football programs profitable or not and pay the players

Discussion in 'Sports' started by goodlove, May 26, 2011.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    football is especially expensive so why should we continue with this when money can be diverted to educating people who can afford college or hire more people to be educators.

    In the PISA exam that was conducted america scored badly. the PISA assessment stated if we increase our scores by 25 points within 25 years america can generate 41 trillion dollars in our economy. why do we need football or unprofitable programs
  2. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Yes. Funding for sports should be cut. Education is the thing which truly matters for us, not necessarily sports.,3343,en_2649_35845621_46567613_1_1_1_1,00.html

    Those are the PISA 2009 results for America. I'm about to read the link.

    The United States ranks 17th. Also, we could use some work with improving our ability especially with mathematics.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn (do you know how many knucklehead mothafuckas I went to school with, before going magnet :rolleyes:)

    drop all the money you want into education....there will always be street smarts and book smarts

    suggest watching the wire season 4 if you need a lesson

    if anything, sports such as football help keep boys off the streets, and puts them into something that will stick with them their entire life. No amount of reading money.cnn will illustrate that for you
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    True, money dont solve everything.....parental involvement would help more than anything. however, sports has not contributed alot to society. who needs sports. its just a form of entertainment. when america was in its nascent stages the vast majority of inventions was birthed during that time and long before the boob tube.

    if anything that should be extinguished is TV but that doesnt take billions of tax money away from schools.

    also we dont need billions of dollars going toward sports let em play at the park like those softball leagues after they read a book. LOL.

    you know what they say you want to hide your money put it in a book. bro's will never look there. LOL

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