Did you realize that a lot of the ww that date bm are Europeans?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Avia, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thread shut down. Good post my friend
  2. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    So what I'm curious about is IR's in Africa namely South Africa. How do they compare with Europe, Northern America, and Australia?
  3. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yeah good post naija, as always.

    Even in Australia, my mans success in his vocation was nothing in Australia when we first met, and people were surprised.

    Your story touches my heart because he is an artist (musician) too, albeit as I discovered sometime after already with recognition at home due to the family, you understand that naija.

    There are women all over are guilty of wanting a pre packaged man but those who have worked hard and been lucky are more likely to be patient while things develop, better to build a rock together.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please write a book and school some of these women. I think that is my biggest critique of American women they are incredibly impatient and as a result so damn depressed. They are completely unwilling to invest in a man's potential.
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Oh absolutely, heck there are Africans that don't even get along with other Africans, hence how you can have the constant wars and the genocide in Rwanda for starters.

    If a person wants to judge me based on race alone they are in for a rude awakening.

    I welcome such a feeble minded attempt at defining me as a man. :D

    I'm open and respectful to other folks no matter their background, it is only when they step out of their face that I take umbrage.

    At the end of the day though, I'll keep living according to the tenants that make me most comfortable and happy, irrespective of others.
  6. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So hot so smart and so honest. Talk about rare
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Its all about meeting that individual that you click with on a real intimate level.

    If a girl is looking for a pre-packaged man on a material wealth level, nothing wrong with that even in of itself, to each their own, but it should also state caution: buyer beware, because what does that mean for the long term length and health of the relationship. :smt017
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL and it sticks in the craw of the "White nationalist aka racist" types.

    I stumbled across a whinger on Youtube who posts videos of blacks in a negative light, including a black British man robbing a white woman in a London tube and the CCTV picked it up.

    You wouldn't believe how many of these guys were on the topic saying.

    "I bet she will still sleep with that nig"
    "That's what they get for lying down with darkies"

    Its like these dudes were obsessed about the thought of white women having sex with black men than the actual crime that happened.

    I was left laughing my ass off that this is what these dudes have been reduced to.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    There's only a few locations where WW are...lol

    I don't think Europeans have the monopoly on dating BM, but if we're talking numbers, maybe they do.

    I'm sure it's been said, but I think some of the men here will ascribe to this theory cause they feel that they don't get the same love here as they would get or have gotten in Europe etc. I think it depends on the woman, not the locale. Of course being in the U.S., there's a terrible history, so dating isn't done so freely and without preconceived notions, cautions, fears or whatever baggage people may hold.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    europe as a continent is larger than america, not to mention many europeons live in america, so it depends how they classify themselves. unless we search out the stats, we won't really know. but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. if you are strong person, you can find the right person for yourself anywhere.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That definitely plays a role. If the women is very strong wiled and knows what she wants she will make her own choices.

    If she is concerned about perceptions of her by others in a primarily white community she either hides it or does not get involved with black men, even if she so desires because of all the stares and criticism she might encounter.

    Some people rise above social pressures, stereotypes and assumptions and others fall in line to avoid any rocking of the boat.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Power to all my IR sisters out there who do so cause we want to and could give 2 shits what the next man or woman says.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Most people want a life where things are easy I can't honestly blame certain ww for ruling bm out since being with us takes an incredibly strong minded person. Someone who isn't bogged down by what people might think or how they will be treated for their choices and unfortunately we don't raise our young women to be like that. Instead we fill their heads with bullshit like Twilight where all life is about is finding a man to be with.
  15. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL @ Twighlight

    Yeah, you're right. I think a lot of WW aren't exposed enough. They live in their little Lily White bubbles and forget that there's more out there. Unfortunately, too many people are controlled by what others think or they feel they have too much to lose. A person shouldn't feel that someone that could potentially be a good mate, could "cost" them.

    Welcome to America (and any other racist area).
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And seriously thank you for being fair about this. Its get so frustrating when assholes on this site in particular try to make you sound like its all in your head and all you need to do is "get out there"
    This shit is cultural and while it won't deter me from what I want it does become annoying at times and I don't see why its wrong to address that.
  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I don't necessarily think I'm being fair in this instance, but more or less being honest in the way I see things. I'm sure someone will dispute this way of thinking.

    I mean there are roadblocks against you, but I think if you carry yourself with a certain criteria, you'll be okay. It might not be easy, but you have to keep on trucking (or fucking in some peoples cases...lol) and something has to pan out in some shape or form.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    To me being fair is the only way honesty is allowed.
    Yeah I'm on my GQ pov. I carry myself well and march to the beat of my own drum and at times I get discouraged because "knowing" you're being overlooked because of race hurts. I don't have any other articulation other than it plain hurts to be seen for none of your accomplishments or great attributes it just comes down to skin color and it plain sucks. But I do keep on trucking and fucking and so far things may not be optimal but great none the less.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  20. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    WN are very sick twisted people, they will use stuff like ww being assulted by bm just to prove a point, who uses that to prove a point? they dont give a shit about white people, like they love to promote on tv and online, they only give a fuck about what ww shag bm an how many "obama babies" they spit out

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