Post Of The Day

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by The Dark King, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm starting this thread to give attention to posts that would probably go unnoticed otherwise and need to be praised:

    Today from new member ModestMike

    In my honest opinion, this is not the 1960's...."catering to your man" sounds like such a gender role specific duty and considering I believe societies idea of the gender role to be quite archaic, I'd be hard press to find a female attractive that strictly wants to wait at my every beckon. I dont want a slave and I have no desire to own my wife (women are not cattle), neither do I feel as if I need to be a father figure and "take care" of her in that sense. If a woman is self-sustainable with out a man in her life, thats the woman I want. God forbid something happens to me but she needs to be able to maintain sans my presence. Having to "take care" of someone is not my idea of a relationship. A relationship is not about forming dependencies on one another and this is what 90% of people fail to realize.

    Men whom have been married for long stretches tend to complain that their woman is lazy and needy.....well fella you made her that way. Wanting to do EVERYTHING for her, wait on her hand and foot and put her on a pedestal. The end results is someone who has been stripped of any remaining strands of independence that may have been left.

    Women whom have been married for extended lengths tend to complain that their spouse has changed, become distant an/or never spend any time together. Well ma'am, he has grown tired of your neediness. Its sweet in the beginning, but that shit gets old VERY quick. The pointing, getting pampered and spoiled, calling him EVERY time you get lost and need directions......its in no way sustainable.

    That being said, women who need to carter to their man to feel like a woman (IMO) are as unattractive as those that need a man to take care of them. Just be yourself and be able to sustain yourself, whether in a relationship or not (male or female). Gender roles are so played out its ridiculous
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    What thread was this in?

    I'd like to add that a man who wants to be waited on hand and foot by a woman is not attractive either. :smt023
  3. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I don't see this as post of the day because of the above he stated. A man that leads his woman is not about creating dependencies for her, nor is necessarily about controlling's about trust, honesty and loyalty. A man that is able, willing, and does lead his woman, has her trust, she trusts him and he trusts her to trust him. As long as they are loyal to that trust, he can lead her to a wonderful ending. In order to completely trust, you have to be honest on a level that a lot of people aren't. Not only do you need to be loyal to the trust, but generally loyal....
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The Who Adores Their Men Thread.

    He already said that in the post.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I disagree Fresh. Creating dependency isn't love in my opinion and that's what leading someone does. Helping someone to be their best them is far better in my opinion. I'd prefer to be with a woman who chooses to be with me everyday not someone who needs me. That's not the kind of love I'd like to be involved in. Its suffocating and makes one feel trapped.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    what a great idea for a're welcome;)
  7. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    You are right on point.

    Leading someone is not creating a dependant when your dealing with someone grown.

    Is not to lead them to help them, as long as you have their best interest at heart.

    Why can't she need you while she has you, this not say that she can't function without you.

    You feel suffocated when love is to much? Do you have a limitation? You have been loved to much? Wha t is to much much love? Cause I express it in everything that I do and am?...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I feel suffocated at the idea that a person NEEDS me. Wanting me is totally different. Children need us, the elderly need us but a capable adult needing me freaks me out a little. I guess I've been through so much drama in my 20s that I'm just done. No more middle of the night cry fests, no more stories of how someone almost killed themselves because I didn't want to be with them or vice versa, I just want simple and easy. Love shouldn't have to be hard.
  9. moddestmike

    moddestmike New Member

    First off Mr.Fantastic, MUCH REPSECT!! And I feel honored to have a thread on my behalf. Again, respect and thanks to you.

    This post is spot on, I do not want a woman to NEED me more so than she wants me. Needs are formed from dependencies, plain and simple. Fresh may not see it this way (which is fine, perspectives alter by each individual) but you and I seem to be on the same page.


    You NEED to eat because your body depends on it.
    You NEED to work, your family and your lifestyle depends on it.
    You NEED to sleep, your body depends on it.
    Cops are NEEDED, society depends on them to maintain order.

    Now, I WANT a 2011 BMW M3. I mean, I could easily buy a Ford Focus or I could buy a Porsche GT3 but I WANT and M3 because of certain characteristics I find desirable. Speed, luxury, and design all appeal to what I WANT.

    See the difference? Now I'm not here to convert anyone so I most certainly respects Fresh's opinion.....BUT I do not feel like guiding/leading your spouse is adequate for an opposite sex, adult to adult relationship. My parents led me throughout my youth, not my girlfriends.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  10. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    My idea of 'need' is, perfection. In a 'perfect' world, you transcended 'want' and morphed to 'need'...your relationship is so solid that you don't just merely 'want' but 'need.' I think a lot of people have become disillusioned about relationships because of their past--which they take as tumultuous, rather than a learning experience in what you don't want and what you really need (Hence drama). We are not afraid to profess our need for such trivial things and trivial so called "love"/love ones, but unwilling to fall captive to our true love and the need for it and them...
  11. moddestmike

    moddestmike New Member

    Its my opinion that we are exceeding the realms of logic when we start using words such as "perfection" upon describing needs in a relationship. Humans are inherently fallible. When one states that he/she "needs" someone else, I stop and ask....."Is this person crucial to the survival of the one in need?" and the answer is no. My apologies for simplifying and dumbing down such a complicated topic but (IMO) in order to really access whats needed vs whats wanted relationship wise, we must evaluate this at the most elemental level.

    While I hope and aspire to find true love, because I now know what I WANT in a relationship, I will never submit to needing someone so much to the point of compromising my own sanity, well being and moral compass. And I would not expect her to do the same.

    Being tasked with creating happiness for others is impossible unless you, yourself have reached a satisfactory level of happiness. Catering to someone else's "NEEDS" at the expense of your happiness, regardless of how overwhelming; is unadulterated insanity.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  12. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I too am not trying to convert you, just sharing my view point as well...much repect for a good dialouge.

    You are willing to NEED family; frineds, clergymen, service people, administators, politicians, etc...but unwilling to NEED someone--a person you put above the rest, that you love, that you may have taken vows with/for. Reading what I wrote, I definitely wouldn't NEEd any ole person though, this would have to be a person I deem close to marriage material, if not all ready married to.
  13. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There tends to be a lot of negativity on this site from time to time and I thought celebrating posts that we like would be a good way to stay on a postive track from time to time. Public appreciation is always a good thing.
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I can definitely relate, I won't get into because I'll cry with you, but I definitely understand.

  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    and who knew fanny would be around to spread the positivity fairy dust...!!!

    great posts & viewpoints from our fanny, freshness & mike...any girl would be lucky to get men with such open hearts, minds & a grasp of what it is they want and what relationships are about
  18. moddestmike

    moddestmike New Member

  19. moddestmike

    moddestmike New Member

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Trashi you are one hell of a woman my friend.

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