This made me cry my heart out

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    There's a man here in town who owns a dog grooming business, & I've heard some horror stories about how he treats the dogs he grooms. An employee of mine used to work for him, & she witnessed many things...tying them down, choking them, shaking them, cutting them with scissors & hair/nail clippers (then super-gluing the wounds closed), throwing them, kicking them, biting them & screaming at them, etc. Surprisingly he's been in business for over 20 years. I've heard folks comment about their dogs' fear of the groomer, & I tell them what I've heard. What's crazy to me is that many of them just assumed the dog just didn't like getting a haircut; if my pet was that afraid, there's no way I leave it someplace.

    I can't watch it either.
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    That's horrible. :( But it's the truth in a lot of supposedly animal friendly businesses. Even at the vet's I work at, there use to be (key words 'USE TO BE') a vet nurse who would hit and slap animals if they pulled away from her. She especially felt the need to slap Border Collies around the head because, in her words "you have to watch this breed, they bite!". But she did it to pretty much every dog she groomed and handled there.
    Anyone who has any sense, or knows even a little bit about dogs will know that hitting a dog is seen, by the dog, as an attack and is more likely to provoke a negative response. Meaning...if you hit them they're more likely to bite you.
    Seriously, this woman was a moron and shouldn't have been around animals. Yet she touted herself as being someone who knew more about them than most. Delusional and dangerous. :(

    I'd like to say that education is what is needed, but it's not. In my experience, the ones doing the abusing are well aware of all the different information and views and choose to conduct themselves this way, regardless.
  3. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of the story a few years ago where the groomer accidently cut off the dogs ear and superglued it back on. That worked out til the owner bathed him and his ear fell off. :(
  4. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    :eek: OMG!
  5. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I love reading the response before the quote. It's like forum Jeopardy.

    To answer your question, apparently I do as quite a lot of other people. I'm not planning to get trolled into a discussion / argument over it though.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Folks that mistreat animals know exactly what they're doing. Whatever their reasons for doing it, it's obvious they get off on it IMO, & they don't have any business being around animals.

    Holy shit! That also reminds me of a guy my dad knew who trained horses...they were working with a skittish horse (I think he was the reason the horse was nervous). He was losing his patience with the horse & kept biting its ear (what that was supposed to teach the horse I don't know) & eventually bit the end of the horse's ear off.
  7. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    The footage is sickening and wildly illegal in most jurisdictions.
    Im glad you pointed out the above, though.

    Not to de rail, but humans are treated like this every day in war crimes and by corrupt government officials. Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, drc, Egypt to name a few.
  8. ktplay

    ktplay New Member

    ok ...after reading all the post i can't even bring myself to watch it. i never could watch stuff like ya'll r describing. i'll just take your word for it.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    A big Fuck you to Texas!

    For your archaic livestock protection laws. Change them now!

    Fuck you for letting this murderous bastard dairy farm owner walk today with only a slap!


    Thanks Texas courts...probation??! Really? For all this?? vvv


    Fuck you judge!

    Fuck you, you coward spineless heartless "workers" who fled the State when the law came after your punk asses...these were fucking defenseless baby calves on the ground!! I hope God slaughters you 10x in the same way and denies you any mercy! You are abominations to humanity.

  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I can't watch something like that either.

    When I look at dogs' pictures online through shelters and read their stories, I cry.

    *such a sap am I*
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Its happening all over the place and I cant believe that its not punished, severely - This is torture, no more, no less.
    If you have that little respect for life, AND clearly ENJOY (they clearly did) torturing animals like this - its is proven that it can easily escalate to harming humans, it will only take the correct setting and you have something even worse happening. It just has to be stopped, its so completely unnecessary.

    I love veal, but I do not eat it because of how poorly they are housed, even if they are not killed like this.. its still unacceptable.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I know its not easy to watch...and know....the truth.

    But by educating myself, I am able to make the right choices....I will be damned if I give one cent to these kind of prick farmers. He's getting rich and while he does this, Americans are completely in the dark. Most people and defintely mothers would be horrified to see this is how they now do it.

    Like someone asked..whatever happened to the days of a bucket under them?

    There ARE humane dairy farms who treat their cows in a dignified manner for their gift to us...learn where you get your milk from. We have to stop making these snickering monsters rich.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Whole-heartedly agree. 15 years ago I used to eat it and didn't even understand what it was. I thought it was just a name for meat. My BFF who eats meat wont eat veal, explained the cruely. I didn't touch it after that.

    I won't touch foi grau, either.

    We are a self-gratifying, pompous lot, happily ignorant, making excuses, confusing dominion "over animals" with sadistic domination. It causing a schism, a disharmony with nature that we will ultimately pay the price for. This was never God's intention in order to provide for us.
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    True, I love fois gras also, but don't eat it anymore after seeing pictures of them. I just cant get myself to eat it after that.

    I lived on a farm between the age of 10-15 and we had calfs. They were very well treated - we hand fed them and they were out during the day frolicking in the grass and they had a huge area they were in at night.
    Us kids LOVED to brush then and play with them. They were so much fun and absolutely ADORABLE! I cant imagine laying a hand on them.
    Of Course most of them ended up as food but they were very well treated when alive and not killed like that.
    The older I get, the more problems I have with how animals raised for food are treated. I don't mean it should stop, that is not realistic - It just need to be better handled and regulated:-(
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yeah to your last paragraph. Many States do have protection laws in place to protect livestock from cruelty, but many are still ass backward and behind. All animals feel, they know pain and are aware....
    and have fight or flight instincts just like humans do. When they are terrorized and abused before death like in the videos, that's what is transposed into us when we eat their meat.
    I wish to God all farms were like your parent's. A farm that showed more humane treatment and respect to the animals who make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Bless you Geek for showing them love and care while they lived.
  16. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I know - its terrible, it isn't an easy problem though - we had a very small farm with 20 dairy cows and maybe 15 calf at best during the summer. Maybe 5 pigs, some hens and ducks and goats and turkeys -
    The ducks and turkeys ran free during the day on the yard, they didn't go anywhere.
    The goats grazed with the cows and calf that went with their mothers.
    In the end, it was "an expensive hobby" as my mother said and does not bring real money.
    That approach is of course not realistic for "professional" farms, but that doesn't mean that this sort of abusive behavior is needed.
    Seems to me if they had a bolt- pistol or whatever it is called would have been not only more humane for the animals but also save time for the workers. What they did is can not in any way be defended, ther is NO reason why that should be better - except to feed their twisted minds.

    Apart from the nauseating abuse, I really don't want to eat meat that has been manhandled like that - bruised and filled up with hormones.

    I think we have a right to eat better handled animals. I bet that a lot of people would not want to eat meat from animals treated this way - even a lot of people that don't care about the abuse in of it self probably would like to know its not bruised up hormone ladden meat.

    What if there were labels indicating this on meat packets? The increase in price would be minimal from this video killing to more humane and safe ways of killing animals such as the bolt pistol (even that is not the best but superior to standing on necks and rib-cages, hammering animals head half a dozen times and ice picking them poorly over and over).

    It is just so senseless and unnecessary - apart from the criminal cruelty.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yours sounded like such a lovely farm. :)

    When you say unrealistic for professional farms - not so. Many farmers sickened by the slaughterhouses are taking farming back...doing what your family did but on a grander scale.... (they use no hormones and animals not caged and are greassfed, not grain fed) (all humane ranchers and beef sellers register here- a great site) ( this ranch founded in 1916, is 40,000 acres..they treat their cows/animals with utmost dignity/respect)

    "The philosophy that drives this operation is “a deep understanding of the importance of low stress cattle handling, responsible stewardship of the land and a desire to provide a stable and satisfying life for those who work on the ranch.” This creates a “win-win-win” situation – the cattle live in an ideal environment, the ranch practices ecologically progressive and sustainable farming and ranching methods, and the customers are guaranteed they are receiving the most wholesome, sustainably raised beef available." ("Respect for the Land" is their company logo)

    There's plenty more to list..but they are just a few to show.

    Your label idea is great...WHOLE FOODS wont allow any meat that has hormones or ,mistreated cattle to be sold in their markets. All their packages list the supplier and their meat standards.

    Yep, senseless sums it up right. It would be awesome if supermarkets played this vid in their meat sections...:eek:

  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is true, but it does cost more to buy that sort of meat. It is more expensive. Me and many others are willing to pay that but that increase is something many families can not handle.

    What I was addressing was not that level of farms and sold meat but simply the other side of it. How to sell meat from unabused animals for similar cost as sold today in "regular" stores - i.e, it will not be more expensive to kill animals w no abuse for those farms that engage in that sort of behavior.

    I know about Whole foods and their stand on this and what they sell, but not everybody can afford to go there. That wasn't was I was addressing.

    I think these type stores and farms do just fine, but for the rest of us that cant afford to be that selective - there is room to improve labels of more humane treatments in "regular" stores.
    Sort of leaving the higher level as they are as they are fine but up the lower level without high cost increases that will prohibit those farms from functioning and poorer families to afford meat. There is room for both, all meat cant be the level of what s sold at Whole foods.

    I simply meant that the farms that stomp their cattle to death cant use cost effectiveness as an excuse as using a bolt-pistol is not much more expensive.

    Does that make sense?
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I'm quite following you then...I was merely responding to your quote of -

    I was noting that there are places that do it, because you felt "a lot of people would not want to eat meat from animals treated this way" so that's why I posted alternative farms who offer this.

    Also that some suppliers do put labels on, and I used Whole foods just as an example. But Perdue do it now too, and in regular supermarkets many labels show if it's organically fed or free ranged meat, eggs, chicken...etc. My Pathmark does, SuperFresh, The Fresh Grocer and Trader Joe's, Sams club chains...etc. Yes it costs a little bit more even in these reg supermarkets, but its in the budget range of the average shopper.

    Truthfully, I think asshole farms like the vid showed already know plenty about bolt-pistols...I mean he had 10,000 cows stuffed there, he could afford them...It sounds like he was simply a sadistic bastard that enjoyed killing them inhumanely and making his workers join in "the fun".

    So know that I understand your point and agree with you in that it WOULD be great to get ALL meat suppliers who provide meat to regular people to make a change without claiming it costs "a lot" more (which would scare the consumer into ignoring how their meat ends up in the freezer isle and only focus on their wallets.) Im sure it would be mere cents on the dollar.

    Anyway, I hope in your eyes that I have understood what you're saying, even if its in a little sense.
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    LOL. Seeing what you wrote below my quote you did understand what I was saying:)
    The quote was taken a bit out of context originally as I was talking about humane slaughter without raising the cost.
    I just simply left the Whole Foods regulations out as it is much more expensive and don't add anything to my argument that humane slaughter does not need to be more expensive and that there then is no excuse.

    We are talking about the same thing.

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