Wing nuts always use the misleading claim that Kennedy lowered the marginal rates to insinuate that he lowered government revenue collected from taxes. While it's true that he lowered the rate on the top bracket, he also closed several loopholes which lead to a net increase of government revenue from taxation on the wealthy.
Obama, bless his heart, is barely a centrist. He's the furthest right Democratic president we've had in my lifetime. While I wouldnt claim the title of socialist, I do put myself firmly in the progressive left, and I'm tickled and delighted to find intelligent, informed progressives here. I think I may stick around
I would say centrist left personally, but he's acting on center-right policies because of who's practically the majority influence in Congress. Take my word, if this was more of an authoritarian rule where he's the absolute influence in policies and not the checks and balances system, I'd say he would have done a lot more. And I'm happening to like you more and more, Pixie! This is most pleasing to hear that you're one of the progressives in here. We're a good majority around here, so do stick around.
A major mistake that people make when following the relative 'health' of the market/economy, is one that economists learn day 1: there is a difference between aggregate results, and distributional ones. Stock market statistics only illustrate aggregate, not distributional outcomes. A million dollars in only one hand is the same as 1 dollar in each of a million different ones. The stock market is one of the worst indicators of the actual functioning of the economic system, and even more so given the disproportionate share played by derivatives, which have no productive implications and are essentially side bets, sort of like a guy fading you or taking side action in a crap shoot. I agree. While I'm not opposed to defending my views in vigorous debate, and modifying them when I'm proven wrong, I must say I have been a bit surprised at the number of conservatives on this site. Nothing wrong with it, but I must say it's surprising given the subject matter and nature of this forum. So, it is in fact pleasing to see a few progressives around as well.
It's not really that easy identifying anyone with one simple label. Rather, all of us have a general overview on our politics, yet we tend to align ourselves on all parts of spectrum. It's just that simplification of our ideology makes it easier for all of us to define our means and ways. And on that note, I'm not TOO surprised since the majority of blacks tend to hold more conservative views on things, notably the older, religious affiliated Christian blacks. Our generation...we're more progressive in social issues and that's continuous across the social zeitgeist as it is.
Thanks, though my feminist ways may have rubbed a few folk the wrong way in the Herman Cain thread. But as my son, who just graduated with a BA in History says "A true progressive movement cannot dismiss *half* the population out of hand and expect to prosper."
You're still in a dick-centered world. So, it'll be a long time before Le Dick finally wake up from its tormented illusion.
Yeah, but I'm used to it. I'm 5'2", blonde and very feminine looking. I spent 20 years working almost exclusively with men in IT as a systems engineer. In a couple of cases, I was the first woman in the department. I learned fast to have a thick skin, a fast mouth, and be better than the guys were. I'm pretty good at it.
This is truth across races as well. One of the reasons I seem to always end up dating younger men is that guys in my generation tend to be far less progressive in their political outlook, especially regarding women, LGBT folk, etc. A number of guys my own age were ok with me working, but threatened if I made more than they did, or worked longer hours (occupational hazard in IT). It was fine if I worked, but damn, they wanted dinner on the table and the laundry done. I figured if we were living together, and both working full time, they could make dinner while I did the laundry, or vice versa. Younger guys do seem to take that for granted, while guys my own age feel like it's an affront to their ego or something.
I can tell you've really kept your composure and developed a stronger and rigid form over the years. One thing I can assure you of...they are VERY scared unconsciously when they don't see you get threatened. Understood and I can see what you mean. It's inevitable anyway since education now is far more accessible. And with that, you're bound to find more well-educated men who believe in equal role in the relationship or recognize that ultimately we are equal. We still have a ways to go, but in due time...we'll just have to take all this step by step.
Yeah, I became aware of that rather quickly, and tended to use humor to defuse the situation. Example....I went in as the only woman to a department, where there were calendars of naked women and dirty jokes all over the place. Every time the guys cussed, they'd make a big deal out of apologizing rather patronizingly. After a couple of days I said "Ok, here's the deal. The next time one of you apologizes for cussing, I'm going to grab my crotch and spit on the floor." There was dead silence for a moment, as I stood there in my heels and business suit...and then laughter. My next step was to hang up a calendar with naked men on it without saying a word. The naked calendars disappeared without comment, and I was added to the email thread for dirty jokes. ;-)