Did you realize that a lot of the ww that date bm are Europeans?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Avia, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is that suppose to be insulting lol? Shit I hope have kids as successful as him.
  2. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    lol i thought the same thing, some woman was complaining about seeing so many young white girls in her town with "obama babies" i was just cracking up at them
  3. Avia

    Avia New Member

    We did not have your (United States) history and therefor we have another perception between blacks and whites..
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    To quote Andrae, "We're making presidents and shit", so making "Obamas" is a good thing....:D

    But SMH @ the lady
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    European born and American raised here. Both my parents are European, neither are thrilled that I date BM. Mom is tolerant to a degree, Dad has not spoken to me in 3 years. However, my aunts, uncles and cousins who stayed behind in Ireland were welcoming and loving to my ex-BF when we visited. GENERALLY, in my experience, Europeans TEND to be more liberal than Americans, and threfore are a bit more acceptaning of IR. But more and more Americans are becoming tolerant as well.
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The italicized portion has been my experience.
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I think after 2008, since Obama won, the trends will change and more American white women would prefer guys besides white men, as long as they have the mindset of valuing the personality of the person that likes them and they don't see everything only from the prism of skin color.
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, ironically many of those sickos are often nothing but lowlife criminals in their own miserable lives.
  9. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    lol i know, they often act like whites are crime free etc, it makes me laugh the shit i can pull up and end their delusion, they are usually caught with some kinda fetish for IR sometimes, heard some very messed up storys
  10. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Yes you euro women have been raised differently. or rather you have been exposed to different things. and conditioned differently.


    I blame it on slavery and everything that happened after it.


    also because there have been lots of wars in europe - alot of those countries have been forced over and over to REINVENT economically and culturally and be liberal and open minded to new things. I think the fact that some of this shows thru europe white women and some of these countries that are more open sexually but have a lower teen birth rate that the usa.

    So everything from race, to class, sexual politics, what is considered desirable sexually to the preception of beauty is just different over there.
    sure there is racism but there is a different calibur of racisim.

    More and more american black men are starting to find out about this. But there will always be some group of mis-educated brothers who don't and won't get the message.

    just like at a tyler perry film or tv show.


    i mean if we look back at that and everything that occured after slavery here in america it explains why we have racial tension that we have today.

    its too complicated to analyze actually.

    the guy jaisee said it best. our stock is higher in Europe than it is here in the U.S.A. It's really that simple. and this factor will not change any time soon.

    those of us who have the money and the elbow room and a passport, know what to do, and are already doing it.


    jaisee kudos to you for marrying a german girl. i understand that those ladies really appreciate us.

    American white men feel entitled to the best of everything and they are "programmed" very early in life.


    so when they see tiger woods and seal on magazine covers their stomach's turn and they get angry.


    and alot of american white women look down on euro white women and think something is wrong with them and go "yuck".

    and American black women suck on their teeth and get angry too. its really all terrible.


    jill scott actually went to my college i'm at "howard university" so i know her one sided views mirror that of the campus which is basically 60% black female.



    the best example i can think of is a former friend. he lived in France with his french African wife and their son. i saw pictures of the boy at 6 years old. and he was loved by all the little french white girls and the little french boys wanted to be his friend too. the french soccer moms loved the boy too. He really stood as the good looking American black child in the class.

    but for stupid reasons. my friend decided to move the family back here to the U.S.A. and now the boy is 12 years old. this boy is on a all white soccer team. and all of the white children have formed cliques and they completely ISOLATE the kid. and the boy is clearly affected by this isolation he never experienced in france.

    so that is a good example.


    me personally, i don't see myself with a black woman. i have given up on them.

    Personally as a middle class black man, i don't feel comfortable living in the states with a foreign white woman. there is too much racial tension that is covert, and i really don't feel that i would be able to protect myself and my woman from that racial tension. i would rather live in her environment that welcomes me.

    the member Machiavelli posted pics and vids of his trip to kiev ukraine. he befriended two ukranian black girls there who had alot of natural beauty. they were too nice. they reminded me that i shouldn't completely throw the towell in on black women, but how many attractive black women exist who are born and raised in a mostly euro white culture.

    not many

    eddie murphy said it best.

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  11. Avia

    Avia New Member

    Thank you for your post. I really enjoyed reading it and I can´t wait to show it to my boyfriend.
    Can´t wait to read more from you!
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  13. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    LOL i love that pic, got it on my facebook group
  14. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Hey no problem. there are alot of intelligent brothers on this board. i don't know why they don't chat more and say positive things more often. but glad to share info.

    this documentary here i think explains everything alitlte better. i plan on buying it someday. or at-least download it.



    if you can see all the tension and anger that is in these documentaries this what IR couples go thru alot of times in the U.S.A. (not all) but too many of them are catching hell. its complex and give me headaches.

    me personally, i think that my eyes were opened when i saw the laurence fishburne version of Othello. and the actress irene jacob caught my eye.


    then i saw a her first film "the double life of veronique"


    and i became a huge fan of her.




    and then i just starting looking at foreign movies, and i began to see a huge difference between the way women are portrayed vs here in the U.S.A.

    and then i started see what was missing in my life. What was missing was a different mentality and a different type of woman.

    you have to understand that there is a gender war going on in the U.S.A. right now. and both sexes are guilty. there are men and women that give both sexes a bad name.



    so not just black men. Men in general are flocking for foreign women (global dating). black men are discovering that their stock is higher as Jaisee said with foreign white women. and the atmosphere that foreign white women lives in, praises her for getting an american black man. vs. the U.S.A - society tries to beat her down for it. the middle class woman who dates interacially (esepcially if she is attractive) is gonna have a rough time. and the black man in that scenario will catch hell to.

    So some of us don't even want to live in the states with a french girl, or a swedish girl, german girl. they want to go to her and live around her if they can. not all of us can do that. it costs alot of money and stuff to do that.

    the country that inspires me the most is Ukraine and Scandanavia. why? its because those countries women take alot of pride in their appearance, they are beautiful and exotic but they don't have the huge egos that American women have. and when it comes to black men we are just loved, liked and appreciated on a deeper level, than we are in our own culture.

    i also love germany because their culture is evolving into a more diverse multi-cultural environment, that appreciate us american black men.

    Euro white women in certain countries in europe appreciate us on a very deep level. i hate to say it but they "love" us.

    i'm not saying that american white women are no good. But there is a stigma that many (not all) black men / white women couples have to face depending on the environment they decide to live in.

    but some of us brothers will never make it out of the ghetto mentality and we won't make it out of the closed minded black community to expand our horizons. i feel really bad when foreigners who have never seen black before see tyler perry films, and thinkt hat we are all like that.





  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually one thing I've notice about foreigners. They don't let entertainment color their perception of all black people at least not in a negative way. I've yet to meet the European woman who goes around fearful of black people because they are black. That seems to be very unique to America at least as far as I've seen.
  16. Avia

    Avia New Member

    Again, I really enjoyed reading your post.
    Maybe what makes a black man attractive is that they are more rare here and whatever is rare is also really liked in Europe. It is just something different to the regular.
    I can´t watch Tyler Perry movies/Tv shows and really don´t like how they portray black families.
  17. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    wow. where are you from by the way? i'm glad to see, that you can see thu the B.S. - i accept the fact that tyler is trying to make money and i know his personal story, but i've actually lived thru some of the stigma he is trying to portray and i've had enough.

    i think this guy here really breaks down the american black men / foreign white women thing. better than i can.


    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  18. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    I wholeheartedly agree with jaisee. My stock is high with the ladies from Europe. These women more often than not have less hangups over dating Black Men.

    Nationality of Women I dated or had relationships with in the last two years(in no particular order):

    Spanish(from Barcelona, Spain)

    Basically 80% European. I live in one of the most diverse cities in the world. So i have the pleasure of meeting people with different cultures.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good to know its not just bitter ass Drae from NY saying this lol
  20. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    When they spend so much time obsessing on a subject that they can never alter or change, no matter how much hate they have, it has to do some pretty messed up things to the psyche of those kind of folks over time.

    Their mentality and behaviors on race becomes a way of life and they overlook the personal filth that exists within them and those around them who share their sentiments.

    Its akin to the man that protests too much against homosexuality and you later find out he is homosexual after all the hyperbolic behavior he remonstrated.

    I view bigots as comedy material in that no amount of hating, bitching, whinging about another person's skin color will make one bit of difference if two adults like each other, that's the bottom line.

    As long as those race obsessed losers stay out of my way, they can talk to their hearts content, while I keep doing me.

    Free country they can talk, just keep your nose out of my business at the end of the day. :D

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