs one day. Shit making 250k a year you can easily become a millionaire in less than 10 years if you live well but not crazy.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Go bench press a bus or something broad st.
    I pay my taxes now go tell your hood brethren to stop shooting at the cops :cool:
  14. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, taxes go up for couples making $500K/yr., but that's not an "real" increase of 2% because, again, you are forgetting the effect of the difference in tax deductions. Any couple making $500K/yr. may have a taxable income, after all the generous deductions that haven't gone away, of anywhere from $350K to $250K, or less. In this case, they're most probably most paying an effective increase of 1%. (Btw, do you see now why flat tax rates don't work, unless you get rid of the generous tax laws for the rich.)
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know me well lol

    You forgot about bus passes for the kids because places that provide mass transit like that rarely provide school buses like NYC. You also for got renters insurance most places won't rent without it now, at least here. There's also heat and water. Let's not forget debt. The average American carries 8k worth of debt which would be around 200 a month. And if you think a family can survive with entertainment HA good luck with that one. My parents marriage only survived for as long as it has because of two tvs in the house at all times.
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    It aint rich, get your fucken hands off my money. Get off your fat lazy blk ass, study, get a job, & earn a living, lol.

    I see what you sayin' but I still say, you wanna tax, then tax the hell out of the entertainment biz who make shit load of money.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree they should be paying more. They should get a 5 to 7 percent bump. So what if poor Ben Affleck only gets g4 instead of g5 boo who lol

    Btw I've been working since 14(that's how Jamaicans do ya dig) non stop and I have an education and its hard as fuck for me to find employment with education. I'm incredibly fortunate to even have a job but they can't bs around about cutting everything and not raising taxes. I've yet to hear one just one Republican tea partier or "liberitarian" explain how that raises revenue.
  18. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    The government's "hands" are only on your money if you would be affected by the proposed changes....
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Fuck Ben Affleck and his Boston hardcore Irish crowd, tax the shit out of them. All these entertainers who come from England, Australia, Canada, whatever, you wanna make that kind of money in Yankees land, Uncle Sam should keep 15 % of your income. Oh, you don't like it Russel Crowe, peter Jackson, sure we can provide you a one way ticket home, let see you make 1/16th of that money in down and under, lol
  20. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    What's more, it isnt an increase, it's just cancellation of a cut.

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