she's a lovely girl & they seem to be a cute couple. Technically...her last name is Jenner, her Dad is Bruce; though, she does bear a strong resemblance to her Kardashian half-siblings...if her Mom pre-arranged the photos merely for publicity I find that sad. Too bad she'll never know what it's it like to have a romance that she doesn't have to share with the entire world.
Born on November 3, 1995, Kendall is Kris and Bruce's oldest daughter. She models with agency Wilhelmina Models. She's cute and him too. They make a nice couple.
Not a Kardashian. Same mom, but Bruce Jenner is the father. But then, the truth doesn't help MTO sell ad space.
"take a wild guess at what race he is" i can imagine the comments now on this article on MTO, your mouth literally waters due to the bitterness of the comments
I wonder what Bruce thinks?? It's one thing for his step-daughters to be deep into swirling, but those young girls are from his seed. I always thought he didn't approve of Kim and Khloe being so down with Black men, their saving grace being most of them were athletes like Bruce. It's so hilarious how certain 'traditions' are carried down through each generation.:smt052
Her name is Jenner. Her HALF sister's by the name of Kardashian have a wildly famous show and a big following. People confuse the 1/2 siblinigs last names. It isn't that hard. Her name is Jenner. NO doubt.
LOL, get it girls, I also like how they date (black) men who isn't a celebrity unlike black female celebs who ALWAYS have to have (black) man who is a celebrity. And as the bitter white guy from Youtube would probably say: "There goes another one.." LMAO!!!
Because it makes the whole nonsense more media-friendly. Linking her to her half-sisters makes her seem like she's part of a larger motif of interracial liaisons, and as such, as if IR is in "their blood". The Kardashian girls' whole image is that of wealthy, vapid, hedonistic, oversexed elites and a fetishization of their interracial relationships is sold as part of the package. Sort of like a "swirling" (I hate that term) version of Paris Hilton. Utter nonsense, but it sells, I guess, judging by the vapid celebrity culture that has swept the globe. :smt102
The only one I have ever watched was Miami Ink about the tattooing subculture in Miami, where I subsequently moved to. These 'Sex in the City', 'Housewives', 'Jersey Shore' things are all a mystery to me as well.
as stated before. you never heard of BW geting the same treatment when they date WM or WM getting the same treatment for dating BW. show me an article where it says there goes WM dating another BW. Its always WW dating a black man . then the ww get questioned why do you like BM
ive never seen any articles like that, and true, alot of ww who like bm allways get interrogated by sensitive bitter wm as to why they like bm, i even had some racist white guy on fb who did the same then later came out with he has sex with bw