Bigotry forces Black Republican out of party

Discussion in 'In the News' started by botoan, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thats unfair. I see the appeal if youre wealthy. You get to keep more of your money if your side wins.
  2. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Right. Cash is king huh?
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah its the foundation for all conflict look it up.
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    But you know that the Dems are just as pro-business as the Republicans. Each group just hustles a different demographic to make their electoral numbers work. They are NEVER going to challenge the dominant business-centric paradigm of US politics. Neither side will.
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I'm sure I've mentioned this before but here goes anyway. I was once a Republican, albeit a soft one (and unregistered as one). I've never really registered as a member of either major party but at the time, considered myself something of a Rockefeller Republican, with the idealism of Adlai Stevenson and pragmatism of a JFK or George Romney. And to some degree, I still identify with that particular strain of philosophy as even when i considered myself a Republican, I mainly identified as a liberal Republican. (Maybe that's what made it easy for me to leave the party).

    I fully understand where this man is coming from. I had been to many conservative and Republican events where some of the most thinly veiled racist remarks were uttered, many in my presence. The amazing thing is that most of the time, many of these people never seemed to grasp the weight of their attitudes and remarks. I remember attending a Charlie Crist event during the gubernatorial campaign in 2006 (those of you who've been here as long as I have will remember that I was living in Miami at the time) and people will give me the "what is he looking for here" look many times, often even after I revealed that I was for their guy. I used to get the "you're so different to other blacks" remark I kind of got used to it.

    A lot of the time I'd hear certain things and I would quietly and politely prod the offenders and caution them. In all fairness, many of them (even if they would voice disagreement) were civil about it or even admit culpability but then there were others who would just flat out go apeshit and accuse me of formenting problems, being "sensitive" and what not. I was never entirely comfortable with everything the GOP was doing, and even though I've voted for GOP candidates and might if the right one comes along, I have often found certain tenets of the Republican orthodoxy illogical, intellectually feeble and downright callous - gay marriage, taxes and foreign policy mostly come to mind here. I bit my tongue for awhile but the GOP kept moving further right for my tastes.

    The last straw was the 2008 Elections, and I can honestly say that I would have left the GOP even if Barack Obama weren't the nominee ... i had already had enough of the GOP's bullshit and the arrival of a charismatic, refreshing and (seemingly) revolutionary candidate allowed me the opportunity to assess things. So that whole "you only voted Democrat because the nominee was a black guy" bullshit won't fly, I voted for Bill Nelson for Senate in 2006 (but for Crist for guv). The way the McCain campaign and its supporters conducted the most racially polarizing presidential election in history left a very bitter taste in my mouth that has not truly healed. There was no way I could stick around.

    And it's gotten worse. This president has been called everything from a porch monkey to a Stalinist, African Third World dictator, the right has not spared the man from day damn one. I can never be a part of such a reactionary, xenophobic and culturally repressed group of Neanderthals. And that's just the truth.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Post of the day material right here. Good shit fam
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    "Because you made so much sense, I actually read all that shit".
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    LCris,you hit it on the head!!!! Those Republicans have no sense on race and patronizing Blacks saying they should get off the Democratic "plantation". They don't give a shyt on the sensibilities of Black Republicans and as I said before and many times afterward those Black GOP congresspeople elected in 08 will either not get reelected and not get any hookups from the GOP leadership.
  9. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    LOL Tony, you crazy brah. I just needed to get that rant off my chest :rolleyes:
  10. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    My experience has been almost identical. Great Republicans like George W. Romney are few and far between now, replaced by race-baiting demagogues and mindless attention seekers. It is true that the Democrats have people I am not fond of such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton but, they have never held an office and really don't represent many people anyway. Pres. Obama has engulfed them by his pragmatism, intellect and the virtue of holding the highest seat attainable. I may not agree with every decision he has made but, I know that he is at least thinking his decisions over. For Republicans to be so unwilling to work with him at this crucial time in our nations history is deplorable.
    I held on trying to find moral consistency and responsible leadership instead found immoral hypocrisy and selfishness. 2000-2008 was brutal I had to question myself continually as citizen, as a Black man and simply as a person on this planet. I found no rest until I shut that door. I am not saying I would never vote for a Republican again but, if I do it will be with eyes wide open.
    Rep Added
  11. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    Legendary Tony.
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The GOP of Weiker,Javitz,the Rockefellers of NY & AK,and others from the East Coast are gone. When Goldwater came it contaminated the party which brought the people of Helms and Duke. There will no Black-Americans who would support a party with a racist base.

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