I disagree...I want devotion! Bowing down, foot licking, dish doing devotion. Money? Pffsh..I means nothing. Devotion Now THAT is Priceless
Thats what I did for a living so I don't need to dig. Yes women are surpassing men in numbers in terms of spots in higher education but men still hold the purse strings on the global economy so to speak. Women still get paid about 79 cents to every dollar a man earns. Just saying.....do some digging and you will see this highlighted
WOMEN argue with MEN about what MEN believe all the time (if the man isn't just keeping silent or lying to maintain the peace), especially on this board, it's called EQUALITY my feminist warrior MILF princess.
Is that the exception or the norm. Come ladies enough with anecdotes. There are certain western cultural norms and one of them is men are EXPECTED to be the bread winner. You sound ridiculous when you try to make it sound like that's not what's happening. It's the same if I said I know women who don't get sexually harassed at work it doesn't mean that women everywhere don't get sexually harassed. Come on now.
You're absolutely silly. Did you really try to use an example from 60 years ago? Your honor I rest my case lol
People always want to pull a few exceptions out of their ass to prove a point, when they know damn well it isn't the norm.
That would mean women have faults too and feminists can't allow us to find that out lol. It's plain sad
All of y'all have legit points. I know its still a fucked up world, but you'd think peeps are more open minded in 2012.
I thought she was talking about dude from those Mummy movies with Brendan Frasier then I looked him up and saw that dude was the same age as my grandmother lol. Guaranteed even back then girls didn't have posters of him that they kissed every night like they did Clarke Gable and Carry Grant. It's like it pains her to admit to being wrong.
You already know the answer. Bm being stay at home dads would be considered shiftless and lazy trying to avoid work.