Agreed beyond belief. I'm puzzled myself because we allow idiots like Lil' Wayne represent the "schitck" of black people.
:smt043 We gotta' be the ONLY people in the world that judge ourselves by ghetto crime statistics. There are women from russia on these boards and you NEVER hear them moan over their ASTRONOMICAL murder...aids...crime-rate...ect ect. Everybody but us.....seems to KNOW that ghettos and crime go hand in hand...a LOT of Black people believe we commit crimes because we're Black. They've been sneaking a sip of the wm's kool-ade. What did the Irish do when they were stuck in America's ghetto's?????????????? They "killed one another"...pimped one another...sold drugs and booze to one another....yes they did... What did the Italians do when they were locked out??? They slaughered one another in DROVES. A lot of Black people don't know the word ghetto is a yiddish word. Jews spent so much time in the hood the place is named after them...:smt043 Mayer Lansky and Bugsy Seigel pimped their own jewish women from Tel-Aviv to Timbuktu..and they butchered one another like pigs. Some sad cases will call this 'deflecting'....well I guess the old saying "don't throw stones if you live in a glass house" is deflecting. Somebody name one crime free ghetto..
If we didn't fuck up, white people wouldn't have shit to make fun of and for you to get all outraged about...simple cause and effect.
If only that were to be true. Remember, they still view on the collective in order to make themselves feel better. Reinforcing thoughts or perceptions relating to blacks based on ghetto movies and living in a bubble, they'll still continue to show a lot of disdain. Actually, the only way we can counter that altogether is simply laugh in their faces when they want to regurgitate broken stereotypes.
Poverty creates ghettos. Poverty creates crime. It has no intrinsic color, it's a question of circumstance. Where you find poverty, you find ghettos and crime. The problem isnt skin color, it's opportunity and economics.
I do, with some frequency. (Also why I posted the thing about the Milwaukee Aldermen's statement here and on FB - I have some friends in Wisconsin who'll be making some phone calls come Monday.)
We shant forget the crazy things some white people do that make us laugh our asses off, such as thinking all media is controlled by jewish zionists, or that all of them are going to be extinct within 50 years. or how about when rodney dangerfield tried to rap.
:smt043:smt043 WTF?????????????? You gotta' be really fucked in the head(and ass) to even say something like that. That's the most ass-kissing statement of them all. If we all jus' straightens up 'dem white folks'll leave usses alone. Jews get made fun of by racists too...I guess they better stop fucking up. YA'LL HEAR THAT?? Everybody that gets made fun of by white bigots IT'S YOUR FAULT.
lol its no point, as long as the WN have their stats etc they are allways right in their eyes, ive seen people try to reason with them and they just dont listen, its allways "but statistics show"
i grow tired of dumb ass white people saying that, they think a ww who likes bm has been brainwashed by the jewsih media, or multicultrial brainwashing at school, its almost like it scares them a ww can think for herself and like what she likes, it seems liking anything other than wm seems to be caused by "multicultrial brainwashing" or the "jewish media" :roll:
But he does have a point. Why are black people the only ones responsible for how the bad people of their groups act. I don't see one Christian apologist for all that child molesting the priests did. They put the blame where they should and move on. They don't take responsibility or say WE have to straighten up. No THEY have to straighten up. I'm a law abiding tax payer and have no relations with criminals so I would appreciate not being made responsible for what they do just because they happen to be a similar skin color.