Is religion obselete in this day and age??

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Morning Star, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Do what you like to do, my friend. Know this, Jesus Christ is watching our conversation. This is exactly why I repented my sins to him last month. Now, go and believe what you like to.

    Oh..dear...I just can't fathom what awaits you in the afterlife. Just like I told unbelievers. I warned them about what awaits them in the afterlife, they just don't care.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Your arrogance is astounding and you don't get it. Just because someone lacks the belief in the higher power, we're lesser than you? This is the sort of disturbing attitude exhibited by a bunch of woefully lost and downtrodden cretins. The only people here who are lost are the likes of you who relish in this fictional identity.

    And as for Jesus? Might as well say all the other people are watching us too. Might as well add that all the animals on the planet we consumed are watching us. That's the mother of all bullshit.

  3. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Then there's nothing that I can do for you. You've made my heart weep and I weep for you. I tried my best to convince to you that Heaven is very real and you think that it's just a fairytale story, you break my heart.

    I'm here to serve to my good Lord. To save many souls as I can, so they can be with us in Heaven for all of eternity. I'm very sad that unbelievers are like that, but I refuse to give up! I believe in power of prayer and miracle!

    Word of God had reached out to me earlier today as I was spoke with my christian sister today. I weeped so hard like baby knowing that I'm son of Holy Father in Heaven. I'm very proud to be his son!

    Yet, you're saying that that's the mother of all bullshit. Man, I weep for you. You're just like Stephen Hawking.
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's no wonder society remains stagnate and this country is bound by misfortunes. Adults subject themselves to children's way of thinking. You're free to believe what you want. Whatever it takes to keep you happy, that's all dandy. Nevertheless, you're still a slave to irrational ideas.

  5. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! (Shake head feverishly) BBW! I'm not a slave to irrational ideas! If I'm a slave to irrational to ideas, then tell me why people who have come back from the dead have told the story about Heaven? That it's very warm feeling and being loved so much??

    It's like you're insulting the very name of Holy Father in Heaven! I will not tolerate! I'm tired of defending my Holy Father! I will pray for you before long you will realize that I'm telling the truth! What I felt from Lord Jesus Christ was very welcoming feeling, very warm.

    And now that I have nothing to be afraid of. I trust them with all in my heart! That's why God's using me to save many souls! To preach them! Come now, don't you be blockhead!
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Since you're an adult, I'm going to explain all this to you like an adult.

    1. No one and I mean NO ONE has ever came back to life or reanimated themselves. Not Jesus, not Lazarus. They are all fictitious accounts. Once the brain cease to function, the body is gone for good.

    2. People thrived in superstition way back in the day and it continues to this day mainly because of the human fascination with the unknown and supernatural concoctions conceived by the very individuals who established these ideas. We want to believe the unreal is real. But where's the proof that any of it actually happened?

    3. No one is using anyone. You're only giving yourself this "title" because of some inane experience. You're just another human being with a very distorted ego.

  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    sorry nc, but there is nothing worse than someone preaching their beliefs. it's like those people who turn up on your doorstep on a sunday morning, coming to save your soul & end up having the door slammed in their face. your belief is your belief, don't go shoving it down other people's throat
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    He just had his "awakening" and well....this is the premature phase of his religious convictions.

  9. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I'm not shoving it down other people's throats! Can't you see that I'm trying to save many souls as I can?!

    1. They have come back! It's not straight from science fiction book. The body that we have is just body. Our real home is in Heaven, not here. Why are you saying fictitious accounts??

    2. We already have the proof. You just have to feel the presence, you'll know that I'm not lying and that is, I'm telling the truth.

    3. "No one is using anyone", you're just like what I was told to another unbeliever the other day. God is using anyone for a greater purpose as they were put here on the earth..just one purpose to their lives. And no, I'm not giving myself this title, just because of some wild experience, It's all true! We are all God's Children! We are sons and daughters of God! In other words, we are brothers and sisters in Christ!

    And don't insult me with the kind of your language directly to me like that again, BBW. "You're just another human being with a very distorted ego." I will not accept that language. I don't have distorted ego. I'm very caring human being who's very willing to forgive to one another.
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Damning others for not believing what you believe IS shoving down your beliefs down others throats. There's an old saying, "Wear your faith in your heart, not on your sleeve" and you're sure as hell not wearing it in your heart at all.

    The human body decays and the process of thinking gets shut off once you're dead. The fact is that people fear the unknown and what better unknown would be death. Death is an inevitable outcome. You're bound to die due to your mortality. This is pure fact. We can observe and experience death. But beyond that, we're simply coloring the inevitable outcome with fluff talk, just so that death isn't as scary.

    Where's the proof? Proof requires empirical evidence. Faith is simply a belief in which people resort to because that's what make them feel better. It's not a practical position to take nor a smart assertion when wanting to express what you believe.

    Our existence bears no divine calling, nor it's of any meaning. Call it nihilism, but it's practical and realistic. We have to give meaning to our existences if we want to make our lives fulfilling. We're prisoners in this existence. But we can always relish the fact that we can freely shape the future, albeit for a greater tomorrow.

    Your ego, when confiding to a delusional and irrational state of being, you're exhibiting all the symptoms of someone with a distorted ego.

  11. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member's normal that people are afraid of death. But it's not the end of you and the others in the death. If you really want to see the proof..all you have to do is die! But you won't be able to come back.

    Lord Jesus Christ will mention my name to you. You will know that I'm telling the truth.

    I know it in my heart that I'm not crazy. Can't you see that I'm growing up now and still have that warm feeling??

    Man..nothing that I can get through to your thick head. I try my best to help you to realize that heaven is very real. Have you read the story of Heaven that I posted here, yes?

    If you have, then what do you think? You think that none of it are real, do you? I bet I know the answer to that question.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It is the end of your existence. The issue is that you've experienced and really engorged yourself in this life that it's hard to accept that reality that you're not going to take your memories with you. Death is just...a release.

    You may have a warm feeling, but that's part of the human psyche to experience some euphoria through conceptual ideas.

    I have read your story and I'll sum it up like this: It's typical. Your vision of heaven is basically the type that people long for: perfect. And perfection does not exist.

  13. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Oh, I give up.

    Your head is like made of eight tons of bricks that I can not get through. I'm trying to tell you that it's not the end of my existence at all. It will continues right after I leave this earth which is so full of sins. It's very bad.

    There will be new earth and new heaven as we've been told many years, years! You will not be around to see new earth and new heaven. But I give up of my best effort to get through to your head.

    Tonight, I shall sit down with my Good Lord to pray for you. I'll be waiting to hear the word of God say to me.
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Your thoughts will diminish the minute the blood circulation to your brain shuts off, so the area where you can conceive thoughts will die off as well. You won't feel a thing after your death.

  15. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    It pains me knowing that I will not see you again. Sure, I won't feel a thing, but I'll be rose back from the dead and going up in the heaven to see my friends and my family again.

    Now that I've dropped to cancelling the Alcor Membership, because it's not worth of my time to keep my body stays frozen. It's a sign of being selfish.

    Now that my plans had changed so fast, I know what my casket should be like. I want it to be very Golden White. Just like Jesus Christ's Hair.
  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I don't know what you look like personally, but once you're'll resemble something like this...


    A resurrection won't come your way. Not ever. The soul, with all niceness and easiness of the mind, does not exist either. It's just a way to cope with the inevitable outcome.

  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member


    Let me explain this as gently as possible.

    For you, the story of God and Jesus has rung true. That's fine. The issue people will have is that the same story doesn't ring true for all of us, and while we appreciate that this is a big deal to you, we would appreciate you not evangelizing.

    Everyone subscribes to certain beliefs that ring true for them. For BBW, the ones you hold are not ones he subscribes to...I don't subscribe to them, either. BUT, I'm glad that you've found something that brings you peace. There are many types of religions and non-religions in the world- they all ring true for the people that subscribe to those... and that's the beauty of humanity. We have that option. And if you subscribe to Christianity, that is covered by the concept of 'free will'.

    When you go on and on about everyone else being damned, it creates a divide. It puts people on the defensive. People need to walk their own roads in their own shoes, and it's important that you let them do that- you can't change their path anymore than you can change the path of the street. Only the person can decide to veer off the road to go elsewhere.

    So please- while we can all appreciate that you've had this big moment, and you're excited about it, trying to save others and trying to show that your way is the RIGHT way is not the way to go about it.
  18. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Nope. I'm going to resemble something like that.

    I just can't believe that you're unbeliever yourself. I'm not going to argue with you now. My last word to you: It's not end of the existence as we knows, my friend.

    It's true that my body will be remain like that, but my soul will not be like that. My resurrection could be happening any day now. Know this, I'll be living very long life, thanks to technology and science. I'm hoping to live up to 115 years old, but that's wishful thinking.

    I intend on to live to the fullest.
  19. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I know, DB. I know. I'm just try to help, that's all.
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    That bold part...was probably the most rational you've said in this discussion. For the rest of it, be at your own head. But it will be your own demise should you delude yourself.


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