Victoria Jackson says she's afraid Obama's private army will kill her. 1. private army (like Hitler) 2. socialist (like Hitler) 3. media control (like Hitler) A clause hidden in the Obamacare bill, which is now law, gives Obama the right to form a private army. Obviously she's lost it completely. Obama is about as close to a socialist as Eisenhower was. The actual article is bizarre.
And she was a cast member on SNL!? :shock: Yeah, when you graduated from a Bible university, Magnum Cum Loud, you'll easily turn into a bat-shit washed up cretin with no life.
Damn, that froot loopy bitch is still beating her gums about dumbshit. She was on that Lil Romeo show a few years back & I just think she's mad cuz no brothers will give her any play and she obviously wants some badly. :smt076
Pardon me for being crude, but she needs something stuck in her mouth so she'll have to shut the fuck up.