Boris Kodjoe on being a "MAN" to your woman

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GQ Brotha, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    The ideal is a guy who is smart enough to *get* my jokes, and vice versa, no explanation required.
  2. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Agreed. I really don’t care if a lady got books or not in her house. As long as she is attractive and a decent individual. That’s why I don’t like dating these Ivy League broads; books, feminism and all that mambo jumbo crap. I hate reading; I am really not a big book person. I learn tremendous amount by osmosis and got laser photographic memory so will ride that shit till I get dementia. I was that kid in HS who would rather watch a 2hr movie and get the story than flipping thru dusty old books. Occasionally, I read biography and business books on kindle. I admire some of my friends who read novel after novel, I would rather jump off a cliff & die than reading a piece of garbage like Harry potter.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  4. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LMAO, what can I say bruh, don’t like lying. My ex and her friends dragged my blk ass to the 1st Potter movie and I literally vomited and walked out of the theatre in 15 mins. I am not a big stretched out fantasy crap type of fella. But I do like Game of Thrones and lord of the rings especially part II and III where they have great fighting scene and dialogue.
    Anyhoo, I do admire & respect J. K. Rowling personal struggle and success story tho despite my feelings of the novel.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude the first one was the worst one. I suggest you see the last two. They were fucking epic. Its not a bunch of little kids running around
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Not a chance! Even if Amanda Michelle Seyfried comes and ask me naked showing her perky nipples, thanx no thanx.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  7. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    More important, I wouldn't depend on the presence of books to signal any level of intelligence or compatibility. I have known "college graduates" who could't put together a grammatically correct sentence or think their way out of a rainstorm. Its only through discussion, time spent together and seeing a partner in various environments that I start to assess whether we have enough in common to feel serious about having a relationship.

    Maybe the person is a minimalist and doesn't like the clutter of books or magazines. Perhaps, the person goes to the library to read.

    I'm just suggesting that, for me anyway, that's much too much weight to place on some criterion that's unreliable or plainly not indicative of intelligence.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    well..two things...

    one...i cant stand people that cling on to the fact that they hold a degree, therefore using that to signify to other people that they're intelligent. A lot can happen between the time you acquired it and today. Because you were a gifted mind 20 years ago, does not mean that you are indeed still in possession of such attributes now. Get over it.

    two...even though a person graduated, where did they go? better yet, what was their major, class standing and what type of professors did they have? Until you tell me those few facts, I will not judge you based on a piece of paper alone. Instead, I will judge you on what you do today, and what abilities you've demonstrated to me over time.

    you can apply this to getting a job as well. You need to demonstrate more to employers, than the simple fact that you have a degree.:smt018
  9. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    It was supposed to be funny :smt069
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No worries, Whiks; it was funny. Some folks actually got the humor. ;)
  11. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    You MIGHT let Tyson Beckford fuck you?? lol that is priceless. :smt043
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Not him, specifically, but a guy without books. :p Him, I had to go look up, I didnt recognize the name

    And darlin' you haven't seen the young man I've been flinging with of late. He'd give Tyson a run for his money. He's too young for me, and not right for me but he surely has his great points.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    For a minimalist like me its on an Ipad




    Gotta love modern technology.

    Helped me get rid of this 1000 page bad boy that I read for History courses.

  14. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I acknowledge that the Water's comment was meant as humor. But, that were other more serious comments as well, yes?

    I also admit that perhaps I was revolting against the idea of celebrities becoming authorities on morality and love, lol. It's much like the book written by the comedian advising men who to make relationships work well.

    While I agreed with some of the points Boris made, for me, there was a sexist tone to his comments, sexist as putting me in a superior position and women in a lesser position.

    I don't understand how showing respect and graciousness relates to "upholding traditional values. I think that it's elitist to suggest that "men" need to see the world. Including it on the list seems to minimize men who can't travel. I don't like the use of lots of profanity but I wouldn't say that a person lacks substance if they use profanity on occasion. I believe that cooking is a sign that you are a capable of taking care of yourself, and nothing more. Similarly, staying fit, IMO, is more about maintaining your own health, not the other person. As for building or fixing something, again, very sexist IMO. I've owned several homes and I've owned a lawnmower or snow blower, I don't enjoy either activity, the same with fixing or building something. I'd rather work on building a future through great communication and experiencing life together.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  15. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Breaking my heart here. I want an iPad most desperately. Holding hardcover books like the one you posted (and I'm a history geek so that's most of my books) tends to kick up the back spasms.

    But how the hell do I justify getting an iPad when my house is already full of books!
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do NOT waste your money on the ipad. There are plenty of other tablets out there that do the same shit and are good ereaders without the glare. Look at the Asus or even the Xoom or the Galaxy. Hell I got a Coby for 200 bucks and its great for ereading watching videos and listening to music and I get all the android market apps which are mostly free. So I repeat don't waste your money on an ipad. Piece of shit runs an ipod os. What a jip for 800 bucks and you can't expand the memory.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't look at Boris as a relationship or character expert by any means. I would say that he's a good looking man, a good model, a so-so actor & he's famous, but that's about it. He did have some good points, but some of his explanations behind them weren't so good.

    The good stuff I got out of it was (which I think applies to both men & women):

    -Embrace your imperfections & love yourself for who you are
    -Be able to laugh at yourself & not take yourself so seriously
    -Know how to cook & clean so you can take care of yourself
    -Be well-rounded & open to learning & to new experiences
    -Be responsible
    -Healthy communication is important
    -Be respectful & considerate
    -Be motivated & not lazy
    -Be healthy
    -Don't be a selfish lover
    -Be attentive & have genuine concern for & interest in your SO

    I also liked his last point, "Treat a woman the way you'd want your daughter to be treated."

    I think these are some great qualities to bring to the table in order to, as you stated, "work on building a future through great communication and experiencing life together".
  18. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Get a Kobo or a Kindle. That are fab for travels and fitting in a handbag!
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Kindle and kobo are awesome even the nook but they don't have much else going on except e-reading my Coby Kyros is great for that but also great for web browsing and you can download a lot of cool apps and you can store up to 32 gigs of music and I just looked it up and its 150 on amazon.
  20. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I need something backlit. On occasion the MS farks with my eyesight, so something backlit is better - that's why I didnt get the kindle. Is your Kyros back lit?

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