Did you realize that a lot of the ww that date bm are Europeans?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Avia, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Well said, I'd have repped you but I have to spread it around first.
  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    My stock is high wherever, even Antarctica, and fuck these "European women are better" threads. Maybe they are but so what, it's your job to be on point so that you stand out anywhere.
  3. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    you know you are right. about being the best you can be as man. i actually agree with you.
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I would have to disagree and say that WW (in general) date BM, regardless of where you are.

    You have to remember that racism against us is not limited only to the United States. Racism is global. You can be anywhere in the world and experience it.
  5. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I have a white co-worker who travels to Europe a lot and, he said the same thing.

    From my experience, when I was in the Navy; it seemed like most of the guys on my ship had a easier time meeting the European women, no matter what race he was. A white friend of mine even joked about it saying " when we get back to the States we're gonna find out we're not shit again" and we all laughed about it.

    I kinda see were satyr is coming from also. Back then, I wasn't the most outgoing dude and, was shy (still am a little, I'll admit) but, I met this really pretty girl in Spain. My friend said it was because I actually tried and, I could do the same thing back in the states. I also noticed that a lot of the same guys that got girls in the states got them overseas also.

    Having said that, I have heard a lot of the same things you all have been discussing. I understand some of the negativity some of you have experienced dating WW in the states because, I've experienced it a little.

    I had a white friend that seemed pretty cool but, I found out from a mutual friend that, he hated when black guys dated WW and, celebrated when he saw a WM with a BM, like it was some sort of competition.

    Anyway, I gotta get me a passport! :)
  6. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Ok, I'm hopelessly naive, but I cannot imagine why the hell a WM would give a shit who a WW he wasn't with was dating or sleeping with or marrying.

    I don't give a shit who anyone else sleeps with. Why would I???:smt102
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    This is over the feeling of obligation. A white man believes that white women are obligated/mandated only to date white men. It is a problem with power that interferes with genuine love between the two people of different races that like each other.

    But yeah, you're totally right about what you say. And I hope I explained it clearly for you. :smt003
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Not exactly, but I think it has as much to do with patriarchal control as it does anything else - the sense that all WM *own* WW, and therefore have some intrinsic right to determine who they fuck or reproduce with. Of course, I approach things through a feminist lens rather than a racial lens because I'm a WW and a feminist, but I do think there's this sense of ownership/control. Which of course, as a woman ticks me the hell off. NO ONE tells me who to share my body, my mind, my heart or my life with.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Great to see that you are confident about who you are and what you are representing.

    I cannot really explain it on here, but I think there is a underlying psychological/sociological reason for why we are confronted with this, specifically with how WM and BW view this particular interracial relationship in society. I just can't pin-point what exactly it is.
  10. qnet

    qnet New Member

    Yeah, I never fully understood it . The guy I was talking about was not what I'd call a loser when meeting women, he got his share, even BW (so he said).

    I've also met WM who don't seem to have a issue with BM & WW dating at all and, in fact encourage it and, applaud it - in a stereotypical way - I'm not sure how I fell about that either.
  11. Avia

    Avia New Member

  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL Pixie. You see their feelings aren't predicated on that point of view as you and I would approach the situation.

    They approach it from an I'm a white man, he is a black man, thus i am better than him and therefore cannot fathom why a white woman would want to be with a black man over a white man.

    In their minds a black man is less than them so why would any white woman follow that path. It must be because white men don't want her. See how their logic works to soothe their disdain over a black man with a white woman.

    Generally they don't get worked up in the reverse when it is a white man with a black woman or a white man with an Asian woman. They are superior white males so all women must want them, but to want a black man instead of them, how dare she.

    You have to keep in mind the images, stereotypes, assumptions about what it is to be a black male in America. You generally are shoved into a certain criteria, thuggish, pants falling off your ass, yo, yo, yo coming out of your mouth, probably a rap sheet, no goals in life and all the other negative tripe.

    Who your are as an individual, your mentality and makeup, your values and character, your personal interests be damned in the name of stereotypes.

    I've related this story before of how in college a few professors would remark on how I'm very well spoken, nothing wrong with that in of itself, the thing was I never heard them say that to a white student once.

    That is what leaves one wondering, were they surprised that a young black male presented himself so eloquently when speaking. Heaven forbid. :D
  13. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Makes sense - along the lines of who was it, Biden? who made the tone-deaf statement about Obama being articulate and clean. Just weird.

    Years ago, a man I worked with said to me "You're aggressively intelligent." Another tone deaf statement - he'd never have said that to a man, but my intelligence and ability to put together a cogent argument seemed aggressive to him because girlz aren't s'posed to do that to a guy. ;-)

    ETA: It's really convenient for the WM at the top of the cultural totem pole to look at less privileged folk in stereotypical ways. It not only avoids having to deconstruct their own privilege, but it avoids having to face the socio-economic injustices inherent in the system. If they ever really looked at that face on, there would have to be wholesale changes to the way things are done in our society which would de-privilege them not only socially but economically as well. Capitalism is a system which relies on hierarchy, and and if that were leveled, the economic system would have to change.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Exactly, these things wouldn't be said about a white male, so why is it said about a black male. Hmm, the answer to that tells you what is at work right there.

    I have often said when it comes to racism an educated black man is the most dangerous threat to it.

    In the South as long as blacks remained ignorant and said yes suh to whites it was no problem, because they knew their place.

    The uppity negro was the constant thorn in the side however. Knowledge is power is a wholehearted understatement.
  15. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Having been accused a time or six hundred of being an uppity woman I'm rather in favor of uppity ;-)
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Moreover it is something that has been built up and multiplied over centuries, so it is firmly planted in the mindset and mentality of generation after generation in society.

    There was a reason behind race based slavery, segregation, lack of voting rights, lack of equal access to education.

    All those actions were conscious decisions and efforts made by individuals who stood to benefit in each one of them being implemented as social policies.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    fixed...we :heart: you too
  18. qnet

    qnet New Member

    GQ Brotha, you really explain things well, much better than I.
  19. Bestofjoy

    Bestofjoy New Member

    This is interesting...although iam "Canadian" (born in Canada) my grandparents on both sides are from european countries...Cool!!!! I have always had a "thing" for a black man. I dont care for the "all american" man - white, blonde hair, blues eyes. Just not for me.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Believe me...

    White men KNOW we are not less than them.

    They know that better than we do.:D

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