Hahaha, it's shock value. People do something out or the ordinary, we're compelled to stop and look at the event unfolding. However, in this case, there's an extra layer of "WTF?!" slapped on top of one absurdity. Awww, that wasn't THAT shocking.
So I was Browsing Craigslist.... I LOLED. Isn't a White person Caucasian? Is there a difference I do not know of?
I think she was just covering all pc bases in identifying the labels..as in WHITE/CAUCASIAN. Plus, I have heard there is a "difference"..those Hotep racialist folks love to break it down, ie people from the Caucasus Mountains region, vs Mediterranean Whites, etc. But that's another thread.
yeah the whole dog kicking thing is beyond me...i mean with all the anti-violence sentiment floating around against blacks and all i guess violence is wrong unless it involves punting a dog off a bridge (har har har /sarcasm)
We relish violence and even love it at the expense of something. It's prevalent in comedy and as long as you laugh at such things, no one here has any room to talk.
Terra, to post a YT video, you copy and paste from the = sign on and then click on the YT tab. [YOUTUBE]kbqzRXXC6q0&feature=fvwrel[/YOUTUBE]
rude kid #2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xipZNKei-hA&NR=1 [YOUTUBE]xipZNKei-hA&NR=1[/YOUTUBE] rude kid#3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siEUDvLfzeE&feature=related [YOUTUBE]siEUDvLfzeE&feature=related[/YOUTUBE] rude boy#4- [YOUTUBE]_YiLCYa7--A[/YOUTUBE]
LOL! Back in the day, my old dog did that to our apartment when we left her alone once. She ripped the drapes, tore the futon, ripped the screen and lastly, she tore off the whole side of the lower half of the front door (the inside panel). Our livingroom looked similar to this pic...