Proof that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is guilty of raping that maid

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, May 27, 2011.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I agree in the rarity aspect, as well as the under-reporting. But you do tend to find of those that do fabricate, it appears to be a higher incidence of women with defective personality issues or motivated by extortion. (also can't ignore the racial aspect of a motivation - black men being accused)

    As for the prior accusation, it apparently occurred in 2002 where the woman said he unhooked her bra and jeans in an attempt to rape her, however she didn't mention it until 2007 on a chat show on French TV. As of yet, she hasn't filed a criminal complaint, nor offered any evidence. Her reasoning is she "didn't want to be remembered until her death as a woman who had an issue with a politician".

    Anyway, this story is still in its infancy...unless I have the facts, I'm going to wait before I pass judgment.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Look at you being fair minded and logical. I'm a little impressed right now kid.
  3. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    For all intents and purposes, this story is now dead... With the accuser's credibility undermined, he will walk and the DA will turn on her...

    Money does buy "justice" (or is it justices?) in America.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The case has collasped it is sad the French woman did have a chance to tell her story in court because of that maid.
  5. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    If it was a civil case, the legal system tries to settle a question of probabilities, but here we have a criminal prosecution, and it requires beyond reasonable doubt to convict an accused. I think this is where the question of credibility arises. The prosecution are in a tight place, and knowing what they know now, it is only fair to relax restrictions while they consider what options are available.

    The prosecutors in O. J. Simpson case bungled their case amongst others because of the higher legal requirement in his case, even though he lost in the civil case. The court system, while it is not exactly foolproof approximates what modern civilization can use to settle problems of this nature. Of course there might be procedural aspects of law that might vary from country to country that would pose disagreements fib a case that has an international focus like this, like in this case where the French were shocked to see DSK handcuffed, and for the Americans, it was not such a big deal.

    It is likely the disagreements on procedural matters might have put pressure on the prosecutors to try to be as transparent as possible as they moved along in every aspect of the case. It is obvious that in terms of power and status, the maid and DSK were not evenly matched. Those are not hard to see.

    But what seems harder to take a stand on is the idea of rape. There is the likelihood that there was an imposed persuasion. There is the likelihood there was disrespect in the action even though there was initial consent. There is the likelihood there was frustration on the part of the maid of unfair treatment in "matured deal" gone wrong. Now we may never know.

    The unsophisticated nature of the maid who was groomed on ways of the informal economy, and her immigrant background and her lack of understanding and exposure to navigate the legal intricacies that exist in a western world also shows the lopsided nature of justice, especially in this case against someone that was groomed from birth to be somebody - a lawyer and a smart economist - someone who has reached of the pinnacles of human achievement in modern life.

    Maybe someday the state would find ways to deal with this lopsided nature of justice. The brain power that money can buy in criminal proceedings and the stereotyping of people that have little flair and understanding of the formal economy and what their duties and obligations are.

    If DSK is a sexual predator, he might likely walk free. Still it awakens a new way of treating sexual relationships in France. Also it has called to question how fair France is as a society in terms of wealth distribution. This is because it is hard to imagine that a socialist party member would parade in New York the kind of opulence befitting kings in a monarchy.

  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member the authorities to do what is right.:rolleyes:

    Where do all these sambos comes from??
  7. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    You just called me a sambo because I am not going to take a firm stance about a legal case that no one, including you has intimate knowledge of outside of the the accuser, defendant and the immediate investigators? As if you or we have a choice, to not let the investigation be handled by the authorities. Who do you think you are kidding?

    I am a proud, intelligent Black man. Proud enough to be aware of racism and corruption. Intelligent enough to know that the world is complex and that different situations require different approaches.

    You must be under the impression that all authority must be aligned against you, as if you are the "Great Black Hope" or "Black Baby Jesus".

    Who are you? Answer: Nobody!
    What have you accomplished for your people? Answer: Not a damn thing!

    A real Brother would not throw that word around without a careful examination of another Black Man's heart, soul and intent.

    You are as foul as the White racist that I have overcome in my life. That is right overcome. I am a victor, not a victim.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Go ahead and trust the authorities to do what is right like a good little boy.
  9. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    Like I said, You are as foul as the White racist that I have overcome in my life.

    Calling another Black Man boy? You are worse than a White bigot, yes worse.

    No Black Man who loves or respects himself or other Brothas behaves like you.
    I find it interesting that you have not presented any facts about this case to justify your position.

    Strauss-Kahn has been arrested and charged with rape, his reputation has already taken a beating.

    The case is falling apart because of the serious issues with the accuser's credibility.

    Perhaps you don't offer a position because your only position is to attack, rather than think.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Bot, if ur as intelligent as you say, u wouldn't respond to flamingbait

    ever seen a dog chase it's tail before?
  11. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  12. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    As a wrote my response I was thinking "Why I am bothering?"

    I talked myself into responding.

    Not so smart, I guess.

    A waste of time.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    They're not really new ,just re-hashed. Banon came forward to the press about her alleged encounter back when the original attempted rape charges occurred. (as well as in 2007 on a french talk show...Nerdygirl and I spoke about this earlier in the thread).

    Frankly though, IMO Banon has done a lot of talking to the press, but as of yet, since 2002 when it happened, until now -- zero talking to police. Only when she decides to press charges and offer up evidence, can they even be investigated.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    But oh what a response it was! :smt023
  15. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Unfortunately, one of the fallacies of the US judicial system is burden of proof despite credible evidence . Prior convictions or other personal abnormalities tend to portray an accuser, no matter how solid the evidence, as less than truthful and therefore less believable before a jury and it becomes those falls from grace that become the focus of defense trying to produce an element of doubt. An incompetent prosecution team, as in the case of the OJ trial, can be just as detrimental to the outcome if the don't exactly dot their "i"s and cross their "t"s.

    In the case of the maid accusing DSK, one has to wonder what the probable cause was to tie her telephone conversations with a convicted felon into her accusations against DSK and the case's dismissal. Common sense would suggest DSK's legal team offered her a deal and she acted without counsel, setting herself up for fail. Had his victim been a prostitute that he otherwise victimized, charges wouldn't have even been filed and the authorization of wiretaps on her subsequent conversations would not have been considered or requested. Public opinion has now painted the maid as an opportunistic gold digger, which she may well be, regardless of any infractions DSK may have imposed upon her against her will. And for reasons previously stated, she is no longer credible despite physical or circumstantial evidence suggesting DSK's wrong doing.

    With the surfacing allegations against DSK, I doubt that he will ever return to the status he was once afforded, but I also believe that with his position came the financial means to influence decisions makers and the ability to live in relative comfort, provided he has no more skeletons in his closet.

    I'm not one to say "the sky if falling", but in a system where judges are elected on the basis of political affiliation or appointed on the same basis,
    juris prudence takes a back seat to personal ambition and obligation. If money and or political favor aided the gain of a seat of power, certain favors are expected in return. The recipient can't pick the cases and may have no idea when the marker may be called in, but when called, he/she must make everything look like a case based on precedent. The books are full of cases that were thrown out on technicalities, which are often the decision of a judge to accept or dismiss as credible evidence or immaterial evidence to a case. Appeals Courts normally review procedure and precedence, not decision, unless a defense can prove a judge acted with malice or prejudice .

    Despite all this, I still say DSK has a pattern of behavior that will get him the attention he deserves. He is one of but many who hide behind the mask of power and influence to do dirty deeds.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  16. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    No Black Man who loves or respects himself or other Brothas trust the authorities to do the right thing.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Nobody trusts the authorities more than this guy.
  18. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Crime of power not sex.

    Commonly perpetrated by extreme ends of the spectrum- completely disenfranchised or very powerful.

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