Fuckers...LOL How did this thread turn into dissing Ethiopia? "Ethiopia and Eritrea rank 3rd fastest growing economies for 2011 - Economist" The material is from the print edition of "The World in 2011", a publication by the Economist. "The danger of a single story".
keyword....GROWING takes the phrase 'dirt poor' to an entirely different level but i digress.......................:axe:
Kunoichi, do you have a reference for this report?? And the one about the U.S. shipping fake gold to pay off it's debt? The U.S. doesn't have nearly enough gold to make even the slightest dent in our debt to China, this belief that would could empty Fort Knox and clear the books is a myth. I hope you're reading credible, researched news sources because there's a lot of conspiratorial disinformation out there put out by people who are extremely anti-U.S. government. Being in debt to China doesn't mean we sold them the U.S. Constitution. And this Mexican gang is committing a genocide against Black folk?? I must have missed the report where tens of thousands of Negroes were being slaughtered on the streets of L.A. by Mexican gangbangers.
When I lived in L.A. I had a lot of Samoan, Tongan, African-American and Filipino friends and many of them stated that there was a 'race' war between their individual ethnic group and Mexicans. The violence was primarily between gangs but, Mexican gangs started to intentionally kill members of the other groups that they knew had no gang ties. This caused people that would otherwise just blame it on criminals to put the pieces together and suspect something more sinister was going on. The fact is for all those that do not live or have never lived in L.A. that back in 1995 the LAPD wire tapped Mexican gangs for gang-related crimes and discovered various plans to "Eradicate black citizens from the gangs neighborhood." In a follow up report on the situation in east Los Angeles, the LAPD warned that "Local (Mexican) gangs will attack any black person that comes into the city." According to respected journalist Brentin Mock, "Three members of the Pomona 12 attacked an African-American teenager, Kareem Williams, in his front yard in 2002. When his uncle, Roy Williams, ran to help his nephew, gang member Richard Diaz told him, "Niggers have no business living in Pomona because this is 12th Street territory." According to witnesses, Diaz then told the other gang members, "Pull out the gun! Shoot the niggers! Shoot the niggers!" White gangs (KKK, White Citizens Council) once killed blacks in large numbers in order to maintain the status quo, Mexicans gangs are killing us to create a new one. Some Blacks would look at that picture and think just because those signs do not mention Blacks that you are not a target-you are wrong. Blacks are a stepping stone in the Aztlan movement, Whites are next. Sometimes the world is an ugly place, but laughing or trying to make light of a very serious situation does not solve a problem. I am not advocating bigotry, I am advocating truth. Martin Luther King was a man of peace but, he was not a punk and did not make light of attacks on innocent Black people. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/17/u...&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=print
My basic point was that 'genocide' is a loaded word, with a great deal of precedent and history behind it. Mexican gangbangers despite their intentions ARE NOT committing a genocide against Black people in L.A. county.
Whites are not next. They worship whites...even to the point on importing white argentines for their TV novellas.. Mexicans ally themselves with neo-nazis in prisons all over this country. They will never target whites.
You are probably right but, that is the least of my statements. Of course if they ever wantonly killed Whites they way they have gone after Blacks, the Government and the powers that run this country will come after them. Yes, there is a great deal of bigotry and prejudice toward darker Mexicans (Some of whom are Indians, some of whom actually have African heritage) from those who are mixed (white Spanish and Indian). Almost uniformly, people who are darker-skinned and of Indian or African descent make up the poor and working classes, while lighter-skinned, white Spanish-descent Mexicans are in the ruling class. That is a serious moral problem for Mexicans to solve. Because I am not a Mexican I will have little impact on their culture. When they target African-Americans however; that is something I can write to my congressman and Senators about (even in my backwoods part of the country). I can write to my local newspaper in the open opinion page and discuss and speak up about in forums, churches and community meetings. I no longer live in L.A. but, people in the South are already concerned about the rise of Mexican gangs here. The anti-immigration bills that are popping up all over the South could possibly be as much of a reaction to the very real threat of increased criminal activities as it is a bad economy and good ole boy racism.
According to the indictment, the gang also allegedly taxes drug dealers in the Azusa area, passing some of the proceeds on to members of the Mexican Mafia prison gang, a practice common among many Latino street gangs in Southern California. The gang, with more than 400 members, has been a force in the Azusa area since its formation in the 1960s. Authorities said many of the gang members named in the indictment are already in custody. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lan...can-americans-in-azusa-51-indicted.html?lanow
The indictment alleges the gang was run on the principle that members "will harass and use violence to drive African-Americans out of the City of Azusa and...use violence in order to prevent African-Americans from moving into the city." http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/06/azusa_13_gang_black_latino.php
Will need a national armed self-defense black militia of a million men. Just wishful thinking. Never going to happen. Today's blacks would sell you out before they would band together for the common good.
We're I'm from that's called re-gentrification, albeit by more deliberate means. Still not genocide. Like Negroes claiming Tupac was 'assassinated'.lol
Bro, I love you. You got me rolling out of my chair. I'm a negro (black in spanish). Next thing you will be calling me a nigger, then colored, then darkie, then afro, etc............... what the hell, we cannot please everyone now can we.
As a people we should be investing in emerging markets on the continent. America is thousands of years in debt...and the middle-class in dead. When the roman elites bankrupted the nation beyond return...the next thing they did was fling-open the borders and made everybody coming across into a roman citizen. Sound familiar?????
I have only been on this board but a minute, yet I figured you'd deny everything and come to the Mexican's rescue. This has been going on for a while. In one form or another, the Mexican has been trying to get rid of the blacks for decades. It is very obvious in certain parts of California but you have to go there and witness it for yourself. I doubt if that would make a difference with you though.
but you act like they are doing this for black ppl and not propoganda to show they are tough on illegal immigration.