New Member in Philadelphia

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by yamanbt, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Kick that nonsense to someone that hasn't lived there all their lives, lol
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Most of the action happens on Main Street, which is a tamed version of South Street. Lots of nice restaurants, pubs and specialty shops. There's a UA movie complex close by and a nice diner across from it. The Schuylkill River is right on the cusp of Roxborough, and its a stone's throw from the expressway (and kelly Drive) on one end, and Ridge Ave on the other.

    I have checked out a Sushi restaurant there, a bar, a bike shop, a market, a coffee shop, and attended a cple of festivals they throw often, but the names of the establishement aren't on my tongue tip, because I don't hang out there enough. have you....;)
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    are u fucking serious

  5. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Bruh, when I went back, the first place I wanted to eat at was Paganos but they apparently closed up shop and either moved or died. But you did bring back memories... PennyPack... West Oak (Smoke) Lane. I lived in an orphanage on Stenton Avenue... They've turned it into some kind of rehab center now...

    You left out Tastycakes, Frank's sodas and soft pretzels... lol
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Paganos is still there on Ogontz. Greek owners too :). Never been stingy with the meat. (They poop on Explorer's Den).
  7. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Maybe that's why I couldn't find them... I went back to the place they had near Drexel's Campus in center city near or on Walnut (I think), but it was gone and I looked in the phone book and even googled them without success. I guess I'll have to come back on my next stateside visit and try again.:smt003 Thanks for the tip!
  8. yamanbt

    yamanbt Member

    Thanks for the tips...

    How is the area for IR relations? A buddy of mine and I went to Manayunk Brewery one time a couple months ago, and felt extremely out of place...and I'm a person who attended predominately white schools for years. I don't know, maybe we were just there on the wrong night or something.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    u aint eva lied

    surprised u ventured that far never really see white people unless they own the shops like the Hoagie Factory :smt005. Ever been to Bruno's pizza on the philly/cheltenham border? that pizza is the bomb

    and yes, paganos does NOT slack with the meat..them joints be off the hook

    they used to have jars with toppings and shit for customers to use..load it right up

    lol u aint even warm dog

    drexel campus area has some good joints too...although I think some shit went down at Ed's Pizza a little while ago. Someone found bugs or some shit in their food. They got this spot called the Greek Lady tho. Their prices be high but i heard they had good shit.
  10. kenvinlee89

    kenvinlee89 New Member

    Hello, I now became a member of this community here and I would love to be a part of it. Just enjoy the environment here
  11. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Did Bruno's just before leaving Philly headed back to Europe. It was off da chain!!!! Every bit as good as the rants and raves my family bestowed on it. Took a pass on areas around Drexel after I couldn't find the old Pagano's and went into center city around U Penn - not bad, but nothing special... But I did do the Hoagie Factory about 5 times in 7 days... Philly's politics and social progress may be whack but the eateries are world class. If it wasn't a BBQ (in the dead of winter), a fish fry, or some restaurant, it was a house party or somebody's office holiday function, so I did a lot of eating. It took weeks to work off the weight I picked up.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're welcome.

    Philly in general, is segregated. If its not overt, its covert..kinda like the invisible line syndrome. The most integrated neighbourhood I think is Germantown, with bits of lower Chestnut Hill and Mount Airy. If you hit the bars on Germantown Ave across from Mt Airy Avenue, you will encouter many blacks and whites intermingling. If you venture as an IR couple in Manyuck and Roxborough, youll be fine. (I have every time I've been in that part of Philly. No one says a thing or blatantly stares.)

    Now if you really want to be in an IR atmospehere -- even though it's frequented by more Blacks than Whites -- try the Houlihans (best) or Friday's on City Line Ave. You can IR all day and no-one blinks an eye. Lots of couples do the dinner thing @ Houlihans. Fun atmosphere. :D
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I have never heard or noticed a Bruno's pizza on the boarder. I know only In and Out Pizza on Ogontz near Washington Lane, and the Diner next to McDonalds on Cheltenham across from the mall...Anyhoo me and my venturing like Alice from wonderland is second nature to me. I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to staying in my "racial" lane (all thru my travels in America) and often I look back and think, how the hell did I come out unscathed. :razz:
  14. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    I agree with you about Philly's social atmosphere. The invisible line seems to extend across the city unless one is in the know has developed the rep to break barriers. Locally, as in my sister's neighborhood in Germantown, everyone seems progressive and IR couples dot the block. Outside of that neighborhood comfort zone, Philly still has a lot of room to grow. I will check out Houlihans the next time I'm in town. I appreciate the tip.:D
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    In and Out??

    oh no u didnt

    shit i had the best pepperoni stromboli from there back in the day

    i used to hit up Oaklane Express too.

    As for Brunos, it's right below Shrimpies on Cheltenham ave. The first time I seen a Korean guy making a bomb-ass pizza was there, lol. How's that for diversity.

    City Line ave...I haven't been there since the 90s. I hit up an Olive Garden there a few times. The area was real nice tho...if it was closer to work, i'd probably live there (had an uncle living up in Presidential City high rise)

    as for alice in wonderland..i never seen a white person hittin' the bricks around there, with the exception of a friend I brought down from the Northeast, and some college buddies that drove me home on a weekend.

    Mothafuckas was lookin like they seen ghosts in that KFC ogontz/chelten, when I walked up in there with my roommates.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're so welcome! You'd fit right in with G-town's character and style, Nocturnal. You called it, lots of IR couples - its a true intergration paradise, IMO. If I come across any other IR and/or progressive locales, I'll update you. :-D
  17. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm officially curious, will have to definitely check out Bruno's now.

    If you ever pass through City Line again - it's changed. There's now also Pot Belly, a Target, a Chipoltles, a Chilli's Grill & Bar, and next to the Olive Garden they have a 5 guys burgers n fries, a HUGE LA Fitness (very IR) and this is all in the radius leaading up to your uncle's High Rise location.

    LOL @ the ghetto KFC, which I have actually been in one time. I only ever hit Ogontz and E. Chelten when I'd go pick up Jamaican food at the little Caribbean Diner restaurant/take-out they once had there on the corner. I also have hit some reg bars and jazz bar with my ex up near the cemetery area, as well as a couple of speakeasy's (sshh) with my girls.

    Oh man, I tripped down memory lane tonight, lol. :lol:
  19. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    It's all good! I can keep a secret as long as you don't tell....:smt005
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    hope you havent been hittin up this joint

    It was kinda iconic to me, seeing it all the time when I was in the area. Then them shootings started happening and shit got bugged out

    they goin to need to do more than close down that joint, if they wanna make West Oak Lane a good neighborhood again. That mall triflin as hell too. They had an arcade and movie theater before. Last I heard the movie theater is gone...what kind of corny ass shit is that?

    the city overall isnt that's just a few areas that i wouldnt be going to

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