Lord spoke to me earlier this morning and I want to share it with you!

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by NCBradin, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    As I'm continue to serve to Holy God and Lord Jesus Christ in my life, Holy God spoke to me earlier this morning in my heart and strange enough I was moved away to turn the channel to TBN and find this man named Andrew Wommack.

    He told me that he's the key that I need to combat the negatively.

    To simply put, it's curse. If you feel negatively around you by a certain person or watching tv or listening on radio, you have to shout by saying "NO in the name of Jesus"!

    That way, you will feel better in no time. That way, you won't have any problem in the future!

    That's the message that Lord wants me to tell you in order to combat the negatively!
  2. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Refusing to allow negativity to get to you is definitely the right way to go. Glad you've found something that gives you comfort dude, that's nice :D
  3. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Actually, LittleBird, it was for you and the guys to hear the message from Holy God. I'm servant to Holy God, LittleBird. ;)

    By refusing to let negatively get around you is the way to go. Why don't you try that? You will find the immediate result.
  4. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Bradin, we're all glad you've found something that brings you happiness and gives you peace.
  5. BellaBlu

    BellaBlu New Member


    for some of us thinking positive & keeping away from stinkin' thinking is an every day thought process...God bless you on YOUR journey!!
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    how have you been bro
  7. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I'm doing good! I've seen what Lord Jesus Christ can do! He has healed so many of my siblings in Christ!!! Amazing! Oh, I just want to dance for him!! AMEN!!!
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    alright you take care and stay in touch

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