Yeah. Anyone can take a foreign video, dub it like a Werner Herzog documentary and make it long as the person is creative.
If it is indeed a fake video then it's a good fake. If you google the topic about this there are weblinks & stories discussing the scientist and his efforts with this going back to 2002.
Hmm. Interesting. So I guess no reputable news sources who reported on this did any follow up to see if it was true? People are getting lazy it seems.
So far only the Stranger and some guy on youtube are the only people coming out and saying it's a hoax. Let's see how long before others that are suppose to be of a more professional news gathering stance speak out if any.
I don't know why the outrage... Y'all been eating shit burgers from these fast food joints for years.
Exposed! Japanese Poop Burger is a Hoax! [youtube]iyRZdMBwojU[/youtube] BBW, seems to be right about this.