Correction, paniro. The last comment you wrote, "what is the goverment supposed to do FOR you?" is an echoed phrase in JFK's inauguration speech. He asked that question to the public. Basically, the government should listen to the people in order to make the country stronger. They're obligated to give them the service needed to maintain the efficiency of the nation and to prove that government is for the people and by the people.
wow you're both insanely out of touch. So you think out of the millions who are unemployed they aren't willing to clean homes and shovel driveways. They're just a bunch of lazy fucks waiting on a six figure salary? Wow. Real compassionate guys.
lippy is afraid that you are the one out of touch...i do believe that many of the unemployed feel that any job below their previous 6 figure income are a bunch of lazy fucks...get out there like the majority of america and make 5 figures...if you can make at least $10.00 an hour you should be able to support yourself in this may not mean driving a lexus or may mean living with may not mean living the life you are accustomed to but at least you aren't sitting at home whining example: one of the women that works for me...her and her husband own a 1/2 million dollar home in castle rock...he lost his 6 figure job and she makes 20-25 an hour working for me just under 30 hours a week...he had his photography to fall back on but it is sporatic...they felt they could no longer pay 3000+ a month for their house...the house wasn't selling so they moved into an another roommate...rented out their house...gave up the leases on their two cars and bought 2 used cars with no payments...sold alot of their luxury furniture and material they are living....finally...without the stress of trying to make all of their bills...a different lifestyle but they are so much happier...someday they will either move back into their house or sell...they found financial freedom when they decided that their relationship was more important than keeping up with the jones...
I don't even know where to begin. First 10 bucks an hour won't pay for anything in some areas. Like her in NY and live outside the city 21000 grand a year (10 bucks an hour) can't even get you rent in the drug invested projects of Brooklyn. Granted there are parts if the country where ten bucks an hour is doable but not everywhere. Not everyone is trying to maintain a lifestyle most people are just trying to survive. Bare minimums like food water and a roof over their heads. Like they've been saying for months now there are five applicants for every available job out there. What do you think the other 4 are doing? Not everyone has a house to rent to gain revenue so what about those people?should they just shut up and die silently?
1. No one should have to work two jobs just to make ends meet. When it gets to a point where people have to work 80hrs just to survive something is wrong. 2. You act like getting two jobs is always an option. You totally looked over the part where there are five applicants for every one job. Where do the four people go?
Easier said than done, man. Thanks for the correction. However, I think you're sort of missing the point. When Congress pass so-called "jobs bills", it simply means legislation giving companies more flexibility and deals in exchange for more hiring. Obama can't do much for jobs in the first place since, in a capitalist country, corporations and businesses pretty much make or break the economy. I guess what I'm saying is that all this is a catch-22. The jobs are there, you're correct. But how many people who have been laid off for practically over a year and still cannot find a job? Quite a lot actually. Even those who are willing to downgrade their expectations and work for much less will have difficult time finding a job. Why is that? It's because businesses refuse to pour more money for the people who desperately want to keep food on the table and a roof over their head. It's an "I" thing as opposed to a "we" thing. We're suppose to be working together to build back the economy, but that's not going to happen when so many people apply and working within limited conditions. You speak as though the majority of job seekers are lazy when in fact the people at fault are the businesses that refuse to give up a few more millions of dollars annually and hire more people. This is the real issue. Not the people, but the stubborn behavior from the businessmen and businesswomen who feel entitled to give more money for themselves. I understand that we've lost a great deal of self-sufficiency and work ethic as a nation in which you and lippy have applied. And it would be nice that people can suck it up and live within their means. However, given that people actually worked hard to have a healthy living really feel out of place and lacking any further confidence in their own lives to continue on. It's understandable. That sort of anguish is more prevalent.
That's not quite true actually. Certainly there are a few who aren't willing to work and look for jobs, but the vast majority of the unemployed are going out, sending resumes (literally hundreds) and literally trying to network with people and still, the chances of finding a job are fundamentally slim. So, in effect, people are trying numerous ways to get a job. Perhaps, the issue now is that very few know how to find creative solutions to generate income and even learn to be more fiscally responsible, among many reasons. So really, reliance on the means is what they have left, but with an ever more expensive country, we'll still find ourselves at a disadvantage. As for the corporate welfare thing, this was announced by Michael Moore and the people here such as MrFantastic and even flaminghetero. However, it is a double-edged sword. At least companies like GE and other auto companies who received bailout funds managed to get their businesses back on their feet and hired people in the process with with livable wages. If anything, I'm referring to financial companies who received bailouts that basically caused the economic downturn. The auto companies served as good examples of trying to get the country out of the slump by working with the government and the people. Finance industry? Not so much.
Your not making any reasonable argument. Your belief is people do everything on your own no is going to help you especially the government that took your tax payer money to help those who caused you to be in a shitty job. FYI the educated are unemployed too genius. People with MBAs and phds can't find work. And not because they're looking for high paying jobs it's because there isn't any. As a citizen I give up more than 30 percent of my pay to taxes a lot of it goes to medicaid and social security as well as unemployment. I've worked uninterrupted for 16 years and paid my taxes so what am I entitled to?
you will not be living alone...if you choose to live in nyc then you will do what most other singletons in nyc will have at least 3 roommates and not alot of personal space...i suggest you get a PT restaurant job so they at least feed you or ideally find a roommate the works at a restaurant and will be bringing home won't need a car because you are living in the city... all it takes is a strategic mind to figure out a way to make it work...actually you should be really good at this coming from an accounting background...i think everyone in america needs to learn how to live a more frugal lifestyle
You're assuming a lot here. 1. I live outside the city not in the city 2. Restaraunts in this area usually hire illegals since they won't complain about wages and will work for tips that they take a percentage of. 3. How does one find roommates if they don't know people currently looking for one or if they aren't working at the moment of finding themselves homeless? This whole thread us beginning to sound a lot like debates over homelessness in the 80s. Basically the right wing conservative sentiment was people who were homeless chose to be that way. Like I said before I hope there is more compassion for people like you paniro than you guys seem to have.
Hiking taxes for the rich IMO is not the answer, they already pay more taxes because they make more. The Fair tax is the way to go and, I believe will solve a lot of the problems you all have been discussing.
unfortunately some of the lawyer guys I rolled around with at BJJ were complaining about the lack of prospects and good money with lawfirms. they were basically telling us to avoid law school because of the economy. Stuff like that has been highlighted in the news as well. however..that doesnt mean that you cant find a job somewhere else, because it's not in your field or yield high dividends. Sometimes you gotta take a shitty job until things fall into place. Some people will NOT do that, and that's why they're unemployed. Waiting tables or working two jobs with a PhD until they find another high-end gig aint happenin for a lot of folk (excluding FG who doesnt mind working hard)
Dude I have friends who were posting on fb how happy they were to find jobs paying 8 bucks an hour. Trust me most aren't being pick. Like I said five applicants for every one job. Where do the other four go?
simple mathematics i understand that, believe me..ive been saying that for some time there just arent enough jobs and it's sad because you go to college, with the intention of landing a good job. you go to grad school with the intention of getting a SUPERIOR job. then you look at the articles that say companies are discriminating even more, because of the lack of jobs, and ur stomach turns. now it's simple mathematics and racial loyalty/survival. you want to keep the money in the hands of your own people. on another note, i used to flip burgers at Wendys (a place like mc donalds), so im no stranger to taking a shit job until stuff opens up:smt047
lippy is going to have to is either a tax hike on the rich or no more tax breaks for the rich...too many loopholes...i do however think that if the rich were more philanthropic with their money then we wouldn't need so many programs...companies should get breaks for being philanthropic in the usa and not abroad...companies that outsource labor should be taxed higher to force the labor jobs back into the usa...we need to stop the bleeding...