death is not something to find humor in, but with this... this is just funny, in a House MD, dark way
this is how stupid our country has become people literally have to make you protect yourself, when the alternative is flying through the windshield of a car, or falling off your go-faster at 85 mph after hitting a nasty bump wear your seatbelt wear a helmet
this was a different guy are you that hard-up for posts in your thread? hey...lets all post in her thread..make her feel better when the zolofts stop workin
What tha...? Hard up? Are you a effin baby?! It's a double post in the same section. I was letting you know, as I would if anyone else had posted it originally. People do it all the time. Btw, who praytell is "let's all"?? aint no-one in this thread either, sweetheart. And PAY ATTENTION...The motorcyclist is the SAME Philip Contos. smh.