1 in 4 Overweight women don't know it.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 31, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    In white world that's a footer. For bm that's expected in porn.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    We are trusting wiki now? Any fool can make changes on wiki and put it out there as fact, we shouldn't rely on wiki
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy would rather trust wiki than look at it...please don't post it:smt018
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    news flash men have egos. read all about it!
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Please. Men are generally bigger than women so of course we will get by. We are suppose to be bigger! The women complained about are as big as the men in many cases.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    mothafucka that aint right:smt036
  7. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Nico, life is like this sometimes :smt021

    Point well made.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Maybe being a girl skews your perception and being a guy skews mine but who criticizes fat women to their face. Since childhood I was taught never to mess with girls it's wrong. Even in hs boys never picked on girls, yeah we would simply ignore big girls like they weren't there. I guess my question is and I'm being sincere right now is who actually picks on or criticizes fat girls to their face.
    I've never witnessed it, even when I watch reality shows or sitcoms girls usually get criticism for sexual promiscuity from the group (both boys and girls) but physical criticisms were always from other girls. Boys just didn't mess with girls because it was right up there with not hitting them. Picking on girls made you look weak and from what I've observed it carries over into adulthood. Are big people in general marginalized and ignored? Absolutely. But outward criticism? I've never witnessed or heard about it especially with women. Now men on the other hand is another story. It's societally acceptable to confront and pick on men.
    Like if two guys get into a fight and one is 6'2 240 and the other is 5'6 160 and the 6'2 beats the shit out of the 5'6 dude rarely will anyone chastise the bigger guy for beating the shit out of the smaller dude. Now let it be that same 6'2 guy and a woman 5'9 220. Even if she started even if she had a weapon most have the mentality that she shouldn't be hit no matter what because we instantly think of women as victims even in cases where they're not.
  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Sorry can't quote properly from this damn phone. Well I'm too lazy to

    I don't think nico or the others were being as straightfoward as simple criticisms to the face. In many ways, that is easier to deal with.

    It is more subtle and complex, institutionalized stuff and societal expectations.
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I've been insulted to my face for my weight.

    I've had friends insulted to their faces for their weight.

    I've sat in classes when the topic came up, and heard from other women I don't even KNOW talk about being insulted to their faces for their weight.

    Either you aren't paying any real attention to it, or you need a hearing aid, MF. ;)

    It's definitely socially more acceptable to be a fat guy, and you can see evidence of that in the way Hollywood responds. Just look at the TV! You can look on any website, and you'll see overweight guys with skinny girls... King of Queens, anyone? Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl. There are others.

    But, you better believe people flipped their shit with Mike and Molly. And then look at the way Jessica Simpson was treated when she put on a few pounds- it was disgusting! and Tyra Banks called fat in her bikini. Kirstie Alley gets followed about her weight. Oprah. Renee Zellweiger. I could go on.

    That's the example we set in this country- freaking out abut people's weight and shaming them for it, thinking that it's going to 'inspire' them to lose weight, when it does the exact opposite. That's part of the problem- people learn this sort of bullshit from the media. Then they think it's okay to see me walking down the street and oink. Or make comments to me walking out of a club. Or throw me out of a party.

    No one picks on overweight women to their faces...psh. GTFO with that craziness.
  11. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    you are right that anyone can put anything on wiki, however, wiki has been proven HIGHLY accurate!
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok little miss victim you can untwist your panties for a second and actually read what I wrote. I said if it happens I'm totally unware of it. No one in my immediate circle does that. Maybe it has to do with the litigious nature of the NYC area where people sue over hot coffee and no being complimented when their friends are it's not something I see in my life. The media examples you used were poor. Those people make their millions based on how they look. The examples of the fat guys with skinny women are sitcoms genius they're not documentaries or even romantic dramas. It's meant to be funny. Remember television suppers fantasy not reality. It's not suppose to potray authentic life situations. They cater to what people want to see so. Btw you have shows like Drop Dead Diva that potray a big girl as desirable and it seems to be doing well.
    From what I've observed women seem to give other women a way harder time about being big than men do. Like I said men usually just ignore them like they don't exist unless they're forced to acknowledge them because of their hotter friend. And again maybe you see something I don't because you are bigger woman but as a man I don't. Truthfully as an adult I don't really see anyone get teased and the big guys you use as examples are FAMOUS they don't count. Without fame or money there's no planet in this solar system where Jay-Z could get Beyonce but he's famous so he doesn't count.
    I just don't see the outward ostracization. Maybe being overlooked socially but in this world where looks are everyhinf many people are overlooked. Shit you know how much it sucks when girls naturally gravitated to my friends 6'2 and above in hs or how guys like that are more likely to get promotions over me or are just more likely to have a better life based in their height but it doesn't make me curl up and cry. Maybe you live in the most immature part of the country because grown as people don't do that around here.
  13. Nico

    Nico Banned


    People trip on Jessica Simpson, Tyra Banks, and they've been criticizing Jennifer Hudson since she first stepped into the game.

    While nobody gives two shits about Vince Vaughn or Zack Galifinakis.

    Like I've said before, I'm amazed that we really have to explain this and give examples.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    First off Vince Vaughn is not fat and secondly you compared two comedians to two singers and a model. Horrible example. Fat people in general aren't seen as sex symbols because the amount of people who would prefer them over a healthy athletic or thin person is almost bordering on fringe.
  15. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    They acted a movie for crying out loud unless you are telling me they were an item in real life. You have big women who openly say they like their men not to be fat and give very shallow reasons like 2 people can't fuck or that's just my preference, yet let a Fat Dude dare say those words and big women are mad and say" how dare you say you don't like fat girls?" I'm sorry but big women have a decent amount of admirers be it fetish or for real, fat men don't(and if you have realized i use fat for the men and big for the women because if you call a big woman fat she feels insulted):cool:
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is guessing since you are earning money training you know better than to tell her she needs to lose more than 10-15lbs;-) an intelligent man although few and far between knows that a woman is well aware of what the scale says...until a woman makes up her mind to do something for herself and it isn't just about losing weight but a lifestyle change then discussing it 6 days to sunday really doesn't accomplish anything
  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Hollywood gives people what they want....they pay close attention to us and vise versa. If Rachel McAdams put on 20lbs and tried to work opposite Brad Pitt people would freak.... but pair a chubby Russell Crowe on screen with a svelt leading lady and no one said boo. But, oh wait, is that a dimple on Scarlett Johannsons ass? Investigate!
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Start with a Red Pancake and Blue Waffle diet.

  19. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Word and why is Hollywood being brought here? I am saying that in REAL life there are more bbw sites than there are fat men, sites anybody who tells me otherwise has got it twisted and we should stop using Hollywood as the standard.:cool:
  20. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Because Hollywood and entertainment media generally sets the standards.

    Also lol at you calling bbw sites "REAL life". Does this mean I can go to a foot fetish site and assume the average person thinks that way?

    Millions of people follow Hollywood, only a handful visit bbw sites.

    Which one do you think is more relevant?

    I feel like I'm explaining things to a child...

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