LOL. very good statement. Its funny when people say some slick shit about gays but when they get called out...." my best friends are gay" I guess people would or could say you can hide being gay but you cant hide being black.
That's a very accurate statement. Of course, you have people here who would disagree, overlooking the fact that there are a lot of similarities with their attitudes. Bigotry and selfishness.
Im not gonna sit here and front. I would be hurt if my child said they was gay. look at cher. she was all on that gay-transgeder support stuff but when her child changed sex Cher went ape shit no one can really say what they would do in that situation
I think it's safer to say that while it's easier to speak on such things, acting on them would be more difficult. Bear in mind that women like Tarshi and Whikle are genuinely VERY passionate and considering of all people and would more than likely participate in causes relating to all that. So, it all depends on how strong willed a person is in the end.
Males often are less compassionate when it comes to issues like this. So, it's really something that you'll have to struggle with. In the end, if you have the fortitude to go beyond your personal experiences and the prejudices you've encountered in your life, you'll have the strength to support your child's revelation should s/he turn out to be part of the LGBT community. I know that personally I'll struggle with it, but giving my convictions, I'll probably allow my emotional state to take root first, but over time I'll be able to rationalize my thoughts and accept it altogether and also be able to interact with the community. To be frank, the local LGBT community are very uneasy when I'm around. I don't know why.
the view weighs in on tracy. forward to the 1st dot.
It's not even about being a mom...I am just being honest about my feelings. I think TM is funny, but like you said, comedians sometimes say things that aren't funny. I think he did go overboard with that wasn't at all funny. I would also love my son regardless. You don't sound like a bigot or closed minded to me, but there are folks who are & want their kids to be straight due to hate, bigotry & closed mindedness. Many people feel the same way about their children. My feelings about it don't have anything whatsoever to do with being anti-gay. Whatever my son does with his life is his choice & I'll love & be there for him regardless. I'm sure to some folks it may sound silly, but in many respects the traditional family is a beautiful thing to me. I know it's usually more ideal than real, but it was always something that I wanted for myself & any children I might have. Of course, getting knocked up at 19 blew that idea out of the water for me. I know there is a good chance my son won't go the traditional route either, but I would still love to see it happen. I look forward to seeing him married & he & his wife giving me grandbabies some day & having the family situation I wanted to provide for my own kids one day. My son also carries my last name & I think it would be great for his children to carry it on. I don't think this makes me a bigot by any means. I also wanted him to go to college, to pursue an art career to not be a smoker, etc., but, as most children do in relation to what their parents want, he'll have different wants & make his own choices & ultimately that's up to him. I just hope & pray for his happiness & health in life, & I'll never stop loving him. Just like in my own life, I made many choices that my parents did not agree with. They had extremely racist views & tried to cram their way of thinking & down my throat. They were never supportive of me no matter what I chose to do, & I have done my best to never be that type of parent. My son knows I love & support him & I have never tried to push anything on him the way my parents did to me. Something important for everyone to remember is that being supportive has NOTHING to do with agreeing with someone; it's being there for someone whether you agree or not. My choices were not the ones my parents would've made, so they held that against me & even threatened to disown me...I would NEVER do that to my child. Even though they didn't agree, it was wrong for them to withhold their love & was very painful for me & I would NEVER hurt my son in that way. As for me or the other folks here who have been honest about our feelings on the subject, I don't see myself or DOA or Paniro or Botoan as hateful people who would stop loving our children for any reason.
I'm confused. Don't worry, it happens a lot. So, it's bad if you don't want your child to be gay due to hatred, bigotry, and closed minds, but it's okay and even loving and supportive to not want them to be gay due to the fact it's what you don't want because it is some kind of inconvenience for you and your personal dreams for them and yourself?
Bigotry & hatred are never a good thing in any circumstance. Love for our children should always be unconditional IMO, but there are many parents who turn on their children by hating them & disowning them for not falling in line with their ideals. Like I said before, some folks might think the things I or parents picture for their children as silly, but it's human nature. Even as a child, I had it in my head what my life would be like, which is something people commonly do. Realistically parents know their children are individuals with minds of their & have to make their own choices & live their own lives & they're not just an extension of ourselves. Like everything in life, the ideals we have about our future lives are often completely different in reality, but just because it's different doesn't mean it's "bad". Even though it's not PC, I'm being honest about it & I feel no reason to apologize for that just because it's not someone else's POV. I don't expect others to agree, but I respect the views of others & see no reason not to get the same in return.
He said something stupid in a joke that includes violence. He will come back to Nashville and apologize. Talk about almost slaying the goose with the golden eggs.
i don't think so, but that's your opinion and i'll respect that very sweet of you to say bbw :smt058 tammy, i would never say that you, gz, paniro or botoan are hateful people as i know that you're not & i would never suggest that you would ever disown your son, you're too much of a wonderful person and mother. i'm a little shocked that you would think that it would even enter into my mind (it never did btw). as bbw mentioned, i'm very passionate about gay rights as i grew up with a lot of gay men in my life and have worn the term 'fag hag' with honor. i saw the anguish my best friend went through in finally telling her parents that she was gay 9 years after she came out to me and 3 years into a relationship which she hid from them because they wanted her to get married & have children etc and she didn't want to let them down. i will never have children that will pass my name down to their own as they have their father's surname, but my genes may or may not continue and to be honest, when i think of my children and their future i don't want anything more for them than being happy, content, loved & living a long life. i've never thought of them getting married or having children of their own...maybe that makes me a little strange. i see them as blank canvas's in a way where they can paint their own lives in any way they see fit & i'll be there to love & support them throughout. and btw...i love you to bits :smt058 wonderful post:smt038
More than anything I just wanted to clarify where I was coming from a little bit better. It's not that I thought you thought those things about me or the other folks, but as you know, misunderstandings tend to run rampant around here & some folks might assume that's what you were saying & run with it. I didn't want anyone assuming that we were coming from a place of hate. I know the type of people you were referring to & sadly there are a lot of them out there who are full of hate & malice toward anyone who doesn't see things the way they do. Those people make the type of parents whose children are afraid to be themselves regardless of what it's in relation to because they fear the loss of love & approval. I would never wish that on any child. I grew up in a very angry & judgmental environment with parents whose own parents screwed them up & I didn't want to repeat that cycle by any means. I respect & appreciate where you're coming from. I can understand being passionate about something; as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm passionate about some things myself. It's hard seeing people you love suffer through the pain like your friend went through worrying about how her family would respond to something she knew would disappoint them. That's a painful spot to be in regardless of what it is about you that you know your family wouldn't approve of. I've done what I can to teach my son to be a good, loving person & to have a mind of his own, but I've never tried to force my own wants & hopes on him. I want him to have a blessed & healthy life & I hope & pray for his success journey to that point & also hope I've been a positive influence & not one that had a negative impact on him. There are many things I hope his future involves, but I'll never stop loving or being there for him if he hopes for something else. Btw, thank you, Tarshi...I love you to bits, too :smt058