The Land Down Under is considering killing feral camels to help tackle climate change, according to a report by news service AFP. The suggestion came in a paper from the country's Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. Killing wild camels in Australia may help the nation generate carbon credits under a plan proposed by Northwest Carbon, a land and animal management consultant, with climate legislation to be debated next week.
Probably won't happen, because we export them overseas. But if it does...who cares? :smt102 They're feral and shouldn't be here in the first place. I wish they'd get rid of the feral horses, goats, pigs, buffalo, cats, dogs, cane toads, rabbits, foxes and various other nasties, that are feral here, too.
am i reading your response correctly sin... are you suggesting that there shouldn't be any animals in the wild?
that was my first thought so i went looking for a history lesson...camels are not native to australia... History Of Camels In Australia HISTORY Camelids are believed to have originated in North America. One group travelled via the Northern land bridge at the Baring Straight and from there to the Middle East and Africa. Another grouping developed into Lamas Varieties as they moved to South America. The first Camel in Australia was imported from the Canary Islands in 1840. The next major group of Camels came out in 1860 for the ill-fated Bourke and Wills expedition. The first time the explorer Giles used Camels he travelled 220 miles in eight days without giving water to the Camels. He later went from Bunbury Downs to Queen Victoria Springs, Western Australia (W.A.), a distance of 325 miles in 17 days and gave one bucket of water to each Camel after the 12th day. The 1891 expedition by Lindsay and Wells covered 510 miles in 34 days. They only gave their Camels 4 gallons of water each. Camel studs were set up in 1866, by Sir Thomas Elder at Beltana Station in South Australia (S.A.). Stud Camel farms were also prominent in W.A. These studs operated for about 50 years and provided high-class breeders for the general population of Australian Camels. Working Camels bred in Australia were of superior quality to those imported. Imports continued until 1907, from India and Pakistan, as there was a need for large numbers of cheap Camels. An estimated 10,000 to 12,000 Camels, imported into Australia between 1860 and 1907, were used as draft and riding animals by people pioneering the dry interior. Camel teams consisting of approx. 70 Camels and 4 Afghans travelled between 20 to 25 miles a day in desert country. The teams would carry between 16 to 20 tons approx on their backs. A large bull Camel was expected to carry up to 600kg and the smaller beasts from 300-400kg. Camels were used in Australia in the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line, carried pipe sections for the Goldfields Water Supply, the supply of goods to Inland Towns, Mining Camps, Sheep and Cattle Stations and Aboriginal Communities. Wagons hauled by Camels moved wool from Sheep Stations to Railheads, pulled, scoops in the construction of dams and ploughs and other implements on farms. The use of Camels was mainly used in the "Dry Areas" of Australia. With the introduction of motorised transport in the 1920's, the days of "Working Camels" were numbered. Large herds of Camels were released and they have established "Free-range" herds in the semi-arid desert areas of Australia. DISTRIBUTION The estimated population of camels in Australia is 150,000 and 200,000 and are distributed through-out the arid interior of Australia. Approximately 50% in Western Australia (W.A.), 25% in Northern Territory (N.T.), and 25% in Western Queensland and Northern South Australia. The Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory (CCNT) conducted, in 1993, an aerial survey in Central Australia. This survey indicated approx. 50,000 Camels through out the region, being 50% more than that indicated in a survey 8 years earlier. Individual Camels fitted with satellite tracking collars have been found by the CCNT, to roam over areas of 60,000 sq. km. and travel 50 km per day. The worldwide population of Camels is thought to be 17 million in 1982, being 15 million Dromedary and 2 million Bactrian.
Long as theyre not digging up crops, abducting babies and killing women's lap dogs, theres plenty of room on that island for them right?
No, you're not reading it correctly. All the animals I mentioned are feral (not native) and were introduced here. They cause massive destruction to our environment and kill our native animals (whether as predators or through habitat destruction). As much as I like most of the animals that are feral here, they don't belong in the wild here. As pets (with responsible owners) yes, but not in the wild.
ferals are the mistake of man...after reading what you wrote i was curious if the camels were native to australia...ofcourse, they are not and have been breeding for 100s of is really quite sad that the situation is out of probably don't have the wild predator that goes after a camel either so the cycle if off as they keep multiplying
I didn't even know there were camels in Australia...that there would be that much of a credit is interesting, that's a serious hump back problem.
The cats, rabbits, foxes and cane toads are a worse problem then camels. We desperately need to get rid of them, especially the cane toads.