A lot of this info is somewhat old news and somewhat widely known if you look widely across the internet. Remember that one troll we had here quite awhile back that was trying really hard to pass himself off as an ignorant ghetto sounding black man, Hot88 I think was his screename, guess what he was?
I was on a bus in Glyfada, Greece....and these Aryan Nazis with their steel toed boots boarded and sat near/behind me. Two Africans (who spoke no Greek) soon boarded. There were no seats left, so they were standing near the middle. I speak/understand Greek, and all of us passengers who sat halfway up the bus were subjected to a filthy tirade of monkey-based insults that were pouring out their mouths. (the Africans were oblivious to it and smiling). Within about 2 minutes, an old Greek man told the nazis to "shut the fuck up!" he told them they were behaving disgracefully and were disgusting. Needless to say, they turned their aggression towards him and after screaming back and forth at him, physically assaulted him. It was chaos. The bus was jerk-stopped, the fight got pushed/spilled onto the street, and everyone on the bus was yelling at the Aryans....then the cops came. In the chaos, I remember pulling one of the African's arm and telling them to get in my seat..at first they were like smiling oh no (b/c they see im a woman), I was like YES, NOW! and insisted, so they did and then proceeded to watch and discuss in their language, pointing at the melee going on outside. They had no clue the fight between the old man and nazis was over them. I was so proud of the old man, though! Even though we (the bus) took off having to leave the old man behind to deal with the nazi mess, he had my utmost respect. :smt023
I gotta tell ya, I remember being in a restaurant downtown, and noticing while looking at the pretty busy floor tile design that the pattern...had a swastika blended into it. It was so effin bizarre and I put it out of my mind, like, no way, it must be by accident, right? There's no way this restaurant would have swastika tiles on their floor.
Yeah. I didn't want to let that bit of info slip back at the time when Openheart was around & thought I was being paranoid about the guy because there are a few lurkers that I have noticed that come this site from time to time that have 88 at the end of their screennames and didn't want to tip them off that some of us are on to them just in case they are Neo-Nazis or Skinheads checking out what goes on here. It's nice to be able to 'spot" these people when they decide to actively post like that Hot88 and think they are getting over like it obviously thought it was.
That is alarming. Maybe that's why some people are superdickery when people understand their languages - so they can talk shit behind their backs.
The truth about Nazi's is that plenty of people are actually facsinated with nazism (well more likely Hitler himself) and think it's cool but to scared to admit it.
It's the feeling of empowerment they've been reading about this regime and how fascism is a strong feeling to them. You're definitely correct on that.
a few of em from racist site have admitted to comming here aswell, they even have a lovley thread about it, but its no hard to catch these scum out
LOL, a forum like this must be a nightmare to their stomach, good. Bwahahaha Those people are sick in the head fair to say. Its like the subject of race is a seeming obsession for them at every turn. Everything is often in the context of black and white. Like you said not hard to figure them out. Not that it's even worth the time of day frankly.
I am not surprised that you are "fascinated" with nazism. I bet you just love the KKK. Your monkeyshines and coonery know no bounds. I can't but wonder what kind of ghettogagging Aunt Jemima raised such a prideless sambo.
Taken from the thread there titled: What percent of whites are involved in interracial relationships in your area?
That's not what the link is about. Just in case peeps want to read the German version, it's this link http://www.dasversteckspiel.de/hintergrund.php?nid=2 The initial link contains an article about reading/educational materials that have been published for people to use in recognising and dealing with extreme-right culture amongst youths. Sorry, pedantic German here
There are MAJOR race issues in Germany (predominantly between Germans and immigrant Turks etc) and the horrible thing is that no-one is allowed to talk about it. Germans are so frightened of being labelled racist because of Hitler that it has gone to the extremes that German kids in schools in Berlin are attacked and abused racially by non-German immigrants who are the ethic majority in some areas. But every-one who speaks out about it and says the problem has to be dealt with is branded a racist. It's frightening when PC prevents meaningful dialogue. Regarding the swastika symbol....I feel constricted about it being banned in Germany. I kind of feel that by banning it you give it power. It wouldnt be as powerful to the Nazis if it wasnt banned? Like Kuno I think said, it was initially a Hindu symbol of peace and in India etc it still is. Extreme right beliefs really scare me because they are not people you can reason with or enlighten in anyway. In fact, scratch that - fanatics of any belief that has an intent to harm others frightens me for that very reason. Fanaticism (which I think Nazism is) is irrational, illogical and something about it is also very powerful. And it scares me. And makes me angry.
You can always go to racist site Chicken George...they'd love a buckdancing monkey like you. You best believe I won't follow you there. Your mammy should be dragged through the streets and beaten for raising a dickeating uncle tom like you.