Has downlow black men ever been a problem for white women?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I've never had a problem with gay men nor has any white woman I have known. I don't have problem with the gay community either. I feel everyone should have the right to love who the want and marry who they want. The only issue I have is those on the down low. Those that hide it and live a straight live. If your gay, your gay so be proud and live your life the way you feel you should not how others feel you should.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The original error? The one you speculated but didn't provide any information to back up your claims? Come now. I've responded with a basic response that should be intuitive. You just choose to ignore the facts. What you've stated was an error and I've corrected you on that and yet you're not willing to listen to reason.

  3. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Reason is not yielding to inaccurate information. That is UNwise.
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I didn't say anything inaccurate. Point where and I'll concede. But if it's about the bisexual definition, then I'm clearly correcting an error. Here is what you said:

    What you stated here, is fundamentally true except that part A of the definition is clearly off and in the wrong definition. This is what I'm clarifying and yet you insist on telling me I'm wrong, even if I've provided a definition of intersex?

    To mangle phonetics in this case is pure absurdity.

  5. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Black men that are in the open are not down low. Down low regardless of race is simply a way to describe men that hide the fact they are gay and marry women.
  6. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Before I ever read this discourse between you two, it was pretty obvious to me the difference between "bisexual" and "intersexual".

    Duh. Intersexual means having indeterminate genitalia (hermaphrodite)... Bisexual, as it's commonly defined, means liking both men and women.

    Pretty cut and dried to me... not sure what the fight is about, although I'm presuming it's academic, which can be pedantic when it comes right down to it....
  7. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Ok, let's try this one more time, and leave out the sarcasm and innuendo, can we agree on that point. You have no idea of my breadth of my formal or informal study and it's inappropriate to make such references.

    None of the information that you provided was new to me. I had two points, one, transsexual feelings of being the opposite sex are not based solely and not always on having excess hormones related to that particular sex. My point, as you also suggested, is that brain development during the fetal stage can determine how that person feels. Since you have read extensively, I thought that you would appreciate the fact that I was aware that there are many different disorders that manifest themselves as sexual ambiguity. I specifically used an example of a woman with XY genes because I thought that you might recognize this as well, from your readings, to further illustrate that a woman can have a man's genes, appear as a female, have a functioning vagina and feel like a heterosexual. It's just another variance of sexual ambiguity disorders.

    Secondly, that in determining the etymology of words one looks to the prefix for clues. The dictionary did this in identifying bi-sexual as meaning two sexes, just as intersex has a meaning of between the sexes. Whether that meaning is accepted within a given community, has no bearing on the literal meaning of words. Phonetics has nothing to do with this discussion.

    Our issue is that you will only accept your definition of those words within the context of what you have read. Clearly, outside of those usages, others exist. Witness, the dictionary definition. I explained this by reference to other words employing the prefix to show what I meant. I accept both definitions as they are both valid and correct. That's the difference here my friend.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Fair enough. I can definitely agree with this bit of the post.

    Okay, I've actually took a look into some of the dictionaries on the internet and many of them actually stated:

    And it makes a good bit of sense. I've never heard bisexual being used to describe someone to be hermaphroditic. I've always used intersexed, as defined in the Human Sexuality Today by Bruce M. King. He taught the class I've attended the university in and I partook his class as well. I suppose he would agree that bisexual can be used to describe someone with ambiguous genitalia as well.



    ...I apologize.

  9. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I feel badly that you thought that I wasn't listening to you. It's always my goal to understand alternate viewpoints and discuss them. What's most important is that we were able to see each other's perspectives. If something was learned in the process then all the better.

    It's good to know that we have no beef here. There's too much of that already. So, now I can sit back and wait for another one of your thoughtful posts.
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I've been practicing some Russian writing earlier today and between that, I come on here to see what sort of posts and threads are available. So, my reading comprehension often weakens at weird periods. So, I'm sorry that I didn't get what you meant. Now I'VE learned something new today, thanks to you and Tammy.

    Also, there's no tension between you and I. If anything, we're pretty much in agreement with a lot of political ideology, although we may differ slightly on some issues. But I haven't really encountered that yet.

    I did watch the whole GOP Presidential Debate tonight and I'm pondering as to whether I should give my review on the matter. It wasn't all that special overall. They all gave their talking points and it was pretty much the same rhetoric they've espoused.

  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. AAAWWW shit.
    no doubt but white men do that samething it is just a special name to diss BM. Im not disregarding what you are saying its just the bullshit the media put out.
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I am assuming down low means gay. And you've done a good job of answering your own questions. Although I'd like to ask why you've excluded gay men from "all the good black men."

    I completely agree with your last point. But, I have to admit, I am oblivious to any media attempt to push a gay agenda recently. I fully support equal rights for same sex couples (random fact). yaaay equality! :D
  13. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    alot of different people have different beliefs to why they hate gay people, WN use the same line they use on IR couples, "decreases the white birth rate" others like the westborough nut jobs are just plane borderline brainwashed, i remember watching the documentary on them, i think one of the members is banned from the uk
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The leader is banned, which in effect, bans anyone related to that family.

    Also, people make any sick excuse to be bigoted.

  15. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I love the woman's line about black men invading white women's vaginas and most of them are short :smt043

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