Because I don't know any women who are looking for a provider! All of my friends are well educated, employed, successful women. It is the men I know that need to step up.
LOL now white women have adopted the black chick "my friends aren't like that"™ routine. As if you can judge the whole world by your small little clique of friends. Does your man need to "step up" as well? Just asking.
step up and do what exactly, provide? a man wouldn't say that women needed to step up their game, because we dont care how much they make or what status they exhibit but obviously you do
men are always getting told to 'step it up' by women financially sad state of affairs those sociology texts don't lie after all:smt095
Oh boy somebody get the popcorn this is gonna be good lol. But you're right. God forbid you want BOTH of you on point
Let's not forget they maintain their perfection while dealing with the never ending oppression of higher employment rates and biased protection under the law in their favor. How ever do they manage?
Not hearing good things about her here!
No he does not. That is why I am dating him. And just for your information I make more money than he does. That is not what I mean by step it up. For fuck sakes there is more to life and relationships than fucking money!
I mean Do something.....anything. I don't care what you do just do it well and do it with passion Have a goal Have some interests in life Be present Be confident Be confident enough for me to be myself If you see me struggling with something ask me if I need some help I don't need or want your money. I want a companion who is going to add to my enjoyment of life. I worked hard to have the life I do, I want to enjoy it now.