[YOUTUBE]Huw3RvaACvI#at=132[/YOUTUBE] Hahaha, another hindu gone mad. Clearly, education and intellect are two different things.
This happened where I used to live. It was huge! We are all indeed very human... http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sour...prC-Aw&usg=AFQjCNGO9zMGErjJ4qo6rPm1ok3XxAJhfQ
if that was the case, she wouldnt be sucking cock for 50 bucks times are tough indeed...the only guaranteed six-figure major is medicine, especially if you decide to become a surgeon. You won't make much starting out (compared to wealthy attending physicians), but it's definitely a fast-track gig. you'll always need a doctor
She had an encounter with a coworker in the government in a public place. Pretty stupid... and desperate. Hence the human aspect. Her husband, can't imagine how he feels...