Why do men primarily do this to their ex's??

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yep. My thing is, I'll put mine down when you do. As long as there are criminals out there with them, my baby is my only shot at a chance if I need her. (I wish it didn't have to be that way, though).
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How is what I said chauvinist?
    Btw nice choice. Good stopping power great recoil and little chance of jamming. My dad had one when I was kid. If I decide to get a pistol I'd prefer a glock just because you don't have to clean it as much for it to function well. My dad cleaned that revolver weekly.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok maybe not chauvinist I may have knee-jerked because you said men are more likely to have them in the house and women are not generally fans, and I do and I am, so sorry for saying that, because you are probably right.

    I used to shoot my ex-bf's Glock and it always jammed on me. I chose a revolver because it won't jam and I won't have time to unjam a semi if someone is in my home. If I ever move to an apartment though, I'm getting a shotgun because I couldn't live with myself if a stray went through a wall.
    (plus I know with a S/G I'm not gonna miss the m/fer if he's coming at me)
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I like the shotgun because you can't miss lol. And it's totally defensive. I'm probably going to buy a compression bow for hunting(we kill what we eat)
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Eek, cant co-sign on the c-bow...but I give personal mental exception in these tough economic times to true hunters who eat their kill. Food isn't cheap anymore and its one less animal that will have to go through those hell-hole factory slaughterhouses..I'd rather Bambi be eating grass thinikng of flowers and stuff and go out that way than face the devil's who work the death pits.

    I hate hunting as a sport - period.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Isn't it called a compound bow??
    I used to compete in archery and we called them that, not compression bows - although its really semantics I guess:)
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Holy shit girl, you are the most rounded active woman I 'know'. No wonder you have that spectacular athletic body and fresh face...you're so inspiring! :smt109
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    LOL More like ADD when it came to participating in sports. You die if I told you how many sports I competed in. I'm almost embarrassed. Almost:)

    But thanks for the kinds words gorgeous! You inspire me!
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the correction boo lol.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    aww hunnibunni!:smt054
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw It did nt suppose to be perceived that way. what Im saying what both sides can do to mitigate possible violence. no matter how civil you can be sometimes people (men and women) will do evil shit. trust me I have seen it. people are just outright evil. most of the time when you take em to court and they get thrown in jail or the threat of jail time will calm their asses down.

    no doubt its the military's fault. I worked at fort carson for a week doing some auditing and that is a lovely place
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw I got her arrested for the forgery (trust me I thought of busting her ass). It too an act of god to do it because she was a woamn. seriously. they stated because you guys are married we will not do anything. I replied we are divorced and she did it while we were divorced and also the LAW states it doesnt matter if you are married or not and court rulings support my position. then they had her arrested. it took me a year to do it. she also committed mail fraud but they wouldnt do it because they said I was small potatoes but yet they can go after a BM for snooping into his wife's email to find out if she was cheating. go figure that.

    that is why I was saying in the elin thread take the women to court and have the judge make the wives pay for court cost when you have to fight for visitation. from what I understand most judges will side with you on that point. if you have to spend money to fite for visitations then she whould have to pay for atty fees. I didnt know that until afterwards. atty will not tell you that shit.

    Im telling you guys this shit because if you go thru this shit then you will know up front. dont let an atty talk you out of it. also go after her for contempt of court. in alabama for each day you miss seeing your kid its 5 days in jail. dont let an atty talk you out of doing that shit either. in either case if you dont get any of that shit and the woman see you going after it....it will scare her str8.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Let's be real.

    Too many dudes, consciously or subconscious view their GF/wives as PROPERTY.
    I married you and that gold ring is actually a collar around your neck attached to the leash I'm holding in my hand!!lol

    Given that some women feel the same way, but in my experience fewer women have the thought process of, 'if I can't have you, NOBODY will.'
    Too many men think they're entitled to hit a woman like she's their child, or to 'keep her line', to 'tame' her.

    I used to live near a safehouse for battered women, and sometimes it was like being on the set of a horror movie.

    Every once in a while some dude would TRACK HIS EX to the house(!!), and in the middle of the night you'd hear some cat screaming and cussing at a chick who's hiding inside. A couple of times I woke up in the morning to find the back door of the safehouse was KICKED OUT through the entire damn door frame and cops were on scene investigating.

    Girls stalk exes, but it's usually to keep tabs on them because they can't let go.
    Dudes on the other hand will threaten to kill a chick multiple times in a relationship to intimidate and psychologically abuse them, then follow through with those threats.

    Forget killing.

    THink about how many women are currently in relationships where they are routinely hit in anger by their partner.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    True but don't many want support and perpetuate that mentality by seeking courtship which has always been a ceremony before purchasing or taking a wife. Many also support the idea of being treated like a lady which in my experience is synamous with being taken care of. It's part of the old coupling system.
    As for a lot of women who end up with douche bags who beat and stalk them. Sometimes not all but sometimes isn't there some willful ignorance. One of my friend's famous lines was "he might change you don't know" or "he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing"
    A lot of excuse making goes on for these guys.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    too true on both points there. there is however abuse from women to men. its more of a passive agressive tip. lets say a woman gets into a fiancial bind and say to their boyfriend " you are my man you should help me fix my car...your the man."

    women love pulling that shit "your the man in the relationship" when its to their benefit. be careful what you "wish" for. you women will run across some knucklehead and listen to that shit and when shit go south he wants the money he "invested" in you back.
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    As a survivor of domestic abuse, I can say this is absolutely true. My ex loved to threaten me. He would remind me that he'd kill me and might go to jail, but either way, I'd still be dead. He used to come to my work under the guise of wanting to go to lunch, but he was checking up on me.... Making sure I wasn't eating lunch with any of my guy friends. If he even saw me talking to them he would go nuts. Guys like that are capable of killing. I almost lost my life a few times.

    Thanks for being one of the few who gets it.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    sounds like you needed an insurance policy provided by smith and wesson.
  18. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    And victim blaming. Why blame women who only want to be treated with respect and have a partner? Why isn't the discussion about "why are these assholes getting away with hitting women?!"

    Women do abuse men, and that's horrible and senseless, too. Unfortunately, the numbers are far less, so it is not as widely discussed.
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    no. I hate guns and will never own one. He has no idea where I am now. I had people step in and move me over 700 miles away. If they hadn't, I'd be dead right now. That's no exaggeration, either.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    damn thats some fuuuuccccckeeeed up shit.

    let me ask you this..have you designed a screen process to see if you can stay away from mofos like that...

    In other words have you had a chance to look back and say I saw the signs of craziness (SOC) but over look them

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