help..wonderful white women/parents

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    There isn't. Your "racial identity" is how others view you. Let's look at gender identity a moment. I'm assuming you're familiar with transgenderism. If I dress like a woman, have obviously female secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts, wear make up, etc, the world is going to view me as a woman. If I was transgender, I might very well be mentally/emotionally "male" but until I change my appearance to match that, I'm going to be treated AS A WOMAN. That's why FtM and MtF transgender folk cross dress, get surgery and take hormones. To alter the way *other* people view their gender, and to make it match the gender they feel inside.

    I could tell people I was a two headed green Martian, a plaid Saturnian, or a black American, but if my APPEARANCE is that of a white middle class middle aged female, THAT is how I'm going to be viewed and treated, with all the privilege (race and class)and lack of privilege (gender and age) which those attributes are granted by this society.

    I understand you feel the necessity to have the last word, Regina, so I'll let you. My points have been made, and I suspect, well understood by the rest of the forum. So have at, dear woman, but understand that you seem pretty much out on your own limb on this topic.
  2. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Pixie for prez, Pixie for prez,

    She schooled that Regina lady all the way back to Savannah, GA!!!!! :rock:
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Oh dear gods and little green monsters, no! Can you imagine a president who was as blunt as I am? Congress would implode from squeezing their butt cheeks together so tightly.
  4. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    There was a point in US history where a person was not allowed to racially identify themselves. A person would look at you and mark down white, black (whatever word they were using at that time) or mulatto, and at different points other descriptions. That is having your right to identify yourself take away. That is not the same as identifying yourself. A common thing you will hear from racially ambiguous people is others ASK them to identify themselves. That is the point you will take it upon yourself to identify yourself and it does not matter what someone else may assume you to be. But lets go with the transgender thing. A man can make oneself look like a woman and therefore be treated as a woman. Much like you will be treated in society based on how you look. If you look like a minority in the US you will be treated as minority. If you were to change the way you look ex. you watch that show where the changed their skin tone to see how they would be treated in different skin. That is like a man dressing like a woman and getting treated as a woman but no matter who he dresses like he is still a man. A man can say they are a woman but it doesn't make them a woman. A biracial person can say they are a monoracial race but doesn't make them a monoraical race. I personally think most multiracial people look multiracial. I know I personally tend to identify people that look that way and I'm right. However I have identified someone as white when they were biracial and I have identified someone as black when they were multiracial and do remember twice I identified someone as multiracial and they claimed to be black. One of those was a child in the picture with his parents who I thought based on appearance was a black man and a white woman but apparently the white woman was actually a black woman. Opps. A biracial appearance does it equate to racism, that I wholeheartedly agree with.

    Maybe so but as long as I have a response I don't tend to feel the need not to respond.
  5. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Schooled UM OK lol

    Atlanta is not Savannah.
  6. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    That's where you're wrong on transgenderism, but that's a bit of a derail. It's been proved that in utero, the brain and body are gendered at different times during gestation, which can set up a conflict....they truly have the brain of one gender and the appearance of another (and lets leave aside the intersexed at the moment for clarity's sake). If a transman or a transwoman lives as the opposite gender, changes their appearance through hormones, dress, and or surgery, they became the gender of their brain. I know several transwomen who are every bit a woman just as you or I do, and during their transition they live as and are treated as women. Because their appearance has changed, their voice has changed, their mannerism has changed, etc.

    "Biracial" children do not have the option to change their skin color. They will always be seen as black, regardless of whether they grow up in a mansion or a mud hut. They will be treated as black, period. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that is the reality.
  7. ktplay

    ktplay New Member

    damnation...."pixie" my sweet white arse.....u gotta come up with a new name woman.....:prayer:
    she most definitely did !!!!
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thanks, kyplay!
  9. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    i think they know that
  10. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Great post, Swirl, definitely helped answer some questions little ol' naive Australian me had about this topic, especially the bolded ;)

    TreePixie, great posts and welcome to the forum!
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If the world were a just place Swirl and Pixie would be making babies right now!!!
    We need more people like this in the world.
    You guys made air tight points anything to the contrary at this point would just be plain hot air.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I got you. It is a tuff situation because the kids are catching all the hell. as parents we have to help them navigate thru it all. as parents we are hurting because the kids are hurting. it sucks

    bravo. but society will not do it. they have another agenda

    overwhelming ooohhhhh. it sucks to have to do that as a person.

    LOL. Stop beating me Im half black half white.

    police responds: we are beating the nigger side of you. turn over boy and take that ass whiping.

    credit when used was kind of an insult back in the day.
  13. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Thanks! This woman isn't going to make any more babies! I just got through raising my kid, not planning on doing that again! But the practicing part? That, I'm up for. ;-)
  14. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I am soooo glad I'm out of this discussion, LOL. Swirl, that post you added was on-point.
  15. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Don't worry Pixie schooled that Regina lady all the way to stone age, lol
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Just when I thought I was out...

    LOL - I think she just sees a lot less racism than the rest of us experience. I wish I lived where she lives.

  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    As I said in one of the posts, I know I'm a bitch, I know I'm relentless, and I know I'm a hardass. All part of the pixie charm. ;-)
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Where would that be? Lala land, Timbuktu?
  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Yeah in some post-racial, post feminist, post-homophobia utopia where the unicorns fart rainbows and the sun never sets.
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LoL, I see a name change in the air, pixie= A relentless hardass bitch, lol.

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