see link to article for bar chart
It is good advice and not. I know you are saying keep trying for a job but the reality is people are unemployed and you cant ignore the shrinking bank account. Its funny people who are unemployed are saying there is a problem and the people who are unemployed are saying they are imagining things. "There is no unemployment problem"
there are jobs out there...i just hired and trained a new artist that another brand dropped last week...she was out of work for a total of 5 days...she had an awesome day in sales and made $25.00 an hour selling makeup...i feel like i hit the lottery picking her up she is such a good sales person there will be a hiring frenzy in august/september this year...i can just feel the optimism out there...companies are ready to make a big push for the 3rd & 4th business is on fire and it is only july... :smt061
Look, my head is not in the clouds about the unemployment numbers. I was unemployed since 2008 but what I am saying is the last thing I needed was somebody telling me I was unemployed and that I should be angry all the time and give up hope. You see, everyone has put their faith in one man to make a difference in their situation...Obama. I see it everywhere...mostly in political message boards. Obama hasn't done this....Obama hasn't done that. As far as I'm concerned Obama has done his part for the unemployed. He kicked billions of dollars into education to retrain people who were unemployed. Here is what I did...through God I mustered faith in myself to make change in career and went back to school. I took advantage of the Worker Retraining Program and the Dislocated Worker Program here in Washington State. It was free money but they didn't make it easy for you to get. There was tons of paperwork and deadlines with a first come first served clause behind it...gubment ya know. I stayed on it and got my entire program paid for and now I am back in the work force in a field (web developing) that is in high demand. Americans hate change. People have become stuck in their old ways and refuse to recognize the industrial change around them. Instead of looking ways to update their skills or take advantage of the programs Obama set in place to help them, they would rather remain the same and blame him for not saving their unsavable job, when a company decides to ship their job overseas or move in a different direction all together. I didn't take getting laid off personal because I knew God had a better plan....unfortunately a lot of spirits have been broken in this recession and faith has taken a back seat to cynicism and doubt...fueled by the media. Maybe it's me but I refuse to follow the crowd if there is always a better way.
good for you! employers are looking for positive go getters that are always networking and willing to work...try new things...broadening the job scope outside of your immediate field is always a good idea...i think some that have been unemployed for so long are still looking for the exact same job they had rather then opening up to other possibilities
oh really. so why are so many lib's are working. that has to be the weakest argument ever come on. also we will need to have in the mindset that some jobs are never coming back thus we need to retrain. go back to school and get a new skill. you dont have to go to a 4 yr college you can go to tech school or a community college and get jobs that are in demand
truth so much more goes into the issue of unemployment, that simple numbers don't show (interview performance, personal appearance, general knowledge, charisma). I know where I work at, people were still being hired around the year, with no real threat of losing your job.
the thing is people (conservatives) are more liberal than they want to believe. LOL you are rite tho...people are more lib than they believe and conservatives are more lib than they believe
I know and the people that buy into his shit are the ones getting shitted on by him. u are so true on so much. Im conservative on some things (fiscally moreso) but Im very liberal on social issues.
Just Jumping In... I'm willing to say that people are generally more libertarian oriented when it comes to their personal freedoms, which is separate from their politics. But conservative would only apply if you're referring to old Goldwater ideas of individual rights and freedoms.
yeah, I debated a woman (conservative phone in radio show) about YR round school. when it was done and said she saw the benefits of it. she started saying well homeschool kids score higher. I replied one reason is because you teach him year round. she started moonwalking then. I also stated that poor people cant home school they have to work thus PUBLIC school is importAnt and thus they need YR school to get better. she replied well it cost so much to do it. I stated stop funding sporting arenas with tax money. dont you guys hate socialism. who need sports they will not bring in trillions to the economy like education would (PISA reports state if america increase scores by 25 pts in 25-50 years would generate 41 trillion dollars) One person called in after I got off and stated "public school indoctrinates. we dont need public schools"....or something to that effect. I call that class warfare. they want to do away with poor whites and blacks. they dont want them properly educated so they can bring in a major gap in wealth
The biggest irony is that people, including 70% of those in the TEA Party Movement LOVE socialism and yet they don't know it. They aren't really educated on what socialism really means to be frank. The attitude came from a remnant of the past (a la Soviet Union).
Combination or my words and picture shall bring some laughter to the forums! I shan't hold back for my beautiful (and effeminate) voice tears a rift into the vaginal sphincter of the lovely ladies on here. Yum...yum...
Economists say the Great Recession lasted from 2007 to 2009. In 2004, the median net worth of white households was $134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute. By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860; the median black net worth had fallen 83 percent to $2,170, according to the EPI. Algernon Austin, director of the EPI's Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy, described the current wealth gap this way: "In 2009, for every dollar of wealth the average white household had, black households only had two cents." smdh